Starting now you could be entered to win this whale carved by yours truly. It is 1ft tall, sculpted from white pine, refined and painted.
The rules are simple. To be entered in this giveaway raffle you must be one of my followers, upvote this post, and resteem.
The winner will be randomly chosen from those who followed the simple rules of the raffle. Announcing winner in 7 days, Monday April 9th.
I will ship to the winner at no charge anywhere in the world.
Good luck and thanks for looking
An update with listing of entries. These are the users that followed the directions to the giveaway properly. Remember folks you must upvote, resteem this post and follow me in order for a chance to win the baby whale sculpture. Here's a list of those that did it properly so far:
6 days ago by @offgridlife
6 days ago by @shadflyfilms
6 days ago by @justant
6 days ago by @leemlaframboise
6 days ago by @thermoplastic
5 days ago by @sharenow
5 days ago by @damianpellejero
5 days ago by @missysheshe86
5 dayss ago by @wildlocusthoney
5 dayss ago by @armadilloman
5 dayss ago by @jason7282
5 dayss ago by @gangresteem
5 dayss ago by @mdrakibhasan
4 dayss ago by @sharesomenews
4 dayss ago by @bestboom
4 dayss ago by @liberyworms
4 dayss ago by @profanereviews
3 days ago by @hugo4u
3 days ago by @riverflows
3 days ago by @emergehealthier
17 hours ago by @yager411
16 hours ago by @elleok
Only a few hours left until the winner is chosen
2 days ago by @hugo4u
2 days ago by @riverflows
2 days ago by @emergehealthier
Now I didn't get the amount of feedback I was looking for, probably because people never bothered to read the post. I should have worded the title different. However there will be a winner still, and I will come through on my word even though its a loss. Thank you all who participated.
Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I linked and mentioned this article with proper accreditation in my most recent post! Hopefully it helps you get some exposure! Have a good Sunday!
Wow great work! I'm sorry you didn't get the feedback you were looking for (and definitely deserve)!
Anyway awesome work you do and hope to win that thing! Thanks for doing this giveaway!
Its ok, I'll know what to do in the next giveaway. And if that doesn't work then I'll just share my work. It will gain momentum eventually
Great work!
Every year here at the Northern Manitoba Trappers Festival they have a chainsaw carving competition and the auction off the carvings. It definitely takes talent!
Upvoted, Resteemed and Followed, I look forward to seeing more of your carvings. 😃👍🏼
@leemlaframboise thank you. I run 2 similar competitions myself in the summer here in NY. Will be writing an article on them as well.
It would be interesting to see a video of you using the chainsaw to carve a sculpture. You could put on Dtube.
@emergehealthier I've done a few videos and try to film most of my bigger projects. Here's a piece I carved a few years ago. Video produced by myself as well..Wow! You are amazing!
Awesome! Will you be Steeming those competitions and article?
If you're interested here is a bit of the chainsaw carving contest from February. chainsaw carving contest
Yes, we are in our 6th year for the one I started, and the other I took over a few years ago. Both are fantastic events and getting more popular every year. I have tons of footage to share.
Bellissimo articolo :-) Buona giornata
I hope I can get this as a gift from you! Thanks for sharing this nice art piece!
Upvoted, Resteemed and Followed, Cheers!@jonatftforest You actually done this is in a Chain saw? Oh that is really awesome! Its alot of hard work and very nice art piece you had created! Very fine workmanship! Thumbs UP!
@jonatftforest, oh this looks like when it was still in raw and production time. Any photos showing its progress? How many days do you need to craft such a nice scruplture...?
#chainsawart #chainsawshale #Chainsawstatue @news @art @trending
It was a fairly quick carve, it took about an hour total. Sorry the only other picture I have of it is this one after sanding and shadowing.
Looking at how this sculture is being crafted, it shows the artist is full of patience to craft this art piece. Using a chainsaw is a tough tool & i wonder how you actually cut into the smaller details?
This post is resteemed and upvoted by @bestboom
great work upvoted and resteemed.
That's really cool. Have you ever been to Chetwynd, BC? We did a post on my other account about it.
That would be cool if we come across one that you did on an upcoming post.
Followed, upvoted and resteemed.
Awesome, haven't been yet no but I plan on it. My friends do though and it's a great show as well so I'm told. I'm gathering pictures and ideas for my 2 shows this week. Hopefully get it put together soon. Thank you by the way
Awesome.... followed..... upvoted and resteemed
@offgridlife thank you
great - and good that it is shared on other platforms also.
upvoted (for all my 2 cents worth) and resteemed
Thank you, I shared it also in another group, with a good amount of feedback. Making progress!
Awesome work and a great give-away! Definitely following for more :)
@artzanolino thank you
Incredible work!
@shadflyfilms thank you much
Excellent article. I subscribed to your blog. I will follow your news.
Good luck to you!Hi @jonatftforest I will be grateful if you subscribe to my blog @user2627
@user2627 thank you
@duplibot this is another one who has been copy & paste commenting. It looks like he's been warned as well. Why am I attracting these users? Should I flag this as well?
Very nice and great work!
@chriskolow thank you
You have got amazing talent!
@wildlocusthoney much appreciated...more to come
This is quite cute!
@jason7282 thank you, looking forward to seeing how this post gains followers...I'm hopeful
Hopefully, you gain many since you're giving to the community. I don't see this type of art often so I find it asthetically pleasing.
at first see that animal i dont no ,what category animal . thanks sir .
It is a baby whale
You are very good, so you have got this whale lottery. It is very nice.
@rana2 thank you
This is gorgeous! If i tried to do that I would probably chainsaw my arm... 🤣🤣🤣
@riverflows thank you, it can be scary with the larger saws but the detail saws are easy and very safe to use. Your legs would be the most vulnerable, that's why we wear safety gear/chaps.
My husband is the chainsaw boss. I really need to be brave enough to let him show me do it. How can I be a real woman if I cant use a chainsaw?
My wife has carved a few things, but she won't touch the big saws. Here she is carving from awhile back
She hasn't carved much since our son was born a couple years ago. But does want to badly
Thanks for this!! Now thats inspiring!! How old is your son? Kids definitely keep you busy.
But taking after daddy! I love that little man!@riverflows you are most welcome, my son turned 2 in October and boy is he a handful.
Oh sooo cute!!! My son is now 20.... every moment is so precious!!!
excessive comments such as this. I told the community about this and they responded by downvoting the reputation below zero. A new post was made and I replied politely asking to stop.^--- @tomole444 continues to make
@tomole444 refuses to listen to the community and continues with this excessive spamming.
create bandwidth problems for minnows.Please consider flagging this @tomole444 comment to make it clear that the community rejects these excessive comments which
Upvote this commentsuperfluous comments. to support @duplibot and help reduce spam and
@duplibot should I mute him?
I'm hoping you shouldn't have to since he's getting filtered anyway, or the real hope is that it stops.
Agreed, glad to see abuse or spamming isn't tolerated here. Thank you
could it be that this f***face has his spam set to auto-post - then we never get rid of it!
@thermoplastic I know right, looked at his comments and they are all exactly the same. No wonder there's a zero next to his name.