Calling All HUMANS!!!
I know Steemit has a lot of Bots that vote and comment. I am a HUMAN!!!
I've been here every day for over 500 days, manually voting and commenting. I wrote a few posts when Steemit started and have some decent Steem Power.
I want to Vote For YOU!!! You don't need to send me anything or do anything, other than to Reply here so I can Up Vote it.
What's This About?
Today I decided to start a new series for the purpose of Giving Back to the community that has been so good to me.
I am starting with something Simple!
Just comment below if you are a HUMAN! This Human will read it and UP vote it!
Click "Reply" then type in your comment, then click "Post."
Simple Rules!
Each Human who Replies gets an UP Vote from me, at 25%, on One of their Replies. Sorry, One Vote per Human. If you Reply more than once on this post, only One Reply gets the UP Vote.
I will be the sole judge of whether I think the Reply is by a Human! Some will be from obvious bots. Some may be from Spam Bots. "Nice post bro" might very well be spam and won't get a Vote.
I will limit this to the First 40 Replies By Humans, so I don't run my Vote Power down too far. Each vote should be over $1 if the current Steem price holds. At this moment, my 100% Up Vote is worth $4.86 and really more than that due to the high price of SBD!
Offer Ends when this post pays out in 7 days.
You do NOT have to UP vote this post. But it would be NICE! :)
You do NOT have to Resteem this post or Tweet it or anything. But you could.
What should I Reply?
Really? Just say anything a Human might say! :)
For example, tell me about a song you like, right now!
Right now, I like "Hey Now!" by The Regrettes!
The Music Video is a mini version of the movie "Hairspray". Do you like the song and/or video?
Why Am I Doing This?
I haven't Posted anything here in like, Foreverrrr!!! :D
However, I am here every day, Voting and Commenting. When I comment and someone replies to my comment I almost always UP Vote that Reply! I do a LOT of voting so my usual rule is - I vote posts around 25% and comments around 15% so I can vote as much as I want without running down the value of my votes.
So I just wanted to say, "Hey, I'm ALIVE!!!" and see what Humans might comment back, so I can UP vote YOU at 25%!
MORE Fun And Contests Coming!!!
Stay tuned! Maybe Follow me? :)
I know there are already 40+ replies posted already, but I am replying. I'm not replying to get a reward, I'm replying because I feel that doing this is just plain cool. Maybe you just gave someone the boost they needed to write another post or make more comments on the posts they do like.
At any rate, it is a very giving gesture which I, as a human (not a bot) appreciate. Have a great day and I sure hope you are not a bot...I honestly do not get the whole bot thing. I'm not really very techy, I miss my rotary phone (Loved that sound!), and most things I write are with a pen and paper. I did type this directly with my keyboard though~~giggle. I hope you have a really great day :)
Very well said, and true to the engagement that this platform needs more of! Even though you thought you would not be rewarded, you took the time to write a well thought out, useful comment. Keep this effort level up and you will have Steem whipped in no time!
I'm not really counting but I do want to limit this a little, so everyone gets a decent vote from me. I do hope it is helpful for some. :)
Nothing wrong with being old skool! It's good to appreciate the way we did things. But the future is here and we have to keep up! Glad you are here; have a great day!
I am human is something a human would say for sure.
Okay, you want music? These are cool!
I like the emotion in this song! Good reply, human! :)
@kenny-crane, I am a human. I agree with you. Even if I don’t know if I am the first 40 replying. Upvote you! If you’d like please upvote me.
Hooray! I'm a human being filled with passion. This is a great opportunity!
This human likes humans filled with passion! I may check out your blog. Thanks for your reply!
What is I said am a Lion filled with disgrace? I doubt You can check out my blog! hahahah! That smile you're too human with feeling @keny-crane
RAWR! That's "hello" in Lion Speak :) But you seem to be human so you get an UP Vote!
Thank you!
Yey! It will be nice to have a genuine human reading my posts. I always love to connect. I'll repay gratitude through small means that I can. Thanks again!
I'm certainly human and my name is @josediccus
Yes you are! Thanks for replying. I may check out your blog.
Thank you so much I'm so elated
That's very good of you. I mostly vote manually too. I want to reward those who are putting in good work here and not just on a money grab. I've just been listening to this song. Really makes the hairs rise.
I've seen the good things you do for Steemit!
This video is not available in my country (USA) but I'll try to find it somewhere other than YT, or be sneaky and use a VPN. :)
Cheers. Just search for "unthanks magpie". I'm sure there's something available to you
Glad to see you are alive and well! You helped me when I first got started and I am very thankful! I AM a human... and I appreciate your Ninja-Like presence in the community! Steem On My Friend!
I am alive and well! Keeping a lower profile with no Posts but yes, doing my Ninja thing in the shadows mostly. I glad I was helpful to you when you started!
Me too! I think it was about the html code. You are clearly still being helpful and I thank you. I may have to learn your Ninja ways! =)
Im human. Haha.Thanks for always appreciating my post @kenny-crane. Thank you!!. Happy new year to you :-)
Happy New Year! I do like your posts and what you do for others. Be well! :)
Hi I'm a human who love you for doinh this. Thumbs up!
blush :) Yes you are human, and you have a very nice smile! :) I may check out your blog.
Thank you. You so kind.
:D This post made me so confused, more than watching Inception. by the way i m human.
Well done, human! :) Up Voted!
If you're in a giving-back mood you could maybe browse the "new" section of the tags you're interested in and vote up some good posts from small accounts.
Yes, I do check the New posts on occasion, and give some up votes. Everyone should! Great suggestion; thanks!
Another fellow human being here, trying to get at least the tiniest bit of visibility to share my life in photography.
I've got very nice and obscure stuff on the way to entertain (as well as to educate if my peers so request)
Thanks for this opportunity
I have an idea for a photography contest, so please consider a follow if you're interested in contests! Best wishes on steemit!
Sure thing, buddy!
I'm on it
No bots here. Just a newbie. thats human
You're welcome, fellow human! Best wishes on steemit. :)
I AM A HUMAN :) You really help me out on learning what Steemit is and how to do it. I really appreciated!
But but but you look like a doggie in your pic! :3 heheh :D Glad to help! Keep up the cool art work!
And yours said Youtube Stars :o Well you are a star to me :3
I’m human! Thanks for upvoting my posts. Godbless you
Yes you are! I like your posts. God bless you too!
I am a HUMAN!!!
Yes I believe you are! Upped!
you are very kind!
My fav song is Hey Jude by Beatles cause I'm a human. :D
"Take a sad song, and make it better!" Good thing for us humans to do, in life.
I am a breathing, living, walking human
Me too! Except I'm usually lying on my bed, typing on my laptop when I'm Steeming! :)
I am human
Very human
Sometimes we feel too human, with all its advantages and disadvantages.
this is funy and sad in one... and also great idea :) I think all of us who create good content feel demotivated after bot comments...
Some bots are better than others but maybe we have too many here. Humans, Rise Up! :D
@kenny-crane you finally posted something! Glad to know you're truly human haha. Looking forward to your next post!
I'm part way to a Masters Degree in AI. This might be a university project! Nah, it's not a bot writing this post and comment replies; it's me, a real human! Maybe ;-)
Cool. I always get excited when I meet people in your field. I pitched an idea that had to do with an algorithm that would initiate autogeneration of firewalls when threatened or attacked to my brother who studied computer science and he just said "why not an AI". Who knows? Maybe when I'm done stitching up wounds I might actually try
I'm more human than I Could even imagine.. Lol, now it feels weird saying ds
But I think it proves you Are a human! Up voted :)
More human than human?
Hello, I am a human from Sweden! I am happy you are human too.
Glad to meet you, fellow human!
It IS time to give back to the community! Upvoted :-)
Thanks for the up vote!
I am a human because I fart and believe me it smells real bad.
I know that's lame but hey I'm a human. 😂
It's all part of life. The good, the bad, and the smelly. There was a movie once by that name, or similar! :D
This is great and nice from you. I support it strongly.
Also if you or anyone loves digital art, especially steemit art, as return to community I created tag #steemotivated where everyone can see it. All my work are free to use on Steemit and I hope someone will like it. Thanks. :)
I do like art and may check out your blog. Thanks for your support!
Thank you very much!
I'm least I think I am [has internal existential crisis]...
JK! Thanks for doing this for all the lil minnows out there. much appreciated :)
We could be avatars in a simulation! I hope I helped some people. More give-aways and stuff to come!
Fun contest and easiest I've seen - by far!
Well done!
Wading back in to the posting life, slowly. I was hoping I made the rules easy enough. Glad to see it working so well so far. And glad you find it fun! More to come!
Had a little fun and dropped a few more cents in the comments from humans. Thanks for setting a good example!
How nice of you! Power to the humans!
))Good idea about founding a real humans here. I want to say that i am a real girl) And i know that you are very long on steemit already. Me too) I just came back from my family, we were celebrating an Orthodox xmas! Merry Christmas ! :)
Yes you are a real girl! I still remember your Birthday post last year, with your beautiful picture!
I am so glad you got to spend time with your family; that is important! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thank you! It was great time!

I was filming one commercial in Asia. Now have some stories to share) Will post some more photos from backstage)
And how was your Christmas?
My Christmas was good, thanks! Lots of time spent with my wonderful family and a few crazy parties to celebrate the season. Now it's time to get my head back into work!
Sounds great!
I wish you productive year!)
Wonderful! I'm a human, that is why I react to your blog. Cheers!
Yes you are a human! I saw your introduction post. Welcome to Steemit! Have fun here!
I'm really enjoying being on steemit because of things like this... There's still people that want to interact. It's not about money It's about the human interaction we can get here... This kind of actions make my days easier and encourage me to be a better person and better steemer (and also that comes with a reward wich makes it better) Greetings!...Btw, I'm kind of getting sick of using bots. I'm still figuring out how to be known here and how to help others at the same time (There is a long way untill I get there haha)
Humans are social animals and we have that inborn need to interact. This is a good place to do that! Bots are tools that can be used for good or bad, just like fire or a knife. I'm working on a private bot but only plan to use it to free up more time for personal interaction.
To be known here, keep doing what you did here; leave good comments far and wide. People appreciate that and you will see the result in time. Best wishes!
I'm new here,welcome to my blog to see more Chinese culture and beauty.I will give the vote to you,Please upvote & follow me
You have made this same reply to others, but probably by copy and paste rather than by a bot. I deem you human! Up vote granted. :)
i' human~
I don't know how to use robot yet~:)
nice music image source photo. I enjoyed your music video.
The Regrettes are a cool new band with a lot of youthful energy. I am glad you enjoyed their video!
If you did not give me how I would see it...
I’m replying just to say thanks for your attitude. I’m new here and still learning, but noticed the BOT situation and to be honest it got me frustrated. There’s also the bandwidth issues, but when a ‘community’ grows to fast, there’s some things that are inevitable I suppose. So thank you!!! I am Human and I love the music Yellow from Coldplay😉
Welcome to Steemit! We do have some issues here, but people are working on them. It's all a fun interesting experiment!
Yellow is a good song, I liked it.
I visited your profile and followed. I lived in Miramar, not too far from Ft. Lauderdale, for 15 years. It's nice down there.
Wishing you all the best, Dani!
Wow! How nice! You should visit sometime and we could have a little ‘meet up’. I love Florida! Thank you for checking my profile, you seem a nice person. I’m new here, but I’ve been long enough in the ‘business world’ and we do need more people like you around :) So glad I found you @kenny-crane 😊
Hello, I'm a human from a parallel universe. Nice to meet you.
It gives me hope to think we can communicate with beings from a parallel universe! I hope we can learn from each other. Nice to meet you too! :)
If only we can. How exciting it would be, exchanging humans from each world to learn about each others earth.
Wow finally my friend @kenny-crane posted something, I am so happy to see your post I've been eyeing it for so long, Your idea are very good you are really helping a lot of steemians here everyday including me, Every time I check my steemit its always you that is commenting everyday. I thank you for that. I will see and check your post, You have limit the comment to 40pips but no worry its okay I am just so glad to finally see your post 😚😜 more power to you.
Thank you my friend Howie! I am glad I found you here. I like the pics you post and your sweet personality!
I do try to help others with my votes and comments. Hopefully I can find a way to also help with some Posts. I will still vote and comment your posts but I may miss some if I'm busy or low on vote power. But I will never forget you!
I limited it to 40 peeps because I wanted the option to cut it off there, but I am actually still Up voting Replies, so enjoy your Up vote! :) See you on your blog in the comments, and maybe I'll see you on my blog in the comments too!
No worries my friend if you missed some of my posts! Yes you will surely see me in your comment sections of your blogs, but definitely you will really be busy cause you made lots of friends here at steemit, a lot of people commenting on your posts. I really love your personality. Kind heart! See you 😉🎉
Im human from Sabah Borneo, Malaysia. I am New in steemit. Thanks for this opportunity. You are really fantastic!cheers!😃
Thanks! Welcome to steemit. This is a pretty nice place to be. Comment other people a lot and post some interesting things and I think you will enjoy your time here. Best wishes!
This is so great! You got the great point here......
Good to know there are still some humans out there!! haha nice one @kenny-crane
Thank you! Yes, the humans still stand a chance against the bots!
Your post is catchy... make read all to the end. Upvote for you. I would love to write more... im lousy in writing btw. Cheers 🍻
Thanks! You could post photos or drawings or write code or whatever you like to do. I'm not that good at writing either. So I'll do some give-aways and contests and see how that goes!
I am also human and follow you on Twitter! (I'm human there too as @travelinggreek and @blockchaingirll)
I think there are the same number, or more, bots on Twitter as there are in here. Us humans need to stick together!
So this human feels like it is a poor turn out of Steemians when a post has 81 views and 71 comments but only 31 votes. Come on people! You can upvote this post. Don't be stingy!
Honestly I have to say, I agree. Way too many stingy people, even if this post did not require upvoting.
I'm happy just to meet new people! Up vote not required, but always appreciated of course. Thanks for yours!!!
My pleasure Kenny. This is a neat way to give back! I tried to hit a bunch of the human responses with some small upvotes as well for fun this afternoon.
Looking forward to see what other sorts of things you are going to be up to!
I love Willie Nelson, and this song has been stuck in my head since waking up.. @kenny-crane I love what you are doing here. You talked me into joining steem, coaxed me into just trying posts. For that, you have my deepest gratitude :-)
Great song!
I'm glad you're here. I told you about steemit but you ran with it and it's great to see all your posts! :)
Thanks, I'm glad I'm here too :-)
you might be the only human left here on Steemit! haha jk! I am glad there are some manual curators though!!
I think I'm human. Could all be a Matrix. ;-) I have enjoyed all the manual curation!
Which pill did you take? haha jk
I am glad you are back!
I'm a Human being - & you are freakin' awesome!
Well thank you very much! :)
At last we could hear from you. That's great to see a series and hope next time I will able to grab it and be selected among first 40 :)
Here is a man who I know is human, with a very Big Heart! Check his blog and see all the Good Things he does for people in Bangladesh!
I'm still Up Voting! I'm happy for all the comments and will let my voting power increase for a while and then Up vote some more comments. I am enjoying this. :)
Hahaha, it seems to me that in time that I have been here, I have been lucky to receive upvote from you (thanks for that). I also think that I have seen your comments in other posts but, I never followed you until now. I know there are many bots here but, I never thought that you were one of them. Nice to meet you, human! :D
Because you shared a song with us (I liked it), I would also like to share one with you (My little sister says that the songs that I like are boring, haha)
Artist: Billie Eilish (I have a few sogs of her)
Song: Bitches broken hearts
I commented because I thought it was really nice what you are doing, you have good intentions and I would like to do the same someday (when I have more steem power). See you! :D
You're welcome for the votes! Your art is quite good. :)
I like that Chill tune. It fits my mood today. Actually I am chill most of the time and I need fast dance music to get me motivated, which is why most of my playlist is like that. But its good to have different music for different moods.
Keep on posting and interacting with people in the comments and I know you will meet whatever goals you set for yourself. Best wishes!
Thank you so much! :D I'll do my best!
So, we're a bit different, I spend a lot of time doing something or stressed because I have things to do (yes, I stress easily, but I work well under pressure). That's why I listen to chill music to relax. My musical preferences has changed a lot. When I was in high school I listened mainly rock music but, now chill music is my best friend, haha. See you on the way!
This is when it pays off being a human and not a cat!
That is an amazing accomplishment being around for 500 days. I’m just happy when I can put in at least 5 days a week with a little bit of fun on the weekends here or there.
Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you are staying warm in NC. People claim to have snow down here in Florida but I have yet to see any!
It's simpler to be a cat but they are missing out on human stuff like Steemit.
I was lucky to find Steemit in the early days when there weren't many here, so everyone got nice up votes. The same thing can happen when we get Communities here. Then we can congregate in smaller more intimate groups again.
I lived near Miami for a while. I miss it tonight. It's under 20 here. No snow though! Enjoy your weekend!
I’m very much looking forward to communities. I tend to hang out in a couple of comment sections and I keep the number of people I’m following low. Least for now I kind of feel like my feed is a small community. Even more so when I keep running into the same people daily across some of them.
I was very blessed having joined Steemit 200 or so days ago. Was on-boarded by someone who had been around for a little while so I get to enjoy the perks of having someone to bug back then.
Saw your post on twitter @stellabelle tweeted it.
I hope my comment is still within the range. And good to have you back after a year. I watch comedy and crypto analysis on youtube at free time.
Your comment is in range! I extended it a bit. Good to be posting again. I enjoy YouTube still, even though I'm not blogging about it anymore. Thanks for commenting!
I am human - namuh ma I. Great way to relaunch.
Cheers from Bangkok!
Took me a minute, but I see what you did there! Told me what you are, forward and backward, nice! Cheers!