I Can. I Will. End of The Story.

in #goals7 years ago (edited)

Determination and discipline are key factors to achieve everything you would like to get in life. This doesn't really include only financial goals, but everything else that can bring some happiness into your life.


When you set any goals, you have to make sure they are believable for you, if they are something that you see almost impossible, keep those in mind and focus on what it is possible at first and accomplish them step by step and little by little throughout the time.

Everything is frequencies and vibrations. Every time you believe anything is possible, you are literally matching your vibration with the vibration of your goal. Nothing is really impossible, it just takes time, patience and steady work in order to achieve them.

Match your vibration toward your goals, when you do, it is life changing.

"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, your're giving part of yourself".
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"

Stay blessed.

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One word I hear used by people more often than any other word…is can’t.

If you want to live your life to its highest potential and achieve all of your goals, then eliminate this belittling word, “can’t,” from your vocabulary. Saying “I can’t” to yourself in any situation is the most harmful form of self affliction on earth. You might as well stop trying at whatever you are doing if you truly believe you can’t pull it off. Life is about breaking through that wall of “I can’t” and telling yourself that you can!

Nice post & Great Topic @javybar

"I can" or I can't" is mainly a command we are all sending to the universe. The universe does not care if it's a negative word or positive, it will always deliver it regardless of the meaning. Keep it up my friend :)

To achieve success in any of its beginnings, a system of consistent actions is necessary. Many believe that it is enough to just define the goal and go to it, but it's not so simple. If the goal is long-term, then you run the risk of encountering obstacles, which can be overcome neither by motivation nor inspiration. And only a systematic approach will help you. First of all,First of all, this is a certainty and discipline, following these rules you will succeed. Thank you for sharing :)

And patience is also important in life without patience we don't achive our goals thanks for this lovely contentI totally agree with you dear @javybar Determination and discipline are key factors to achieve everything and Nothing is really impossible, it just takes time, and patience you say very well and true dear decipline is most important in our life , office , community , office school eaven in country . Because without decipline we don't achive our life goals and I think if decipline is not present in our life then our life is mix with problems and difficulties

Wise thoughts my friend. You just touched every aspect to achieve a goal at the long term. Apply it to your life and you will see. :)

THANks for this kind words dear @javybar you say very well Nothing is really impossible, it just takes time, patience and steady work in order to achieve them . patiance is very important in our life and patiance focous ,belive is also impotant in achive of our goals . and patience is the one of quality who help you to forget you bad moment of life . i think we always work with patience eaven every movment of life like personaly or proffetionally ppatience is essential in our life when patience present in yourself then you becomes a good neiighbor, friend parent ,

Very true my friend. Patience really gives us the long term success if we really want to. The key is to not give up and keep it steady. Thanks :)

Achieving the goal is like a long, exhausting race. Someone can start running fast and in a short time will fall down. And someone will distribute them for the whole distance and cross the finish line. That's why you need certainty and discipline. You are right as always. Thanks for the exchange.

I'm not always right my friend :), but I do my best. Discipline is essential for any goal. Thank you :)

It's most powerful contents entire and totally agree with you @javybar. While it's not for everyone, setting monthly goals can be a powerful way to keep moving forward with your manifestations. If you achieve those monthly goals, then it's also a great way of increasing your confidence in the law of attraction, and in your ability to successfully apply it to your life.

Sounds like a great idea. Monthly goals can take you to a yearly goal which is bigger than we think. Sounds like a good strategy.

Meditation must important this way. If you think about being wealthy, you will attract wealth. But if you think about becoming wealthy you will attract lack. Why? Because if you are hoping to attract wealth you are affirming that you don’t currently have it.

very true! thank you!

wow love the inspirational word really if you set your mind that i can do it ..... there will be nothing which will come on your way to stop you, so if you will you can do it @javybar

if we want to do something though it is impossible think i can and i will because this four words has really deep meaning that if you want to reach your goals then we should have self confidence. Everything is possible, need full determination and self believe for that. Set goals and be motivated to achieve those set goals. Focus is the first condition after setting goals.@javybar

No one can take away from you anything that belongs to you. True story my friend :)

thank you ☺

Hola javybar , muy buena reflexion el dia de hoy , realmente no hay mucho que argumentar , su post lo dice todo, disciplina y trabajar constantemente en nuestro objetivo es la clave, energia positiva adicionada a todo nuestro esfuerzo.
Sus reflexiones , las califico con un 10 y quedo en deuda, muy bien.
Feliz dia :)

wow muchisimas gracias! Es realmente un placer. Muy agradecido.

I think Strong Words that i can read in your post
I Can. I Will no doubt You alweays come with great words but today I love these words And I Save these words not in my PC but In my mind so i will remember this when i will going for doing some thing Thanks for sharing
Hope you will visit my blog thanks

Glad these words can touch you and be with you everyday of your life. The main idea is for you to lift yourself to a higher frequency in order to see the unseen. Do your best :)

Right sir,it just takes time, patience and steady work in order to achieve them.

I loved the title, focus and determination are the keys ti achieve any goal. Consistency and the belief in the path you are walking on are also the factors by which one can achieve anything

Thank you for adding more key factors for everyone, we appreciate it. :)

My pleasure

Isnt it said true

Music is all about frequencies
all you need to do is sync in
To me music is life .....

The music of life, loved it :)

Dear @javybar, sometimes some story always end by bad moment

Lots of them do, but where is going to be your focus at? Failure? I would not recommend it :)

@javybar, Absolutely brilliant quote indeed great motivation post. Seriously if we keep life goal definitely trust it we'll win. If not cannot success any goal. Keep belief to it mind change and will do it.

Trust yourself even in failures, and success will take over my friend. Thank you :)

thanks for this always inspiring post, you are so right something we want we must apply and we do in discipline and earnestly, nothing is impossible in this world unless we turn our face backward, the rest while it's a good thing and positive still accomplish that although sometimes people get in your way but be sure follow your own heart.

Totally agree with you my friend. Very inspiring as well for all of us.

You always give a post that is so motivating, I am very happy to follow you, and I am always impressed with your posts. You are absolutely right for the vibrations we desire to create in this self, do not let the vibrations fade and disappear. if we are not able then do it slowly but do not stop and give up because hope is very important for our future.

Hope should never be lost for all of us. It is really the last feeling we hold in any difficult situation. Vibrations are everything my friend. I appreciate it.

Great post..Loved the amazing words. Yes my friend you are right if we want to do something though it is impossible think i can and i will because this four words has really deep meaning that if you want to reach your goals then we should have self confidence.Thanks for sharing it with us..@javybar

Very well said my buddy!

Thank you..my friend

thank you for posting a very good every day, I really like your post. Achieve what we want in life slowly, because the process we experience can we feel in detail and always we remember. But never give up for our desires, because giving up means we have lost everything.

Very true my friend. Giving up is taking the failure with you. There are some situations where letting something go is more beneficial, but that will be based on everyone's judgment in their lives. Keep it up. :)

you are right dear if we want something in our life then decipline is must in our life and patience is essential in our life because without patience we dont't success in our goal and don't get happiness by the way patience is linked to good health thanks for this content i like your all post and learn manythings .

Wonderful comment my friend. I appreciate it.

you are so right @javybar, the vibrations within us to achieve our desires must always be taken care of, apply in mind nothing is impossible for us to do, so also our ideals and desires no one can not remember that we are able to achieve it and what is wrong, of course, always work with discipline and earnest.

Great title and amazing words. You are right sir. I impressed for your post. I appreciate you.

it is always a pleasure. Started following you :)

Don't over think just began it. For get goal we should start first not only thinking.

That is so true my friend. Let's just begin and do not over think.

Thank you for agree in my thought . I am little writer . I write this type poetry.

Very motivation and inspiring article. I also believe that virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude.

I cannot agree better than that. A change of mood starts with a positive attitude. I appreciate it :)

thank you for sharing with us,very good said,my dear friend @javybar,

you are very welcome :)

Rightly said. One can do anything. But first have to get out of mind's tricking that i cant do. Everything is possible, need full determination and self believe for that. Set goals and be motivated to achieve those set goals. Focus is the first condition after setting goals. Admired your post

Very wise message for all of us. We appreciate it :)

yeah,dear we can do everything.when thing not impossible a person.its only everybody mentality matter.goals is main passion in our life.all people should be determination and discipline stayed is two thing stayed in her life. its everything can bring happiness in our life.so,really your opinion 1oo percent right dear.i respect your good mentaly thought..thanks to sharing for your good post..friend @javybar

You are very welcome. Thank you for your nice contribution :)

thank you dear..its my pleasure friend @javybar

No doubt, Determination is the main key to get whatever you want in your life. You got only one chance by taking precious life so be determinate and get what you want.

If you can steady work then you must be succeeded to get what you want.

Totally agree with you, Steady work can make you succeed big time!

Exactly! Your words always right my friend. First, we should have to believe that, its good for you or not, what you wanna going to do work for yourself. We should focus on setting goals and try to make it perfect that bring surely happiness into your life.

I totally appreciate it, thank you for stopping by :) I'm in steemit.chat to interact with anyone who wants to :)

Alright! :)

**************************Yes, I can!***********************

If you're anything like me, you're very goal-oriented. Always dreaming of what could be and will be. You're always planning ahead because you're excited for what lies ahead—because the thought of the future elates you. You can't wait to make something of yourself and do great things. And again, if you're anything like me, you have all the people telling you that you can't.

Very true! Very inspiring, I appreciate it :)

They don't believe in you is a mystery. Most of the time, it's because they don't believe in themselves. They can't attain something, so why should you? They fail to see the possible im(possible): the possibility inside of impossibility. Or, some just cannot stand the thought of you succeeding more than them. They put you down, more than anyone you've ever known.

Nice post @javybar & thanks for sharing!

Such a wise opinion. I appreciate it a lot!

Unfortunately, there are also the people that ultimately want to see you fail. (Stay away from those kind of people.) They'll do anything to make sure that you do. Upon your demise, they'll sit back, kick their feet up, eat some popcorn, and enjoy the show.

In my religious beliefs, God placed you here for many reasons, one being to do well and provide for those you love. So, do exactly that and make a great impact on as many people as you can. No one can tell you what you can and cannot do; only you are the judge of that. Find your limitations and then exceed them. We are only given one shot to make something of ourselves. Work hard, "block out da h8ters," and most importantly, prove them wrong. Write your own story. Dream big and bigger.

Wonderful message! Lovely. I appreciate it. I'm in steemit.chat for anything, thank you my friend :)

That would be a nice quote bro! The way you described it and the message you have given to the community also so valuable! Great work bro!@javybar,


Thank you brother, nice seeing you again :)

You are right friend, these 2 words are the main point. We make possible and good everything to focus on this words 🙂 i pick up this 2 words in my life deeds thankyou 💕

Glad it was useful for you and many :). I'm steemit.chat if you or anyone would like to chat :) I appreciate it :)

Amazing post dear

Really good life encouraging post @javybar. I'm pretty interesting to see your posts. It has best contents included to take our life succeed. Thank you for posting.

I really agree with you @javybar. to achieve success in doing something we must discipline and confidence. Discipline is the main key in life. besides we also must be patient in facing all obstacles to achieve our goals. with patience and discipline something that was difficult for us to do would be easy

@javybar, poetry express deep feelings and thoughts, nice

really you have well said that if a person has strong determination in his life then nothing is impossible for him to do in his life.in our life nothing is impossible but we have to sacrifice our little enjoyment for a while....

it is upto me for what i will settle!

javybar bhai you have shared a very good post
Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of this future into reality. The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life.

amazing man, your words add life to inspiration and patience, you really interpret the words and morals so well that there is no else way to understand life better...
key to success are patience, inspiration, living your dreams and loving your your work...

"key to success are patience, inspiration, living your dreams and loving your your work..." Very inspiring words, thank you my friend :)

Good post. You're right.

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.

wow well love story keep it up

Want to believe in every word! Well written!

Really nothing is impossible.Your motivation really excellent.We have to learn to love everybody But it is difficult to get persons who love peoples Without interest.

Great title and amazing words. You are right sir. I impressed for your post. I appreciate you.

if we are determined from inside nothing can stop us from reaching the destination no matter how hard the challenge will get over time :)

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