Climate change marches on, bumblebees are losing ground.
With rising temperatures, bumblebees are disappearing from southern parts of their ranges, a newly study finds. Yet at their northern borders, many species are holding steady instead of moving into even cooler areas. This means that the bees overall range --- the area in which these spices are live --- in shrinking.
It's the first time scientists have shown clearly that climate change is shrinking bumblebees habitat. Bumblebees are important pollinators of plants,including crops. The bees population had already been troubled due to pesticides and diseases. But the new study offer new hints on why the bees could continue to die out. They might even disapear from some areas.
"This is something that is not a problem for future," says study co-author Jeremy Kerr. "It's happening right now and has actually now been going on for decades." Kerr is an ecologist at the university of Ottawa in Canada
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