I haven't watched the video... yet. Nor have I
Followed you...yet, but I will do both. First
Though, I must point out the poor taste
In asking people to come and follow
You. I think it is 'frowned' upon
(check the FAQ) and it really
Isn't productive. Post good,
Quality material, and they
Will come to your profile.
Now that this is out of
The way, I like that
You post upbeat
things, keep on
with the
I dOnT nOrMaLlY aSk PeOpLe To FoLlOw Me!
BuT I hOnEsTlY fElT mY pOsTs MiGhT bE oF iNtErEsT tO yOu!!!!!
I love your style, man! I’m not trying to imitate it!
This is more of a waveform. :-)
Anyway, thank you for the encouragement!
I’m not a spammer, nor am I here out of greed!!!
I feel compelled to bring my message because I feel that
I have discovered something that could benefit many people.
So let’s all flow with the waves of the ocean
And enjoy this beautiful space
Original meme
Beautiful quote! 🙂 Thanks for your interaction and feedback.