
My recommendation is simply to put your idle tokens on #HiveEngine (except SWAP.HIVE and SWAP.HBD) on token liquidity pairs which (you think) have relatively frequent trades. 🤓


revolverocelotyt, savvytester sent you LUV. 🙂 (5/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Well that requires some research and will try you kind of right.

It's as easy removing liquidity on token pairs on #HiveEngine as putting liquidity into them, so you have one less thing to worry about when thinking about adding liquidity to token pairs. 🤓


Thank you for the solid advice.

You should check your #HiveEngine wallet from time to time to see if you have idle tokens (except SWAP.HIVE and SWAP.HBD) that you can put (for free) to liquidity pools. 🤓


@savvytester, sorry!

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HUG in walletcalls per day