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RE: 5sbd GIVEAWAY - #happythought

in #giveaway7 years ago (edited)

If you have everything and do nothing. More does the one that does not have.I've never seen a contest like this. But it is very well thought out. Money is not everything in life, you must think that God exists and that you can not do anything without Him. Everything is done by your will, I am from Venezuela and life, here is not easy, but there are people who smile, even if the world approaches them and they say that all is not lost, only that with these mangoes I am happy. and I see them smile calmly. I work every day, it's not bad for me, but it's not good either. I only do what many do not do, despite everything, I help those who can. Sometimes it is not good to have everything, because you forget the best of life and it is the love of your family, that warmth between brothers. although there are people who do not have But life is a bomerang, everything comes back. Give without waiting and have help without worrying about tomorrow. Money is not everything, life is like the birds of the sky that do not work and God feeds them every day. Let's take advantage of the time before it's too late. It is a thought for everyone. I hope you like it. Happy day #happythought