Let's Take Spirituality Out Of The Box @senseicat

in #god6 years ago

I believe it is time to remind ourselves of what spirituality truly means. I have noticed many people who proclaim their belief system and yet, I find it amusing that they often live their lives very differently than the values that they profess.

One woman spends so much time gossiping about every juicy piece of information that she does not even notice that I simply walk away while she is in mid sentence. She is lovely and interesting and bright which are wonderful gifts. Sadly, she does not focus on that, but rather spreading rumors about family and so called friends.


I also have a friend who comes over often with offers of prayer, but conversely, each time she visits, she is overtly rude and condescending. Yesterday, when she came by, my son asked, "Is she coming over to judge us again?" She insulted me tucking my son to bed at night and....that is just the beginning.

It is one thing to have an opinion, but generally, it is best to keep those opinions to yourself.

The world is a vast place and there are many ways to practice spirituality. Often people need to subscribe to a particular path and it may be right for them, but the key to recognize that there are multiple paths. It benefits all of us to show expressions of love and acceptance towards people as we are all brothers and sisters.



Well, it's a deep subject.

Being aware of one's thoughts and overcoming our ego is my definition.