Our Fatal Attraction with Technology

in #gmo9 years ago


Barbara H. Peterson

Farm Wars

They call us technophobes and luddites, or whatever derogatory term used to describe those who don’t automatically go along with the ‘latest and greatest’ scientific invention. But is it really asking too much to question whether or not it is okay to unleash an invention on society without learning about the possible effects before doing so? Is merely questioning the safety of new technology before implementing it such a ludicrous proposal?

Are we so in love with what we can invent that we cannot even fathom that anyone should be allowed to posit an opposing opinion without provoking the wrath of the scientific community? If so, this is not truly science, but the ego-driven machinations of corporate-controlled narcissists masquerading as scientists. And woe to the world if we continue buying into their schemes.

We love the newest and most inventive toys. We like to play. We like to be ‘number one’ and proudly display our acquisitions. But just when does this tendency turn into a fatal attraction and end up costing us our very lives? (html comment removed: more)

In the latest scheme to force new and dangerous technology down our throats, we find that Monsanto is now merging with Bayer. Another Solutia solution for Monsanto’s Glyphosate woes.

The German pharmaceutical and chemical giant Bayer says it will buy U.S. seed seller Monsanto for $66 billion in an all-cash deal that will create the world's largest supplier of seeds and agricultural chemicals.

The takeover offer, which Monsanto has accepted, is $4 billion more than Bayer had initially offered and a 44 percent premium over Monsanto's stock price on May 9, a day before negotiations began. Bayer says it will be taking on $57 billion in debt to finance the purchase, which is the largest-ever foreign acquisition by a German company. (NPR)

According to Anthony Samsel, Research Scientist:

This new BAYER deal maximizes the value of corporate assets. It ends an era for the company known as Monsanto and it forges a new beginning for the company’s current product development and ag systems including its desire to expand its global interests in ‘sustainable agriculture.’

Its not just about marketing seeds and chemicals, the company has been moving in other directions, but they also see the handwriting on the wall concerning their future liabilities from Glyphosate herbicide …..

Monsanto knows that I am right about their product (Roundup Glyphosate-based herbicide), that it is a synthetic amino acid which misincorporates into biology altering protein structure and function causing the demise of all life.

The corporate spin is that GMOs (genetically engineered organisms) sprayed with toxic chemicals are somehow ‘sustainable.’ Logic dictates that this method of agriculture can never be ‘sustainable,’ but that does not stop the wheels of the machine.

Bayer/Monsanto. Sustainable agriculture. No more thoughts about that pesky Glyphosate issue of causing all sorts of diseases and ushering us into the doctor’s office to take even more toxic substances to ‘cure’ us of something that they won’t even admit is wrong. Change the name and change public opinion. Marketing on a grand scale.

Yet, we want to believe the lie. It is much more comfortable than the truth that our food supply is being co-opted right before our eyes, along with any shred of common sense or decency, and we are being force-fed GMOs and toxic pesticides. And we appear to like it. All the way to the grave.

©2016 Barbara H. Peterson


This could all be avoided if people would stop being helpless and provide food for themselves.

Exactly! Local, neighborhood food growing and home manufacturing.