
Transferring HBD to any other Hive account (whether owned by users or by exchanges) is free, but fees occur and depend on which third-party exchange you use to convert your HBD to other currencies. 🤓 !LUV !wine

Where can we convert HBD to other currencies? I guess you mean to altcoins? Or can we exchange to Fiat directly? !wine

I mean "either fiat currencies or other cryptocurrencies" when I refer to "other currencies". 😅 !WEED !wine

So, we can convert HBD directly to Fiat? !wine

That's if at least one of the centralized exchanges that you use support that conversion. 🤓 !wine

I actually only use Binance.... !wine

I think that most (if not all) exchanges would not support directly converting HBD to fiat. 🤔 You would have to go through an intermediary currency first (such as USDT) which will incur fees whose rate depends on the exchange that you use. 🤓 !PGM !LUV


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