God established the steps in our lives when we delight ourselves in God. This does not mean that we will not get challenges and opposition, but when we do, God will hold our hand and He will never leave us or forsake us.
I'm not asking for donations, which if you would like to make you can go directly @familyprotection, and @cryptopie, but really all I would like to ask you is your upvotes that will help not one, but two different projects. All upvotes count and by upvoting, you are really making a huge difference and we really appreciate your kind and loving hearts.

A simple smile can make someone's day or even change how they think of themselves, simple kind words can change someone's life even when we don't think anything about it, a warm hug, or a simple call can change life, a simple upvote that we sometimes think of should I, it will not make a big difference can change someone's life.
Here is the link, if you would like to find out more:

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or place them for adoption.
Follow @familyprotection on Hive. Share your own story and use the tag #familyprotection

SourceAnother person that I would love to give back to and help as much as I can is my dear friend @cryptopie, who is in great need of our support and lots and lots of prayers for his healing, since he has been struggling with his health for a very, very long time now and he is one of the most inspiring and strong people that I have met and I am just so glad to have met him and have him here with us in this amazing community.@Cryptopie is a dialysis patient with a Leontiasis caused by Hypeparathyroidism and living a day at a time with cryptos and enjoying blogging to support my medical needs and I am asking all of you to give and support him as much as you can and praying for him as much as we can because he really needs us.
Love @joalvarez.
I am a great supporter of @familyprotection who is working very hard to help the families stay together and this project is the most amazing project that I would suggest for everyone on this Hive community to check it out and support it and by doing it we are helping people in need who are trying to keep their kids safe from being taken away (kidnapped) by the Social Services. Here is the link
God Bless!