The Old Dog Asks: With This Computer App Can I Really Throw Away My Glasses?

in #glasses8 years ago

  What a pain it is to have to wear glasses! Actually, I didn't even mind it so much when I only needed glasses to see things far away (nearsightedness) but as I aged (yikes) and my prescription kept getting stronger (oh no!) it got to the point where I couldn't see things that were close with my glasses on. That means that while I wear my glasses for driving I can't read the instrument panel of the car!  

  I tried progressive lenses and I HATED them! You have to really turn your head and focus on an object for them to work and the area that is in focus is so narrow. Whenever I wore them my head moved around like a chicken walking along and pecking at its feed!  

  Since I hated the progressive lenses I decided to try bifocals but while this does solve some issues I REALLY want to "fix" my eyes! At least get to the point where I can read while still wearing my distance glasses if need be.  

  I'm Way Too Squeamish For Laser Surgery   

  I know that many have had success with laser surgery and I'm very happy for them but I've also seen some iffy results and I'm not letting anyone slice my eyeballs anyway! Laser or no laser! I have also read up on the Bates Method but at this point I don't feel I'm ready to commit the necessary time to it.   

  I Hope That I Have Found The Solution! 


This will give you n idea of what the glassesoff app looks like. Photo credit

  Some months ago I stumbled across an article in the very reputable Canadian National Newspaper "The Globe And Mail" which spoke about a computer application that you could use to train your eyes/brain to no longer need reading glasses. The article gave the scientific explanation behind the program and explained that people who use it have a phenomenally high success rate.    

The program is called Glasses Off and about 10 days ago I finally bit the bullet and decided to purchase it and start training. So far the results have been good. I've seen some improvement and now I can read the dashboard of my vehicle with my distance glasses on but I cannot, for instance, read a book with them on. 

I'll keep you posted and let you know the results after 3 months which is supposed to be how long the program takes.  

  Frequently asked Questions About The Program Can be Found Here    

  What is The Application Like?   

Here is a short video that explains how it works.


It's like playing a video game for 10 minutes or so 3 times a week. Images are flashed on the screen and you have to quickly identify what you saw and where. Things get progressively faster and more difficult and you can track your progress with statistics that are provided at the end of each session.    

What About You?

  • Do you wear glasses?
  • Have you found any exercises or programs to improve your eyesight?
  • Are you interested in finding a solution?

I hope that you found this article about potentially getting rid of reading glasses helpful and interesting!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, if you upvote my post and leave a comment I will do my best to upvote it with some of my 41,000 plus Steem Power! 

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What a great post @kus-knee!

I guess it might be the one article that is most applicable to me so far, I have been wearing glasses since I was in grade 4 and quickly moved over to contact lenses. Just like you, I have been looking in alternative solutions to deal with it as I got older.

I haven't yet written off the laser surgery, but it is a very scary thought to have it done, maybe as the very last resort... In the past 15 years, I have used what I call eye yoga and my eyes have stabilized since. I get that it is also in this period of time that eyesight stabilizes too, but I didn't want to take a chance as my eyes are already past the halfway point to official blindness.

This app coupled up with the eye yoga could probably revolutionize the outcomes of early eye problems relating to near- or far-sightedness, maybe even astigmatism!?! Time for try outs for you maybe?!?

Awesome post again, thanks a lot for the information, have a wonderful day and namaste :)

I'll let you know if it works for me!

Sounds great and can't wait to read about the results! May the force and vision be with you! ;) Namaste :)

WOW, it seems that you have discovered a really non-invasive sure-shot solution. Do keep us posted. The video says it has a 90% success rate. Is that after 3 months or 15 months? But 10 min. thrice a week is quite convenient if you don't need to visit a clinic for it.

I had problems with my eyes since birth. I used glasses all the time for my first 20 years of life in the hope that they will get cured some day. But as I grew older, I realized that all these glasses are just temporary tools and doesn't help curing them permanently. I also read W. H. Bates' book viz. "Better Eyesight Without Glasses" during those days though I didn't do anything except dumping my glasses forever.

Now a days, I use the zooming tool on my computer screen to read and I don't use mobiles much. I carry a magnifying lens with me to read the price or ingredient list while shopping etc. But looks like I'm doing fairly well so far.

But it's really exciting to see such a computer program which can help you read better within just 10 days of practice. I'd be eagerly waiting for your update on this. If everything works as promised, why shouldn't I opt for it!
I'd always be grateful to you if it really works for me. Thank you so much and all the best to you with this training and all!

I see that you've been battling this for years. The first course is three months and it is there that you should see the improvement. I'll report back after that time!

I bet a lot of people will be curious to see how you make out with this. When I did stem cell therapy for general health, I had gotten back my 20/20 vision ,it was amazing and unexpected, but it lasted only 2 years. Now, I'm just in denial of glasses lol. I hope you do well with the program.

Thanks for the comment and the well wishes!

I might like to try this. But you didn't mention the cost?

Just check the FAQ's It's about $20.00 for three months and then $60 for a year.

for what I found on the internet is still in the test phase so you could get free trial version!

I hope the Old Dog gets to loose his dog should have to wear glasses!

You're right about that! At this point I even need them to see the bones that I gnaw on! It just looks weird!


I do not need glases but that concept seems interesting.
I will watch out for your updates.
Upvoted and resteemed :-)

Maybe that's why your photography is so good. You can actually see what you're taking a picture of!!! :)

Thanks so much for the @randowhale service!

Hahaha. Thank you very much for that kind feedback :-)
You are very welcome @kus-knee :-)

maybe it's because you see too often the light of the computer
I do not wear glasses
can you take a little time to see my post, I have some interesting posts to visit :) @kus-knee

Like you, Im not even going to consider laser surgery. I fought taking the step to progressives for several years but eventually bit the bullet. Now a year in and I am doing ok with them. Thanks for bringing this to our attention :)

Form one Old guy to another I'll let you know how it works,


I am super grateful I don't need glasses but its great to know for all the people out there that do, that they can continue to SteemON despite the loosing of eye sight!

I wouldn't guess from the spunk and spirit of your posts as you seem like a Young Dawg but I guess you are an old dog after all =)>
I am glad you can still completely SteemOn with us!

I only know that I'm "old" when I look in the mirror and when I reach for my glasses! In my mind I'm still a head turner!

I can tell!
Good on you Dawg ;-)>

Great this is good news. Will be checking back to see if this works.

Do check it out!

Very interesting! I'm curious to hear about the progresses

I'll let you know!

I'm showing the solidarity of an aged short-sighted with 2 pairs of glasses :)

You're a good man @paolobeneforti! Are you like me in that you favour shirts with a breast pocket to put your glasses in?

exactly, brother. ;)

It seems that you have discovered a really non-invasive sure-shot solution
Nice post bro playing a video games is also a good and it make our mind fresh
:) nive post @kus-knee

Thanks. If it!!!!

Another app that purports to do the same thing is

This app is available on Windows, Mac, iPhone and Android. It's $9.99.

Tested with baseball players a quote about it's effectiveness:
"Throughout the course of the season, some players’ visual acuity actually jumped from 20/20 vision to 20/15, 20/10 and even 20/7.5. And in the study, the researchers recorded an average of 31 percent improvement in binocular vision."Here's an article from back in 2014 about it:

Note that the FDC fined this company $150k for making false claims that it helps your vision:

Documentation on this case is here:

A similar false advertising claim was also made against and "brain training" company Lumos Labs for their Lumosity app-- this time they were fined $2 million:

The FTC is stating they will vet the peer "peer reviewed" studies often touted in these types of cases:

Thanks fo your research. Let me see what it does in my case.

Hopefully it works for you-- I'd love to have it work on me too!

You do not have to fear every disease there must be a cure,
This is one way to treat eyes with betel leaf

But sometimes, hard to get especially for someone like me who spends most of his time in front of the screen / computer.

As a result will cause eye damage slowly. For example, the eyes become myopic and can not see objects / objects clearly let alone far enough distance. How to deal with minus or farsighted eyes can be considered difficult, even many people who prefer to give up and use glasses.

Though the disease can still be treated by medical means but unfortunately not everyone has a lot of money for the cost.

Therefore, now I want to share tips on how to reduce and cure eye minus in the traditional way that is by using betel leaf.
How to use betel leaf as a medication herbal eye minus You can see below:

  1. Tools and Materials:
    2 pieces of sirih4 plaster / hansaplasair

  2. Steps:

First you wash / clean your face. Then, wash two betel leaves with clean water After that put the betel leaf on both eyes with plaster / hansaplas.

Do the above routine every time you sleep, and let the betel leaves stick in your eyes, And you can remove the betel leaves the next day.
this is very useful for you @kus-knee

I'll check it out! Thanks!

Thanks for sharing @kus-knee, a very useful post, it also provides knowledge for everyone who reads your post, you explain a bit of Canadian newspaper about computer application.

Thanks for sharing @kus-knee, a very useful post, Will be checking back to see how much positivity this will bring.

I have a good eye sight. But your article is beneficial. Love to read it.

Nice post we hope this does the magic

I've worn glasses for myopia since I was about 12 and 40 years on I still have them and my eyes may be deteriorating more as I have issues with small print. I may need varifocals. Some years ago I looked into the Bates method. I read books, participated in a forum and even visited a practitioner. I can't say for sure that I ever saw any improvement. It may be that exercising the eyes regularly is good for you, but it may not be able to undo this condition.

I've not seriously considered laser surgery. Partly due to the cost and partly because the severity of my myopia may be at the limit of what can be treated. I know people who had it done and some ended up with glasses again some years later.

I'd love to not have to wear glasses, so I'm interested in how this app works for you. I just don't hold out too much hope that I'd be able to totally do without them.

Your case sounds more "severe" than mine but I will keep you updated. The 10 minute sessions are very intensive but not too much to handle and if it works I should know in about 3 months.

glasses can not be needed. You should take care to eat and drink Use amla.

I'll look into that, thanks!

I made the laser operative, but my eyesight got a little worse after six months. Now I drive the car with glasses.

I would like to get rid of them.

This doesn't work for distance so I'm not sure that it would be helpful to you.

since 2 months I have glasses for far distance, never had it before in my life... I still need to get used to it.. Especially when playing tennis... it's a disaster..

I feel for you my friend!

@kus-knee - nice post Sir. Very useful topic for all of us. I haven't this problem yet, but this is a valuable discussion. Love your work Sir. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Thanks a lot for your kind words!

My vision is good. But I have irritated eye syndrome. Do you think this application is so effective?

I've never heard of your syndrome before. Not sure if it would help in your case but it seems to have helped me a little.

Wow! Friend very much value carry this post. Yes I am also fade out of wearing glasses, want to throw it out. But near vision is very complicated for me. Very nice video if it works then it will be very nice for all of us. Thanks for the valuable information. Have a great time friend happy steeming.

Thanks a lot @maya7!

Thanks my dear friend, did you benefited from using it? Can I again invite you to my blog if possible please do me favor. Have a great day friend.

pretty cool idea app this is pretty damm good idea !!

Yes if it works I'll be celebrating!

I have actually heard about the fact that you can adjust your eye sight for training, I was told by a friend some years ago. However I never knew of anyone trying it. This will be interesting to follow ! My friend told me that the fact that we can improve our sight or even solve our problems with vision ourselves is a well hidden secret. The glass wear industry is huge and they don't want this information to leak. Too bad for them this post is on the decentralized block chain and they can't stop it hehehe

Thanks for your intersting comment. Yes I can understand that the eye care industry would be against this.

Actually I never wear glasses and so far I hate them too :D But my father got this problem and he need it very badly :/ Yeah this will hit me one day so finding a proper solution at this level is a wise thinking! I am interesting about this App! I will try this one, or atleast I will ask my father to try this one!
Thank you very much for sharing such great and very useful content with us! Really appreciate your effort!@kus-knee,


I hope it works for many people!

This sounds very interesting. Please keep us posted as to how it develops for you in your experience. Restoring vision ability is a powerful temptation. Thank you for sharing this with us, kus-knee!

Yes @terrybrock, if it works it will help many!

Woww amazing solution! It's all i need now for my eyes!!! I'm working a lot witn a computer now and i've got nearsightedness.
The doctor said that I needed to do exercises for the eyes so that the vision did not fall further. Thank you so much for discovering this solution for me! I will definitely try it too !!

Let's hope that it helps you so that you can continue do do your art work!

Thanks my dear friend @kus-knee! You are so nice)

Thanks for the info @kus-knee. But I cannot overlook (with my glasses) that the Chairman of “Glasses off”, Shai Novik, wears glasses!

Shall we wait for the open source app that could be tested before we pay… what did you say, how much it was?

Yes he has glasses on! remember its only for reading though so I assume that his glasses are for distance. It cost $20 for three months and then $60 per year.

Are you one of the people that wouldn't buy hair restorer from a bald salesman?

Sounds like it is to good to be true... ? Juts wondering if this realy works why no doctor has ever spoken about this? Why no medical studies have been done?

All good questions. Could it be that it would hurt the eye wear industry? I'll post soon on the results for me.

Yeah keep us posted.

nice post @kus-knee, well i have no experience regarding wearing sunglasses but it's nice to hear from you about the app which improves the eye sight, i hope you find good results with this application. thanks for sharing

I'm happy that you don't need glasses.......yet. :) Hopefully never!

I started wearing reading glasses a couple years ago. What annoys me the most is that I cannot read the labels in the shop and I need the glasses always with me.
I am very curiois about your progress and wish you best of luck.

This could likely help you. I'll report back after 3 months.

amigo #resteemia at your service

very interesting topic. yes i'll try this app. wearing glasses is a huge trouble for myself. i tried exercises but failed eventually. let's try this out. nice sharing @kus-knee

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

It would be great if it works!

My eyes sight were very good 1 year back, but nowadays I really feel something is not going normal! I really need to look for a solution or see what's the problem! Now i'm sure with the age, eyes really get problems!
I will check the link you sent, maybe can be helpful for me!

i wish you get good results with this app or program and plz also stay us updated with your progress.

I'll do that. Thanks!

Great find and in my mind the cost seems reasonable. I am on the other end of the spectrum, farsighted, but have been putting off progressive/bifocal lenses for years. We'll see if this helps.

It would be great if it could help you!


🤓 I think we just have to write with bigger letters, but glasses would/could let us look much smarter. Nice to see that even complete development is done !

Yes bigger writing and glasses can make us look cooler and even smarter!

So does this work for both long and short range, or just short? It does look interesting. Like some way to train your brain how to look.

It's only for close vision.

I am definitely going to be following your progress with this with interest.

I wear glasses and I HATE it!

I've had to wear them for about the past 16 years and things are getting worse. It used to be just for driving, then it was also for watching tv, then also for work (at a computer screen all day) and now I wear them full time.

I can't get along with contact lenses. I know loads of people who say that once they're in, you can't feel them. Well I can. To me, it feels as though I have an eyelash in my eye the whole time :-(

Im also not interested in laser surgery. Yes, loads of people have told me that the chance of something going wrong is 1 in a million..... who's to say I wouldn't be the 1? Nope. Not for me. Too risky, that's my eyesight we're talking about at risk. No way.

And so my choices are, wear my hateful glasses, or walk around not really being able to see*

So yes, I am very interested to hear how you get on :-)

  • I do actually do this. On a night out, I'm often too vain to wear my specs, so I will wear contacts for an hour so I can suss out where my friends are, where the exit is, where the toilets are etc, then I will take my lenses out and just be blurry for the rest of the evening!! Everything takes on a bit or a soft focus look..... it isn't unpleasant!

I'll let you know how it goes. In the meantime have a laugh at this comedy routine about contact lenses. It starts at 2:25

"Put some glass in your eye - it won't hurt"
How true. That's exactly what it's like.

How cool is this App, I'm really looking forward to your results. I wear glasses already for more than 30+ years to be able to see far. Somehow I got attached to my glasses and it has its positives, it protects my eyes from things flying in the air. Also, I got so used wearing glasses, it feels empty without them. Only recently I have more difficulties seeing short distance with my glasses but without no problem (up to 30cm or so). I also want a solution at one point in time, since I dont really like the lower side reading and higher side of the glasses, distance. I, for instance, have a lounge couch and when watching a movie I look through the bottom side of my glasses. Laser treatment, I dont like as well. I never looked to solutions yet, since I do not really have issues yet, but issues will come in coming years, I'm pretty sure :)

My experience is very similar to yours.

I have the same problem, except I wear contact lenses and need to but specs on to read, I would like to hear the end result of this - great post.

It could be a good solution for you. Check back with me in 3 months.

Oh my goodness, I didn't realize there were eye exercise apps out there, I had no idea. Just in recent months, I cannot read anything up close, as in my phone for example. It's like a light switch went off. I eagerly await your findings from this app!

It seems to creep up on us doesn't it?

I have a farsightedness, and always need glasses when I read or draw. Of course I hate it, because my eyes are getting worse. This app would be very useful for me, maybe I'll try! Laser surgery? No, this is not a good solution! But training and vitamins can help.

You think about it the same way that I do.

Thank you for the post. I will try the app.
I wearing almost my whole live glasses. I do not want to have a laser surgery. I am happy if it stays like this. May be I change my mind someday. If I get older I definitely need another pair of glasses for reading. Could be that this is too much. :-)

Remember that this is ONLY for reading glasses.

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