Please consider to vote on this poll
Each of the 156 total qualified participants received payout
Number of participants that weren't qualified 37
At the end of the post there is a table with how much you contributed(Paid those with >=0.0005sbd, hit ctl+F to find your name)
I also have a delegation and an upvote service in case your are interested check this post:
Thank you for your support ;)
neonartist, kiokizz, steinhammer, qam2112, soorefunmi, getstuffdun, machroezar, reidlist, kaisekamaye, liketimmy, kiobot, sbi7, porn.hunter, andreja, brosol, whipped-cream, artsygoddess, curly-q, cobran, mayy, magdalilith, isangel, demy, cym, tatioberegova, zendu, soran, fiba, nonamet, akf, rg8, smyrna, byt, netti, reiber18, mden, agel, rowanne, osbeorn, bagrat, twoo, onex, cemi, zarf, mozo, aarz, kran, aanz, jjqf, luisamundaray, berkutas, omarbalzar, onionking, panira, aniketmore1925, approximate, kumo, susyoke, arbaazshaikh10, tradqwik, ibrah87, leopenuela18, almg2007, dirur, lagrem, zyamtorres, divyajoshi, bantai, masjenk, ambarabby, aferi, cst90, vida-blanca, googl, vjoel, gbindinazeez, tipitip, freeopensource, pssf84, suanky, jcipher, stefannikolov, smashville, memeguru, clevelandindians, hollmaner, atombot, kantzone, rela, hesterlee, ilovehorses, preetisadia, airhighness, watered, red788, hiilz, deadlyvesy, iownawhitevan, tokers, wesred, tennesseevols, aw3some, flagrantfoul, whe3a1z, darthgexe,, chuckeroni, lifesurfer, bigbudz, wallyg, frisbee, flannigan, raspi, donotpassgo, rollepolle, zoho, oglestein, wtf-is-happening, barren, photobeau, elephantfeet, secretsauce, greatplanetearth, spicandspan,, sacryptocollect, bigwoo, iampam, friscomelt, zoomans, gsegovia, oatey, randybow, webono, tuha.lapan, jbow, tepthrow, oneword, sarahl, keyless, candelabra, raidford, peurot, bigoplanes, naturoll, sojourn, senorsteem, dawgchow, tinkster, sidhayre, syahryzal, buitumbon, rufruf, freeupvotes, darnhiel, basav
bohkuda, russellferris, virtualself, piccola.valeria, poyim, celerino, jimybpt, prionblues, said78, macadoojr, odorless, orionhit7, psi.acastillo, reggaecare,, thezzie, erfell, builderemory, tonymullins, blockchainlives, bitmaster177, onefatindian, webik, babysavage, khairanisa, wolet, ibrasteem, empororofnaps, asrizalmustafa, empererofnaps, asrizal, oadissin, tech-news, inlakech, joel0101, prey, xdo-no
This kind of giveaways are possible thanks to:
@kiokizz -software development
@neonartist,@kiokizz,@steinhammer -high contributors
wolet, 0,0001
oadissin, 0,0001
asrizal, 0,0001
asrizalmustafa, 0,0001
inlakech, 0,0001
ibrasteem, 0,0001
joel0101, 0,0001
prey, 0,0001
tech-news, 0,0001
empororofnaps, 0,0001
empererofnaps, 0,0001
xdo-no, 0,0001
webik, 0,0002
blockchainlives, 0,0002
onefatindian, 0,0002
khairanisa, 0,0002
bitmaster177, 0,0002
babysavage, 0,0002
tonymullins, 0,0003
psi.acastillo, 0,0003
reggaecare, 0,0003, 0,0003
odorless, 0,0003
orionhit7, 0,0003
builderemory, 0,0003
thezzie, 0,0003
erfell, 0,0003
jimybpt, 0,0004
bohkuda, 0,0004
said78, 0,0004
poyim, 0,0004
russellferris, 0,0004
piccola.valeria, 0,0004
virtualself, 0,0004
macadoojr, 0,0004
prionblues, 0,0004
celerino 0,0004
candelabra, 0,0005
gsegovia, 0,0005
peurot, 0,0005
syahryzal, 0,0005
buitumbon, 0,0005
freeupvotes, 0,0005
raidford, 0,0005
darnhiel, 0,0005
darthgexe, 0,0005
sarahl, 0,0005
oneword, 0,0005, 0,0005
greatplanetearth, 0,0005
dawgchow, 0,0005
secretsauce, 0,0005
rufruf, 0,0005
basav, 0,0005
zoho, 0,0005
chuckeroni, 0,0005
webono, 0,0005, 0,0005
oglestein, 0,0005
sojourn, 0,0005
senorsteem, 0,0005
photobeau, 0,0005
barren, 0,0005
flagrantfoul, 0,0005
whe3a1z, 0,0005
sidhayre, 0,0005
sacryptocollect, 0,0005
tuha.lapan, 0,0005
deadlyvesy, 0,0005
wtf-is-happening, 0,0005
iownawhitevan, 0,0005
bigbudz, 0,0005
aw3some, 0,0005
elephantfeet, 0,0005
wesred, 0,0005
lifesurfer, 0,0005
wallyg, 0,0005
tennesseevols, 0,0005
flannigan, 0,0005
frisbee, 0,0005
bigwoo, 0,0005
hiilz, 0,0005
red788, 0,0005
tokers, 0,0005
tinkster, 0,0005
spicandspan, 0,0005
tepthrow, 0,0005
oatey, 0,0005
friscomelt, 0,0005
bigoplanes, 0,0005
iampam, 0,0005
donotpassgo, 0,0005
raspi, 0,0005
rollepolle, 0,0005
jbow, 0,0005
randybow, 0,0005
naturoll, 0,0005
keyless, 0,0005
zoomans, 0,0005
googl, 0,0006
approximate, 0,0006
cobran, 0,0006
tradqwik, 0,0006
kantzone, 0,0006
preetisadia, 0,0006
ambarabby, 0,0006
tipitip, 0,0006
cst90, 0,0006
suanky, 0,0006
aniketmore1925, 0,0006
masjenk, 0,0006
tatioberegova, 0,0006
pssf84, 0,0006
stefannikolov, 0,0006
omarbalzar, 0,0006
memeguru, 0,0006
panira, 0,0006
ibrah87, 0,0006
jjqf, 0,0006
leopenuela18, 0,0006
magdalilith, 0,0006
kumo, 0,0006
jcipher, 0,0006
lagrem, 0,0006
atombot, 0,0006
mayy, 0,0006
vida-blanca, 0,0006
demy, 0,0006
fiba, 0,0006
soran, 0,0006
zendu, 0,0006
vjoel, 0,0006
nonamet, 0,0006
arbaazshaikh10, 0,0006
smyrna, 0,0006
rg8, 0,0006
akf, 0,0006
cym, 0,0006
byt, 0,0006
zyamtorres, 0,0006
onionking, 0,0006
ilovehorses, 0,0006
osbeorn, 0,0006
rowanne, 0,0006
agel, 0,0006
mden, 0,0006
berkutas, 0,0006
bagrat, 0,0006
cemi, 0,0006
onex, 0,0006
twoo, 0,0006
netti, 0,0006
mozo, 0,0006
zarf, 0,0006
aarz, 0,0006
aferi, 0,0006
kran, 0,0006
dirur, 0,0006
isangel, 0,0006
aanz, 0,0006
susyoke, 0,0006
gbindinazeez, 0,0006
clevelandindians, 0,0006
bantai, 0,0006
airhighness, 0,0006
reiber18, 0,0006
almg2007, 0,0006
smashville, 0,0006
watered, 0,0006
rela, 0,0006
hesterlee, 0,0006
luisamundaray, 0,0006
freeopensource, 0,0006
divyajoshi, 0,0006
hollmaner, 0,0006
curly-q, 0,0007
artsygoddess, 0,0007
whipped-cream, 0,0008
andreja, 0,0008
brosol, 0,0008
porn.hunter, 0,0009
sbi7, 0,001
kiobot, 0,0011
liketimmy, 0,0012
reidlist, 0,0013
kaisekamaye, 0,0013
machroezar, 0,0015
getstuffdun, 0,0015
soorefunmi, 0,0016
qam2112, 0,0019
steinhammer, 0,0046
kiokizz, 0,0054
neonartist, 0,0417
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