CryptoKitty Poetry Challenge ~ Winner Announcement [5 Free Duck Cats]

in #giveaway7 years ago

Welcome to CATURDAY NIGHT FEVER! A series of Kitty Giveaways. Wait, what's going on? Well, I have too many CryptoKitties, so I'm giving a bunch of them away to fellow Steemians. I saw that @berniesanders was giving away a fancy cat yesterday... and thought... just 1? This is the season of giving! Cats make for purrrrfect holiday presents. Let's up the ante :P


Check out the Duck Cat Winners below! Winners, please comment in this post with your CryptoKitty address to receive your Fancy Cat :) thanks for playing the CryptoKitty Poetry Challenge! Your new Fancy Cats will arrive shortly...

Winning Haiku
by @guiltyparties

Cyber cat army
Cost a bloody ETH fortune
Must recoup costs now

Winning Poem
by @dbzfan4awhile

Fancy and Free

Fear me o wind,
You are nature’s harbinger of cold wintry days ahead,
The peaceful nights amid
The howling chill of nature’s desperate voice treads
Lightly down the unforgiving path...
Long-lasting it’s voice flows free a flimsy dance
That flits a bit in quiet wrath,
The turning pirouette possibly it’s last Summer chance.
Then the Duck Cat prances in,
Hips subtly swinging and tail flicking and wiggling...
Playful eyes twinkle and spin
As the cold breeze tickles again against her belly, giggling,
Singing a love song to the fanciest Cat,
Hoping for their souls to match pace and breed
A lifetime of “I Love Yous” and idle chit-chat...
The Duck Cat laughs her tinkling laugh at each good deed...
For you see, my sweet reader friends,
The Duck Cat made the wind grow loving and warm,
And here the tail flicks and the tale ends
As the wind now shows the Summer warmth and charm.

Winning Poem
by @kubbyelizabeth

Oh crypto kitty,
What a pity to miss a pretty kitty.

Kitty duck, bring me much luck. Some say they suck, but I dare say Kitty duck I love ya.

Cha-cha with me kitty duck. I love ya. Don't freeze on me, dance with me, and delete all the unbeliever bee's.

Cha-cha with me kitty duck. Our dance will win me a caturday night fever! Fever achiever, named her kitty, bubby kubby.

Will she find a hubby?

Not without a duck kitty, chuck! So, wish me luck, pick my deluxe, please give my comment an ups!

Winning Poem
by @miraimage

Once upon a time in a land far away
There was a duck and a kitty that wanted to play
Their friendship quickly evolved to much more
Life without each other became such a bore
Everyone said their love wasn’t right
So, they decided to run away into the night
To a cabin they found by a large oak tree
They knew here that their love could be free
And after a night filled with beautiful love
A gift was created from God above
This tiny little bundle half mom and half dad
Was perfect union of love they had

Winning Poem
by @steemkitties

You have so many Kitties you're giving some away! 🐈
If I could earn 1 it would just make my day.

When I first heard about these Kitties I jumped right in
but the learning was steep, and I tried with no win.

Try after try of " this Kitty's been sold "
and failed transactions left me with less Gold.

Paying with ETH was new to me you see
if you don't get the Kitty you still pay the fee.

Hours and hours of finding no glee
then a Poker friend said, " man I'll send 1 for free! "

So started my journey of Kitties with me
maybe I can slip a couple under the tree?

You're giving a Fancy Kitty, A DuCat with wings
until CryptoKitties who heard of such things?

Steemster's are Great people they give for no reason
except for the fact were in Holiday Season 🎄

Merry Christmas Everybody 🎅

Thanks for Playing!


Thanks for playing CATURDAY NIGHT FEVER! Enjoy your new Kitties :P



I'm so excited to have won! Thank you so much

Thank you for playing :)
Your kitty is on the way!!

Thank you so much @lgm-1, I'm so very excited to give this guy a good home!!

Here's my Wallet Address: 0x3b4b1043da54d96a48685b0465dfde5694385118

Thanks! Your Duck Cat is en route to it's new home :D

Got it! It's awesome! Thanks!



Already sent! Your kitty should have arrived :)

Congrats to all the winners!

Thank you julia, couldn't have won without you telling me about this account!

Bagus, saya suka postingan anda terima kasih telah berbagi

image @lgm-1

What you said....LOL

I'm over Joyed to have won, You are the best :-) I will cherish and not breed this lovely Kitty and maybe pass it along to a Grandson when ready.
Life is so much better with generous people like you. Crypto shall kill the greedy people some day. I'm not sure how, but I do know why.
Merry Christmas Sweetness
You have made my day :-)