Giveaway! Hurry up, only five days left for SEMUX giveaway to BTC holders!

in #giveaway7 years ago (edited)

Money should make money, don’t you agree?

Semux is an innovative high-performance
blockchain platform powered by
Semux BFT consensus algorithm.


Too many buzz words? If you are interested to know more you can find all the information on the official website: or ask me commenting this post. Here is an official wiki for you also:

Some brief details on distribution of this new crypto:


I would only say that for me this is one of the most promising projects I have seen lately!

How to get SEMUX?

There are many ways, which inlude Bitcointalk signature campaign, bugs finding and BTC holders airdrop (see the picture above or read here: ).
For now I just wanted to say that if you had any BTC in your wallet on August 10, 2017, you can have some decent money (well, depends on how many BTC you had ;D

Anyways, if you had any BTC in your wallet you can check how many SEM coins you can claim here:


What you need to do is to download wallet, install it and get semux address (don't forget to backup

You can download wallet for you OS here:

(needs Java and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package for Windows users)


Go to this google form:


Fill in your SEMUX address, your BTC address, sign a message with your SEMUX address and put that message in the form. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy! Next distribution (around weekend) you have to get your coins.

Why would I need these SEMUX coins you ask?

Currently SEMs are not traded on any exchange yet. But... Even OTC price is around $2 at the moment.
For each BTC you had in Aug, 10 you gonna get 30 SEM. You can do the math ;D

When it will be traded anywhere besides OTC discord channel, in my opinion this coin will be worth much more. So, I would claim and hodl or vote for pools.
Still not convinced? Look at NEO chart (BFT consensus too):



Official website: Github: Twitter: Discord: Telegram: Bitcointalk ANN thread:

Got any questions?

Read FAQ:


Ask here!

Happy claiming and stay rich :D

If you liked my post, please don’t forget to upvote, follow and comment.

You might also want to check absolutely awesome blog of @mindsoul

Cheers and have a great day!
Sincerely yours, @richman


nice bitcoin post thank for shearing

You welcome!
Follow me @richman for more interesting posts ;)

Bitcoin is a remarkable achievement in the field of cryptography, and its ability to create something that can not be duplicated (faked) in the digital world is of great importance.

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