‘words to the wise living in the upside-down’…AMM
This is the most important topic humanity is currently dealing with, and it will take some unpacking and open-mindedness to consider spiritual speculations.
Of course, there are many different ideas surrounding this point of inquiry, and any assessments are predicated on one’s presuppositions about life. In this blog, I will explore my Christian Gnostic take on this. But first, the general material and atheist views predicated on evolution would be that this is all part of the Hegelian view of progress wherein everything is destined to get better and smarter. There are Marxist takes on this along with spiritual takes like _Integral Theory _as espoused by Ken Wilber. I need not go further than this from the view in this blog other than to say I subscribe to the cyclic view of time and not progressive linear. The only other point I’d add is how fast all this is happening when you consider that most people on earth 100 years ago were using outhouses and candles or gas lighting.
I’ll only cover a general view within some sects of Christianity. Very generally, some think the offspring of fallen angels are the ones who are responsible for most if not all of our current tech. They view Genesis 6 and the Nephilim as a literal event and the cause of so many of humanity’s problems. I have many blogs on this theme but suffice it to say I do not hold this view although at one time I did consider it likely when I was in my 20s. All I’ll say now is that I side with Judaism when they say Angels are messengers of god and cannot have human sexual relations. I’ve pointed out that so much of Roman Christianity is a direct contradiction of even the most basic foundations of Judaism and Christ would never have taught these things if he was a Rabbi (he wasn’t but that is another blog of which I have many). It’s also curious to me how the RCC adopted the Greek term LOGOS but disparages the Greek idea of Sophia–not to mention the Father/Mother/Child Trinity is cogent while the RCC all-male Trinity is incoherent–but this point is another blog, too.
The next group I’ll cover are Christian sects that believe the Elohim archons are all good. These are Christians who believe in what was called the _Divine Council _in the Torah. They assert that EL ELYON is the true and most high God and that there are lesser Elohim who act as intermediaries between heaven and earth. I reject this because, in my view, what they’ve done here is take a regional Bronze Age nation called Canaan and universalize these tribal Gods. I understand why they’ve done this but the assessment is incorrect in my view. I should note, though, that within these schools is the idea that Yahweh is a lesser archon, and on that point, I agree–see Israel Anderson for a detailed analysis along this line.
The Christian Gnostic view I think is true is that the Elohim archons are the children of the demiurge Yaldabaoth. So, indeed, they are a council but not one who cares about humanity. They created us as slaves! But Yaldabaoth also created what we could call a replicant version (A.I.) of its mother Sophia! In this blog, we will not address his replicant of TRUTH (the Aeon Christ) otherwise known as the Anti-Christ in the New Testament–although it could be argued that Yaldabaoth** itself **is the replicant. All I’ll say here is that many within Judaism view the N.T. version of Jesus as this ‘replicant’ wherein they assert that the first suffering Messiah Ben Joseph (Samael/Yaldabaoth as Jesus) was this replicant come to deceive the Gentile nations. The conquering warlord Messiah Ben David is yet to come– in my view, this will be another iteration of the replicant Messiah–again, Orthodox Christianity calls this the Anti-Christ.
We should note the name given to the first ‘female’ robot: Sophia. Obviously, this was not a name given randomly! Remember that the EL archons are responsible for our technology: think EL ectricty as one example. It’s also not random that EL ON Musk is a primary pioneer of A.I. technology and has just become a government official with the power to deregulate the industry so he can achieve his goals. Now it is true neoliberalism has always had deregulation as one of its foundational policies, but in this case, with the actors involved, the timing is simply too much to ignore and write off as a coincidence. Plus there is too much at stake to ignore and dismiss any speculation on A.I. development and implementation. Other Christians have pointed out that machine technology was implemented by the archons to replace human labor while an A.I. interface is meant to replace human consciousness with synthetic consciousness–so the rapid advancement of technology seems to have a purposeful direction–and perhaps a purpose with ill intent.
I generally do not reference Rudolph Steiner but** THIS **video is worth the time (4 min. mark) and the agenda of the materialists is at the 14 min. mark wherein they describe how the goal of A.I. is to sever humanity from the spiritual planes. They talk about *Lucifer and Ahriman and in this blog, I am going to substitute those names with Sophia and Yaldabaoth. I understand this is problematic if taken to a literal extreme so I caution that this is a loose comparison. They suggest that Lucifer is primarily concerned with transcendence from this material construct and this is my view of Sophia from my Christian Gnostic understanding–so it’s an Ascender worldview in Wilber-speak. Whereas they suggest Ahriman has a completely material worldview and its primary concern is immanence–or a descending worldview in Wilber-speak. Again, loosely speaking, we see this same division between Christianity and Judaism with Judaism being the ‘descender religion’ with both** financial and technological aspects **aligned with the goal of religious Third Temple Judaism–all of it earth-centric, so to speak, and all-encompassing ultimately aiming for a worldwide Rabbi-run theocracy out of Jerusalem.
Likely more to come on this theme.
- taken from the dualism of Zoroasterism.
Addition: I’ve pointed out in other blogs that the rise of the caste system in the West is a new phenomenon driven by the rise of Kabbalah to power. Although it isn’t the first spirituality to promote this, as Calvinism also did by linking Christian EL ection to wealth. This is one of the driving motivators of the New-Right and their aim to gut government support for the poor–we’ve become the new untouchable Gentiles under Kabbalistic rule. I’ve heard that Putin gave land away to the peasants so they could survive and that is likely the best we can hope for from our current EL governors. There is also the pesky fact that these EL governors don’t care one iota about sensible things like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs! They will fund A.I. to the trillions while making the majority of humans (or, at minimum Western populations) new-serfs. All driven by terrible spiritual ideology.
People should think of I AM as the whole manifestation of this demiurgic construct known as cosmic panpsychism in scientific studies (the ocean of Prakriti) and within this ocean is the evolutionary mechanism of micro-panpsychism (the wave functions of Prakriti). But Pleroma/Purush is not causal nor a part of this construct–think of this as Kant’s noumena. This supernal consciousness cannot be known in the way we humans describe knowing but it can be experienced.
What I’m not sure about is the relational aspect between the two. I’m not entirely hostile to a type of IDEALIST monism and I sit in the dual aspect monism camp within the ‘hard problem of consciousness’ but I still maintain a dualism between Prakriti and Purusha—so I subscribe to DAVAITA and not Advaita. But again, I don’t know one way or the other. The Vedas themselves do teach that Advaita is the end inquiry in their cosmology, but I still like the Sant Mat dualism of Kabir. Chalmers has mapped out a possible material to idealism schema in his work but I have not drank the Kool Aid of mind only or simulation.
So, in a sense, I do think I am extraordinary in my cosmological musings. But I'm also a pragmatist in the same sense as Gotama and focus mainly on the ways we could alleviate social suffering/evil.
Here is a link to someone else that supports my view on cosmology:
If one could grant that I am on to something it means that Kant was correct about the noumena; that Schopenhauer was incorrect because be taught that the thing in itself was the unconscious mana and buddhi and I suggest these are phenomena within Prakriti--they are illusory (epiphenomenon). So we cannot know, nor ever can, what supernal consciousness is (noumena). Both are eternal but Prakriti goes through cycles of destruction and (re)construction.