Are you giving your best, but receiving only Cents on the $ for your posts? Everybody knows this, you have been working on your masterpiece for two days, you were sure that you wrote about something with great value to the community, but nobody seems to see your post.
While browsing and reading as many topics i could, i came across a lot authors, who are writing awesome Posts but didn't earn a lot on Steemit.
I am voting many of the up, mostly before 30 Minutes have passed so they can get most of my curation reward.
Don't get me wrong, the system of Steemit is beautiful, but there are many many authors whom in my point of view deserve a bit more attention and a share of the earnings. (this might change, once we got more users joining the system)
I was fortunate enough to earn some payout (5000$, 107$, 200$, 300$) and i as i still seem to be able to earn more in the future, so i would like to propose to the Steemit community, to give back a little of their earnings.
Everybody can decide how much he/she is able to spare, and everybody decides whom to send a little $$ to (I am sure you have seen that post, where you thought, damn that post is great, why is (s)he is only getting 23Cents?)
You earned some money, lets say 2800$. Why not share 1-10% of that SMDs you received with authors whom were not so lucky?
I received around 150 Steem $ for this Post so as of today, i will transfer 10% of all earnings on Steemit to others in the Steemit Community.
You don't have to be a big earner to participate, every Cent/Penny counts!!
I know that i am not the first one to do this , i have seen whales giving away SMD or Steem to others, i have seen users who have transferred to others, so this is already happening.
I was lucky to earn a lot shortly after i joined, so this kept me going, improving my posts, so i hope that through this initiate, we can support good writers to continue to improve, write more, get noticed and start earning on Steemit and create great content for Steemit (in the end it will be a win-win for all of us)
If you are an Author: Just use the TAG #giveback if you like to be seen!!
100% of the earnings of this post will be re-distributed to other writers, so if you like this idea, please give an up vote!
Paging @piedpiper @donkeypong @stellabelle @kevinwong @itsascam @smooth @berniesanders and all the other great Steemians !!
I have started paying out the first amounts to some people. these are my selections, everybody should just chose whom to send the Steem $ to.
First 15 SBD have been paid to people i think need it.
30 SBD already paid out !
The fact that anyone needs to donate to "fix" the system means that the system may need tweaking to improve its curation incentives. In other words, it might be better to just improve the system instead of organizing donation campaigns.
Now, don't get me wrong, I've proposed some donations as well (the other day a "gem list" had like 1000+ usd while the gems had nothing - and I proposed to the gem list author to channel some of the money to the gem authors). But it's not how it should be done in the long run. The problem will only get worse with an increasing userbase and content getting buried faster.
hi alex,
i am sure in the near future, the dev team will find a solution to better make people view new posts.
i think the success of steeemit, so many new people signing on, is a reason for this problem.
we might not do it in the long run, but in the short term, i think its a viable option to help each other out.
Still waiting for this
Best comments goes to jayfox -> already sent 5 SBD and capitalism for suggesting it -> another 5 SBD already sent
so far i have paid out 10% of my earnings from my last posts to
elyaque 4.5
timsaid 5
mindfreak 2.5
capitalism 17
xcode18 2.5
hagie 2.5
msutyler 5
steemit-recipes 5.492
spiritual3 3.873
jayfox 5
and another 90SBD still pending while i am looking for good authors whom are struggling.
I will update this list, so please vote this one up. so its stays in position one!
Danke dir man :D die Aktion ist echt richtig gut hast du was dagegen wenn auch andere das so umsetzen?
It's such a wonderful idea. As a writer myself, this would motivate me so much to come up with even better content! Thank you so much for doing this!
With love,
From the minnows... :)
hi ! thanks !
yes thats the intention, to help everybody to give their very best...
my own posts were so bad in the beginning ;) no pictures. no format. bad english. i am improving everyday !
so if we all do help each other, Steemit will be the Number 1 platform for any kind of content oneday!
That's what's needed of steemit and the world in general! :)
Hey knoxaki2015,
that's a great idea. Currently I am working on something and when finished I will publish it with #giveback. My earnings from the next post will be spread among users who deserve it. Why I will do so? Because I know that feeling. And I know I will change the way I am on Steemit. :)
hey tim ! great you are joining. the more people we help out, the more great content we will receive.
so i will vote as much as i can. and spread part of my earnings!
i am following you now !
Thank you! Following you too. Hope my next work won't be disappointing
Just posted under the giveback tag.
great ! hopefully in german?
...und mein zweiter post unter dem #giveback tag
danke !
gern geschehen.
Was muss ich machen? Ich checks nicht.
ich benutze auch craigrant als Tag an zweiter oder dritter Steller, so kommst eben in eine Gruppe rein die fuer dich upvoted. Du machst das natuerlich auch im Gegenzug, so wird aus einem kleinen Post schnell mal ein ganz grosser.
This is exactly what differs steemit from other communities. I've never seen so much generous people who literally care about other people at a place before. I'm convinced that steemit will succeed, if we are able to keep that spirit.
yeah, i think its because once you start earning, and learn how to do it, its just amazing to see how you can earn money. so giving something back doesnt hurt you, and it will make you friends and finally benefit steemit, as people will help each other and grow steemit !
Neat idea but I'm gonna decline the invitation. I already vote on other people's content, promote other people's work, and spend most of my time on Steemit helping newcomers. My first month was very slow in the earnings department but that's normal. It takes time to develop a reputation and audience. Anyone that's honest and serious here can do just fine without charity. I did a video about this here.
hi piedpiper,
yes i know you are supporting others! so everybody has his own ways.
so keep up the great work with your videos !
That is a good message and hopefully people learn to follow it
hello jusan !
thank you ! i will try to give back to many different people ;)
Wow! I'm absolutely floored by this idea. It's awesome. I upvoted immediately as soon as I saw it.
I hope that everyone else will too.
Also please consider combining it with this...
thank you william, i will be waiting for people to use #giveback and start sending SMD to them, if they have great content but are not fortunate enough to be found by a whale or a dolphin.
Nice initiative! You are one of those 5% of people which when they earn a lot, they give back an amount.
it is not about the amount. its about giving back. i think the voting system is great. but you have to have a reputation. without it, its very difficult at the moment to get noticed. i think that we might loose many great writers, as they are frustrated not receiving anything.
i was lucky, and i was early, so i was able to build a little network already, but its hard for many and i see great content often unseen by others.
if many participate, i am sure that we will see great content popping up on Steemit, from writer whom might have left without our little kickstart support ;)
I hope I will help as much as I can. I'm seeing lots of posts with featured articles and I'm happy that this community is built on cooperation.
So important <3 UBUNTU
yes !
i know the frustration of not getting seen ;)
there are so many great authors there, lets motivate them to try even harder !
Good job pal!
Great communtiy development!
thank you! why dont you start by giving out a 20cents of your SBD balance ! would be great.
No probs, the first person to reply to this post, with less then 10 SP will get it
sereja very cool ! i will watch out for your posts !
That's awfully generous.
Edit: this wasn't intended as sarcasm, I was half asleep and didn't respond correctly.
I have about 3 SP and i am working on my first little Text to post in #giveback
Done, good luck with you post!
Receive 0.238 SBD from serejandmyself
Thank you very much!
Great idea, knozaki2015. This will also boost the comments for a post, if you choose the winners out of the commenters. [Choose me :-) ] There is then a good incentive to write good comments. Lets make it a movement: #giveback (if I receive something for this comment)
hello capitalism.
this is a great idea. i will reserve 10% of the total amount for comments and pay it out to the best commenters.
i liked your last post very much, you might be a candidate to receive a bit from my last earnings, as you seem to put hours of works in your posts.! and your last post was really great. !
@knozaki2015 This sounds like a great idea, I am joining the movement.
thank you gonzo ! great you are joining.
please spread the word !
good initiative Knozaki :-) The discovery and curation system is not yet optimal indeed
i am sure it will be better in the future. but until then, lets try to keep everybody on Bord.
and i life by the principle, the more i give, the more i receive back . and it has worked out so far !
As well as helping with curation and discovery, this idea could help new communities grow and create a more diverse network. In the long term, it would be nice to see well-rewarded content move away from a Steemit/crypto focus and this kind of bounty system would really help. Thanks for suggesting it.
Fantastic idea! I love the concept! Upvoted.
thanks nelkel. lets keep the posts coming
Great initiative :)
Love it!
This is great @knozaki2015, I will also try check deserving post that were not noticed and #giveback.
thanks ! yeah send me the links if you find anything cool
Awww this is so sweet and nice and that is why I just love Steemit community! People here are trying to help each other and support each other! I think its a brilliant idea! :)
i think your receipts are the best ! just voted on your new one
thanks so much ;)
Great idea! to add to me pennies! lol
i think every penny counts ;) welcome ! started following you
Thank you very much! :)
Heh, I love this kind of "spreading love" I've seen a few posts of this kind and it gets better with each.
hey andu ;) thanks for the comment !yeah. i love it too !
I would love to do this but I'm still not earning anything to be honest with you
hi xcode. i have send you 2.5 SBD. i have looked into your account.
1.) always use good pictures. posts without pictures wont earn votes.
2.) stop whining and beginng whales for votes. they will only vote quality stuff.
3.) write a bit more about stuff you know best. you are spreading a lot and trying a lot. but maybe you first starting with easy stuff. i would be interested to learn more about stuff you are passionate above.
so, you are still trying. try more, try harder. you will be able to earn a good repuration. you seem like a good and honest guy!
Thanks man :) I will try to follow what you said, hope it works out for me
You gotta big heart.
Wish you more luck.
Happy steeming
hi mindfreak! no big heart. just a lot tears and sweat until i earned a penny on Steemit.
now i released i care about great content more than the money. its the same with apple. build the best product the money will come in anyway.
but i know how hard it is, so this is my way to give back to newcomers. others like our respected @piedpiper doing it though videos and voting. so everybody has its own way of giving back !!
I am glad to know you :)
This is very valuable advice. I wish maximum members follow this.
yeah ;) i think its great i am sending out money to members since yesterday
Das ist einfach ne mega gute aktion danke für deinen Support von Steemit
thanks ! german content, japanese content and spanish content will be honored !
This is a good idea, thanks for giving back to others when you make it big!
i am small. but anbyody can give 1-10% of his earnings to help others.
so even if you earn only 20$ you could give 1% away!
Thanks for some giveback knozaki, I will make sure to follow your lead
sure ! dont forget to use #giveback as an additional tag
schreibt wohl niemand mehr, heute gabs keine neuen Artikel....
es kommt bestimmt noch was !
@knozaki2015 wish I saw this post sooner. But either way what a great idea. You have no idea the lift you will give people that are on the grind posting quality content and receiving pennies for their efforts.
Heck, even when someone says "you are posting quality content, alot of it is very undervalued" it sparks a feeling of joy. I know, because I've been told this by two different dolphins. I keep grinding until a whale takes notice.
hey! thank you for your comment.
i already had people be so greatful for a little sum i sent them. its great to help others, and best place to to is here !
ich sehe eben erst den Zusammenhang. Ich stecke bis über die Ohren in der technischen Seite (Witness , HF13 siehe link) und bin auch noch in Urlaub, daher komme ich kaum zum lesen / schreiben. Werde aber die Idee weiter verfolgen und auch , wenn die updates der walltes draussen sind" die HowTos aktualisieren und zweisprachig verfassen.
Außerdem kommt noch ein kleiner Reisebericht aus Österreich wo ich gerade Urlaub mache :-)
Zum Thema #giveback , wäre es möglich dir ein paar SMD zu spenden und du verteilst die ? Evtl über ein Spenden / Förderprogramm Account ist ja alles transparent dank blockchain. Meine Bewerbung als Witness:
Hallo Hagie,
du kannst es mir gerne schicken. ich habe ein excel wo ich sowieso alles festhalte. es geht dann in den topf rein !
und ich werde dich dann informieren an wen die letzten donations gingen
Ok .. das ist echt super - ich hatte zwar nicht so viel glück mit meinen Posts wie du aber ich werde ab jetzt 10% monatlich meiner SMD an dich senden zum verteilen. Danke dafür. Ich würde mich auch sehr über jeden approve als witness freuen - da mit die technische Seite einfach eher liegt als das schreiben von Posts !!
OK done: wenn die Aktion weiter läuft werde ich monatlich 10% spenden .