Hi Folks it's Monday again. Welcome to the second round Blue Monday SBD Give Away! This is to ensure your Monday is never blue again...
Mondays can be such drab days, so I've done some thinking... Why not start have a give away on Monday. Why? So that we all can be in a better mood. I will be boosting this one with 1 SBD.
Mondays can be blue...
Now let us chase blues away...
SBD for free!
- Giveaway Closes: 10h00 GMT - Friday, 10 August 2018
- You must be my FOLLOWER to participate (Psssst!!! ...so now is a great time to press the follow button)
- UPVOTE the post - ALL SBD will be share among the compliant accounts!!
- Include #BLUE in the COMMENT section.
- RESTEEM not required, but it’s a great way to be kind to yourself!

Thank you for not making our Monday #BLUE...
You're most welcome @shanu!
Thank you very much! #BLUE
Hi @rlt47 thank you for your kindness and for making our monday #BLUE....
You're most welcome @yhel21