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RE: Should I learn to code...?

in #goalslast year

Yep learning how it really works is a good approach.

For whatever reason I banged my head against the 'learning to code' wall for close to thirty years with nothing really sticking besides some bash and batch scripting.

My brain just is not wired in a way that coding sticks. It was not from lack of trying though!

Along the way I actually learned a bunch of system stuff... as well as how things work under the hood in classic/modern computing as well as networking... which helped tremendously once the AI came along and I could leverage it to fill in my lack of skills.

Yeah, I got my hands full with communities and with my own writing and that new Hive engagement routine. I did join it though and I gotta say I like what I see in there!


Yeah I wanted some kind of goal since I celebrated 2 years of not drinking. And I'm fully expecting to get into this to be able to cheat but at first I got to learn what I can do with it and how things operate. As well how to cheat...

Oh and I gotta get a laptop to learn on...

I have been successfully doing it for over a year now making various projects that I have wanted to build for a very long time and wow it is an awesome feeling seeing the ideas come to life.

It has also changed something for the better in how I think about all kinds of things. Really hard to word it out but it has been helpful in many ways.

Yeah absolutely. I can see all sorts of cool things that I could do with knowing how to code because I have a ton of great ideas anyway all the time and everybody's always needing help.

So let's see how it all works out!

A lot of people use VScode (Visual Studio Code) but I am super old school and do everything in a text editor. Just find which tools work for you and stick with them!

Friend of mine that I really respect actually had a computer folder of code that he had stashed away. Bits and pieces of cool stuff that he found useful. I always thought that it was really smart of him to do that!

That is surely a good approach. Searching GitHub and GitLab for how folks achieve things is good also. Knowing Linux helped me a lot but really is not necessary these days.

Yeah I used to be computer literate and now I do everything through my phone so I'm also looking at having to get a little laptop.

And then Linux is definitely another thing I got to get apart of.

Sigh... So much stuff to learn. And get.