Absolutely! I'm actually surprised so many people fall for the carrot-and-stick! (To make it clear, I don't mean reward and punishment, or "sugar-bread and whip" as the Germans put it, but the carrot you dangle in front of the donkey's nose, coercing him to keep moving forward towards a goal that moves away at the same speed.)
Why do people dream about gold and bridge (or traveling the world) AFTER retirement? Because they keep denying themselves those things for years and decades. Like when you run out of food on a hike, get hungry, and dream about "eating a horse" when you get back. It's a fantasy magnified by immediate need. So all those people dreaming about retirement should meet those needs instead. Little by little, instead of dreaming about "all day every day", at some undefined future point.
Your reports sounds interesting. I'll check it out.
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yes, I completely agree!
Don't put off enjoying life.
It's critical to enjoy the journey as well.
I just won't be one of those people that are reducing my lifestyle in "retirement" - whatever I decide that looks like. I pretty much have it now and have for years. To me, it's all about living the lifestyle I want to live.