Some thoughts about the psychology of Education. Theories of learning. /part 5/

in #godflesh6 years ago (edited)

Emotions and feelings in children's games are complete and casual. That's why for every child the attractive power of the game is great. The pleasure of it, the joyful experiences are of great importance for motivation. The goal of the project is to develop and maintain a structured and organized learning environment, development.The psychological strand of learning is the process of learning with different content and levels of complexity, and the process of learning the ways of using this knowledge.

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In summary, learning is an activity aimed at acquiring knowledge, developing skills and habits. Through learning, there are also motives and attitudes towards subjects that are subject to learning, as well as relationships with learners. In the other activities, the change of the site is in the foreground, while in the course of the activity the change of the object is a means of achieving its purpose. In order to analyze the essence of the learning activity, it is necessary to consider separately its main structural components and to determine their specificity. The structural, objective components of the learning activity are: the subject to which the learning activity is directed; the means used to achieve certain learning objectives; the conditions under which the training takes place; the subject of the training activity.

The subject of the educational activity is the public experience for a certain part of the objective reality, reflected in the system of social knowledge, concepts, laws, theoretical and practical methods, moral norms and values, certain modes of behavior. The subject is determined by the contemporary socio-economic state of society, which determines the state of the public knowledge. In the process of learning, children receive both empirical and theoretical knowledge and skills structured according to their content in a particular system. Empirical knowledge reflects certain phenomena, and the theoretical - the essence behind the phenomena. Both types of knowledge represent a certain degree in the development of public and personal knowledge. The means of learning are the actions through which the child analyzes and explains the subject of learning, reveals its main features, laws, methods, and reproduces them in practical and mental terms. Through these actions, each child reproduces public knowledge and skills through sign systems, learning strategies and learning techniques.