2017 Goals (Not Resolutions)

in #goals8 years ago (edited)

     Like many people out there the New Year brings a bit of contemplation and a sense that anything is possible.  I have made many a RESOLUTION only to forget them or not follow through with them at all.   I was listening to a Joe Rogan podcast and his guest was Justin Wren whom as an MMA Fighter I would typically cast into the Savage Meathead category and pay him no mind but what an incredible story and incredible person.   I suppose stereotyping is stereotyping but somehow doesn't seem the same when you do it to a white guy, pretty messed up but that's not what I am here to talk about.

     I am here to talk about GOALS.   noun 1.the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.  The New Year had me thinking about the difference in Resolutions and Goals and I realized I didn't need a Resolution I already had Goals.  In the Podcast Justin spoke of some advice a coach had given him on reaching his goals and that was to WRITE THEM DOWN and Place them somewhere you can see them.

I have a yellow post it note attached to a picture frame of my son in my closet and on it is written:

Learn to Speak Italian


Call in a Turkey

I only joined Steemit yesterday and it occured to me on my commute this morning that I can use this forum to help me stay accountable to myself in reaching these goals.  So like it or not you're on the journey with me.  I will do my best to make a Monday-Friday effort (Sorry boss but these are my goals we're talking about) to post on what I have done to help or hinder myself in reaching these goals.  

What did I do today?

I started the day with a workout.  Although my "Tough" Power Clean was only 135# it was actually a new PR :) SO STRONG! so weak haha  Working off the ol Dad Bod to one with visible abdominal muscles is going to be a stretch and the workout isn't the tough part but not stuffing my face will be.  

  WED JANUARY 04, 2017 WEDNESDAY 1/4/2016 

A: Power Clean  15 Mins to build up to a “Tough” - Power Clean X 1 

B: Metcon (Time) For Time: (15 Min Cap) 

10-8-6-4-2 - Power Cleans (155/105) 

100/80/60/40/20 DUs (Singles= X 3) 

*SCORE= Time to complete workout 

Got showered and off to work.  Thanks to Maricopa Country Public Library System I have a borrowed 8CD Pimsleur Italian Language Course.  Currently on lesson 6; "Io vorrebe mangare caul cosa ma non adeso" No idea if the spelling is correct but I can work on that too.   If you speak Italian and wouldn't mind giving me pointers comment below and I will give you a follow.  We are planning to go to Italy in a few years so if you are a native let's get to know each other and if I am in your area I will buy you a beer!  <- Bona Fide Contract 

I plan to practice my turkey calling on the commute home.  If you have never heard a turkey call check this out and you will see why it might drive my Wife and Kids and Dogs and Neighbors Crazy if I did this at home.  I will let you know tomorrow how this goes

Turkey Calling and my calling sounds nothing like this ;)