Are you a person of ambitions? Do you often have mind-blowing ideas but never get any of them to work?
Growing up, I had always loved reading and writing. I had even gone as far as getting started with a book back in 2016. What had motivated me was the talent show being organised by our community? I didn't know what to do but then I knew beyond any reasonable doubt I wanted to be one of the participants. After serious considerations, I decided I was going to write a book.
One would expect that since then I've been writing and under normal circumstances, a four year experienced writer. However, it will shock you that it is only three months back that I started being intentional about the writing issue. The book many awaited never became a reality. up to date, when I meet certain people they still ask me about the whereabouts of that book.
Learning about this challenge I was very excited about participating. I have been longing for such an opportunity and finally, I got one. All the enthusiasm contained within me seemed to be neutralised when I began scrolling through the posts of few people who had already gotten engaged.
" Hope, you can't compare with these people. This is not your place. You should take more time to better yourself before you can even think of getting involved in subsequent opportunities which may emerge. As of now, you are not good enough to partake" These are a few of the thoughts that invaded my mind.
Unlike several birds who leave their nest and then learn to fly, A swallow is one of those which often waits in its nest till it is capable of flying. Then and only then does it get out of its nest.
Most times, just like the swallow, we want to be fully equipped before we begin. Regardless, certain things can only be learnt in the course of the journey.
There comes a time in a bird's life when it has to leave its nest and failure to do so can be very disastrous. The same goes for us. In the three months, I decided to get intentional I've realised I got to learn many things I might have never learnt if I never began at all.
Remembering this, I then knew without any iota of scepticism that this challenge is going to strengthen my wings for flight.
What is that thing you've been planning to do but haven't started as of yet? You don't need to become the best before you start. You can however become the best if you start.
The sooner you start the better!
What if I don't succeed?what if no one thinks it is good enough?what If I am criticised? What if, what if, what if...
When anxiety is present, "what ifs" come to the scene. One of the reasons why we remain in our comfort zone is FEAR. Yes, you got me right fear. Fear of taking risks, fear of the unknown, fear of...
We are so familiar with the nest that fear prevents us from getting out and exploring that which is beyond the nest. Looking critically, there are several activities essential for birds but which cannot be carried out in confines of the nest? True or yes?
We, therefore, see that at a certain point, the best becomes a limiting factor. Step out of that nest!!
I imagine that when it's time to leave the nest, just a glance out of the nest tends to scare some young birds. "It's so high from here, I don't know how to fly what if I fall and not rise?
I can't go I'll better stay here" one might moan.
Its true fear can set in amid uncertainty. but then we need not let fear take the lead. The truth is this; if you are waiting for everything to become certain, if you are waiting for that time when you'll need not take any risk, you ultimately might never start.
It's not like it's easy it isn't. It takes a bold and fearless person to leave his place of comfort and bargain for that which is not affluent for the sake of being better and productive.
Come to think of it. If you do not start because of the fear of failing, you will eventually fail because you never actually started. To me, not starting is already a form of failure.
It is better to fail after trying than failing without trying at all.
But if you try it's never really a complete failure if you learnt something in the course of the process.
It is said, " The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step." That step might seem so little at the time but many of them compounded will someday yield something great.
Get out of that nest, rule over fear and become more productive. Your progress should be progressive, not stagnant. When it becomes stagnant, it's no longer progress.