How to achieve your New Year goals

in #goals3 years ago

With 2022 starting tomorrow I thought I would give some tips on how to make your New year goals reality. The problem that people have when setting any goal not just new year goals is they don't know how to properly do it, people tend to be really general with what they want, it will sound something like, I want to lose weight this year or I want to make more money. The problem with that is they don't give themselves a real target, it would be like running a race and not knowing where the finish line is.

The best way to set goals is to follow that S.M.A.R.T formula. S.M.A.RT stands for





Time bound

Let's start with Specific, this is the part where you define what you really want. So instead of saying you want to lose weight this year, be more detailed. Give yourself a number that you want to hit so it would sound like I want to lose 20 lb this year.

The next thing you want to do is make sure your goal is measurable so going back to the example of losing weight. This is something easy to measure. You can weigh yourself every so often to see if you're making any progress. Remember a goal that can't be measured, cannot be achieved.

The attainable part is where a lot of people struggle because back to the example of losing weight. Yes you want to lose 80 lb this year but can you lose 80 lb this year? Setting a goal that's unattainable is setting yourself up for failure

Realistic is almost exactly the same thing as attainable. When setting a goal you want to make sure it's realistic for you, can you lose this weight in this time frame that you're giving yourself?

The time-bound part is one of the most important parts of the SMART goal because it gives yourself a deadline. So instead of saying I want to lose weight this year be more detailed. Give yourself quarterly goals, weekly goals. This will help you stay on track.

If you follow the smart goal formula and be brutally honest with yourself with not only what you want to accomplish with what you can accomplish, you have way more success than you did prior years

Happy 2022 here's to lots of success and happiness


Let's hope that we have achieved many of our goals - 2022 is still full of potential 🙌