2017 Goals (Not Resolutions) Update #3 (Payout Declined oops Crap! how do I unpayout a post?)

in #goals8 years ago (edited)

ABS - Another day another PR No Big Whoop ;) Actually pretty excited that my hard work is paying off.  I made it to the gym 4 out of 5 days this week and set another PR with a 225# back squat.   I took one day off because my legs hurt like hell and I just needed a recovery day.  I looked at my phone and found a shirt off photo from the summer and the consistency is starting to show.  Sorry ladies you're just going to have to wait. 

Learn to speak Italian - I only put in another session on unit seven.  I need to get unit 8 on my usb drive so I can progress and also figure out how to utilize the next piece of learning software.   This one is a little off track (see step 3 below)

Call a Turkey -  On track here and finished the lesson now with two calls and I will work number 3 today.  I think I like this second call a little better and I am learning my own key words and getting better at using the calls.   Still not ready for the Turkey woods but I still have time but this goal has an expiration date of May 2017 (end of hunting season)   so I need to stay with it!

I have decided to decline any payout on my goal updates because the more I read here on steemit there is a sense of a greater good and if these updates can be my contribution toward that end or hopefully inspire someone toward their goals then I am happy to do this little bit.   

1. Write down your goals and put them somewhere you will see them every day 

2. Do one thing a day to get you closer to that goal 

3. Its a marathon not a sprint 

4. Shit happens, refocus and go back to step 2