Love to me is one word that does not mean what it is call. In our contemporary world,giving has become the yardstick for predicting and measuring love.
Believe you me, giving naturally painful, but we just has to give. Am of the view that this should be done sacrificially, that's the only way it can't be painful. More over it's the reason for the season "Easter "as stated in gospel John 3:16.
Biblically and otherwise, giving is first and foremost God's demand for our own good.
If you know the law of gravity wella,it is likewise app in giving so is the slogan "givers never lack ".
Let's not be the final full stop when something comes out way, learn to give.
Anything worth owning is worth giving.
When giving, let it be done acceptedly and compassionatelygive a friend a smile. Be committed and dedicated to giving be free and faithful as well. Give abundantly, gradually and adequately.
Most importantly, give someone your time and attention.
(edi nieh owo, edi Mfon enana) says our elder. Material things can be secondary and nothing is too small to be given.
Give gift to many people as possible, poor/rich, privilege/less, educated/non, boys/girls etc it's attracts blessing, favour what have you.
Give someone your vote, it's matters alot.
Remember, what you sow...... and what you give to the mirror is certainly what what you get back..
Let's make the world a better place by giving. Before I forget,,, Eve self gave Adam something that, u know?
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