I have been very busy lately and therefore wasn't able to post content on Steemit from past few days. In order to keep my audience posted regularly, I thought of creating a telegram channel where I can post regular cryptocurrency news and reviews and hence keep everyone updated about the latest happenings in the crypto world.
The aim behind creating this channel is to share all the major news and updates in the easiest and quickest manner possible as it will be practically impossible to write a post on every single thing.
Link to my Telegram Channel: Altcoin Blog
Here is what you can expect from my channel:
- Updates about upcoming ICOs and their whitelist notifications
- My personal ICO Recommendations and reviews
- Market news and updates
- Altcoin news and major events (token burn, exchange listing, development releases etc)
I don't want to spam anyone through my channel and only wish to share relevant information which I feel is worthy to be shared and can impact price actions of various cryptocurrencies and sometimes entire cryptocurrency market as a whole.
As a goodwill gesture, I would love to give free upvotes to everyone who joins my channel. All you need to do is to leave a comment with your telegram username after joining the channel. Thank you everyone for your love and support.
This is great. I'll follow up on the updates. Just joined the telegram channel and my name is Mister
Thanks a lot, I hope my channel will help you stay up to date with all the latest info.
Im writing to introduce myself in Steemit since i just landed in the community, hope you like it, soon on ;)
Regards from Canary IslandHello @sagarthukral, Thank you for your help and great work. I already joined to your telegram chanel, my user is @kilianparadise
Thank you for your support :)
You re welcome, and thumb up for you!!!!
Just joined your Telegram! Un: @chucknasty
Thanks for your support :)
Great work mate! Joined your TG: @therid1
Thanks for your support.
Great! Idea there bro.
Thanks mate, hope you have joined the telegram channel :)
I buy into the idea. Keep it up bro
Thanks for your support.
Nice idea creating the channel. Hey! I just joined your telegram channel: @stann2 (telegram username)
Thanks for your support :)
Maybe you can write one post have serverhall news. Of Course the telegram is alerting in the spot of time, But maybe still a good idea to write one steemit post, e.g at the end of the day, to sum up all the news you posted on telegram Chanel.
Btw .. I am trying to use the link above, into your post , to link to your telegram, but telegram tells me that user no longer found (?!)
I am not full time into crypto and therefore managing time is an issue, you can join the below telegram link:
It is of the youtuber Crypto Coins, a very intelligent man and a gentle personality. I am also an admin to his group and I share my opinions over there and we have a very good group of people who talk about serious stuff and not just moon and lambo. https://t.me/crypto0coins
I am on now :) hope to be a Good guest :)