Thought of the Day: March 30, 2018 - Ask a Higher Power for Advice

in #god7 years ago

There are billions of people who get up every morning and go to bed each night. Upon waking and before bed ,they look within themselves and ask a higher power for advice.

They are looking for help in many different areas of life. They believe asking a higher power for advice will give them what they need.

I'm not talking about God only. They talk to God but they also talk to their subconscious mind through their conscious thoughts. They talk to the universe, energy, nature and the vibration around them. The light that shines bright in their heart.

Many people are grateful for the amazing day to come or for the one that is coming to a close.

To ask a higher power for advice does not mean you are weak in any way. It allows you to be the witness and see the ego. It allow you to see your vulnerable human side. Your soul is alive and wanting to grow from where it is.

Do you reach out to God, a higher power or universal energy for answers, help or guidance? When you are lost and don't know where to turn this is the place billions of people turn.

If you do, I would like to hear how you do it. What kind of experiences you have had connection to the energy you believe in?