Alt-media has been under heavy bombardment as tech corporations advance by de-platforming content creators for wrong think, triggered by the latest “daily shooter” event. On the truther front, Infowars received a youtube strike for doubting the authenticity of CNN’s poster child, David Hogg, who are attacking the NRA.
Also on youtube, Baked Alaska was handed down a three-month live stream suspension for daring to hold a debate between skeptic/liberalist Sargon and white nationalist provocateur, Andrew Anglin, even though JF Gariepy thought that Sargon won. This pretty much calls into question the future of the chaotic yet entertaining "internet bloodsports", pretty much displaying that “open inquiry” and “the marketplace of ideas” in the west is a complete sham.
Alt-lite civic nationalists Mike Cernovich, Jack Posobiec, and Laura Loomer have been suspended from This was noticed on February 19th but was probably done officially on February 7th when medium changed their terms of service.
From the left, Caitlin Johnstone warned that such an action on medium can also threaten leftists who are antiwar and against regime change in Syria. Indeed, MotherJones has called on medium to suspend antiwar activists. Caitlin has already pointed out that Google algorithms have decreased viewership of leftist sites such as World Socialist Web Site, CounterPunch, and Alternet. Libertarians have not come out of the latest purge unscathed with the twitter accounts of Clarkhat and Esoteric Entity suspended. Esoteric Entity's youtube channel appears to be banned.
A more frightening condition that is emerging is the acceleration of de-platforming onto normiecon territory. The NRA is undergoing a boycott attack. According to ABC news:
“One of the first companies that said it would cut ties with the gun-rights lobbying group was First National Bank of Omaha, which announced Thursday that it would not renew a co-branded Visa credit card with the NRA.A slew of other companies -- including United Airlines, MetLife Inc., Hertz and Best Western -- have followed suit, announcing plans to terminate special discounts and benefits for NRA members.”.
Clearly, the spirit and ideal of free speech are being eroded by the global crony corporations (a.k.a the fluffy term “public-private partnerships").
There is light at the end of the tunnel though, but the Alt tech platforms are going to have to mature faster and they will have to continue to promote peer to peer structures, such as Bitchute, Gab, Dtube/steemit. With many content creators increasingly listing crypto coin addresses on their channels for their patrons to donate, strengthening of crypto platforms can increase their subjective value as freedom of expression becomes more and more scarce on the centralized platforms.
Caitlin Johnstone
Baked Alaska Banning:
Internet Bloodsports Mister Metokur: