Ok first things first, I`am not a calvinist, I don't believe that Jesus died for certain people, that goes against scripture. BUT what I do believe is that there are some people that are put on this Earth to do evil things. I think that there are children of darkness and light, but ALL have had a chance to hear of Christ. But some people chose to deny God and the gospel and holy spirit. THAT is the unpardonable sin, God will not forgive you for that.
So when we talk about other cases of “Necessary Evil” We can look at the tragedies of humanity, Hitler, Stalin, Columbine, these are awful and very sad examples of sin. BUT these situations are needed in history to cause people to clash against evil, and to those who are convicted to do good through acts of evil, will shine in darkness.
If no one was evil or gave their hearts to evil, Christianity would need no reason to grow. The gospel would still be in its infancy!
Here's a quote from the Bible,
Proverbs 28:20English Standard Version (ESV)
20 A faithful man will abound with blessings, but whoever hastens to be rich will not go unpunished.
Now when we look at this we see that some men are in lust for money, and will do anything to obtain it even if that means hurting his fellow man. This can be seen through sex trafficking, the people at the very top that are running underground sex dungeons is making blood money no matter the cost. BUT it`s also causing countless people, Christian or not, to have a conviction of the heart and our conscience to do something about it. Because of sex trafficking, the necessary evil, a clash was made, causing what would be regular people into today's heroes in such a dark world. See how there is a tradeoff?
Well that's it, there are some people that will accept God and some will not, but ALL have had a chance to run to God. Not everyone is supposed to go to heaven, some are put on this earth to do wrong.
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