British Gov now has egg on it`s face!

in #go27 years ago

Theresa May (British Prime Minister) now has egg on her face, as do the UK Government! Was she trying to dupe the British Public, the Global Public and allied Govs? Or, was she the duped one herself by running a narrative that was handed to her with regard to last months Russian Spy poisoning? Either way, it hasnt worked!!! Yet another failed attempt to make Russia the new bogeyman where the British population are supposed to hate them and rally for the UK Gov to do something about them/ it! Firstly, the scientific lab which has now analysed the poison has now announced that there is no evidence that they can find any reason that it was a poison that was produced by Russia! Secondly, a question for you..... Who would profit or benefit from the poisoning of this Russian Spy? You might be interested to know that around the time of the poisoning the UK Gov decided to increase a nearby Chemical Weapons Facilitys (Porton-Down, only seven miles away from the incident) budget by a massive £UK 48 Million! This facility has stocks (all be it small amounts) of the very same nerve agent (Novichok)! One of the largest gainers of this entire situation could beGO2! They are a German arm of the German Government (which is basically the beating heart of the the EU Super-State).GO2` have ASSETS within MI6 and also have access to Porton-Down and it could be a retaliation for the Brexit decision made by the British Public aswell as to try and interfere with the elections (this year) of the Russian Presidency and also to upset the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Russia (also later this year).GO2 ASSETS in MI-6.jpg