OLD CSR- Changed Core cards OLD

in #godsunchained3 years ago (edited)

*Edit This post is outdated, check out the updated changed core cards here https://peakd.com/hive-173286/@meltysquid/gods-unchained-core-set-refresh-changed-core-cards-updated.

Here is the list of refreshed core cards organized by Gods and Card Type.
All of the changes are from the reddit post. Some of the listed pre-change versions are out of date with what is currently in the game.
Gods Unchained Card List Generator.
Shoutout to @kephler for his




  • Amazon Conscript
    • Changed text from "Roar: Give +1 health to one of your wild or amazon creatures." To "Roar: Give +1 health to one of your creatures."
  • Gersemi, Freyja's Spear
    • Add faction Amazon. Change stats from 4/2 to 3/3
  • Managarmr, Moon Hound
    • Add faction Wild. Change stats from 4/3 to 3/4. Change text from "Confused. Whenever this creature attacks, refresh three mana." to "Confused. After this creature attacks, refresh three mana."
  • Valewarden Minotaur
    • Add faction Wild. Change text from "Afterlife: Heal your god for 4. If this completely heals your god, add a random Nature card to your hand." to "Afterlife: Heal your god for 3 , add a random 7 mana cost wild creature to your hand."
  • Oliphaunt Mount
    • Added faction wild. Changed text from "Roar: Give each other friendly creature +2/+1 or +1/+2 at random." To "Roar: Give each other friendly creature +2/+1."


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  • Pack Stalk
    • Changed mana cost from 1 to 0. Changed text from "Refresh mana equal to the number of creatures you control." To "Refresh one mana for each creature you control."
  • Revivification
    • Change mana cost from 1 to 3. Change text from "Heal your god for 3. Add 3 random 3 or less mana cost wild creatures to your hand." to "Heal your characters for 3. Summon two random 1 mana wild creatures."
  • Guerilla Training
    • Change text from "Give a creature: "At the end of your turn, gain +3 strength."" To "Give a creature: "At the end of each turn, gain +1/+1.""
  • Arrow of Rage
    • Change text from "Deal X damage to an enemy creature where X is equal to the strength of a random creature you control." To "A random enemy creature takes your strongest creatures strength in damage."
  • Lightning Strike
    • Change text from "Deal 8 damage to a random enemy creature, and give it burn +2." to "Deal 8 damage to the strongest enemy creature."
  • Firewine
    • Change from 5 mana to 3 mana. Changed text from "Give all your creatures +2 strength and overkill until end of turn." To "Give +2 strength and overkill to each of your creatures until the end of the turn."
  • Opalised Roots
    • Change text from "Add four random nature cards to your hand" to "Add five random 3 mana nature creatures to your hand and reduce their cost by 1."


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  • Staff of Roots
    • Change stats from 2 mana 1/2 to 3 mana 2/2. Change text from "Twin strike. Blitz. Afterlife: Summon a 1/1 Walking Plant." to "Twin strike. Blitz. Roar: Summon a 1/1 Walking Plant if you control a wild creature."
  • Faeflame Blade
    • Change stats from 2 mana 1/4 to a 3 mana 2/2. Change text from "Twin strike. Blitz. Roar: This relic gains +1/+1 if you control an amazon." to "Twin strike. Blitz. Roar: This relic gains +1 strength if you control an amazon"

Minor Changes

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  • Bladefly
    • Added the stats of the creature to the text
  • Nefarious Briar
    • Add faction Wild
  • Tainted Treant
    • Add faction Wild
  • Vinebound Jotun
    • Add faction Wild



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  • Tamed Mammoth
    • Added faction Viking. Changed text from "After a friendly creature takes damage and survives, this creatures gets +1 strength." To "After a friendly creature takes damage, this creatures gets +1 strength."
  • Auric Mage
    • Change stats from 3/4 to 6/7. Change text from "Backline. Leech.Roar & ability: Deal 1 damage to each creature." to "Roar: Deal 1 damage to each creature."
  • Hector, Prince of Troy
    • Change stats from 6/6 to 7/7. Changed text from "Roar: If any creatures in your void have blitz, flank, frontline, leech, protected, twin strike, or ward, this creature gains those abilities." To "Roar: If any creatures in your void have blitz, protected, twin strike, or ward, this creature gains those."
  • Grendel, Night Terror
    • Add faction Nether. Change stats from 8 mana 6/6 to 6 mana 4/4. Change text from "Blitz. Twin strike. After this creature attacks another creature, this creature becomes protected." to "Blitz. Protected. After this creature attacks, it becomes protected."


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  • Avalanche Strike
    • Change text from "Deal 2 damage to a creature. If you have a relic, remove 1 durability from it and deal 12 damage instead." to "Deal 2 damage. If you have a relic equipped, deal 4 instead."
  • Carnage Sweep
    • Change from 6 mana to 5. Change text from "Deal 2 damage to all creatures. If you have a relic equipped, remove 3 durability and destroy all creatures instead" to "Deal your relics strength to each enemy character, then destroy it."


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  • Devouring Blade
    • Change stats from 2/2 to 4/1. Change text from "Blitz." to "Godblitz."
  • Ares' Runeblade
    • Change text from "Godblitz. Whenever you attack, deal 2 damage to each creature, and heal your god for the damage done." To "Godblitz. After you attack, deal 2 damage to each enemy character."

Minor Changes

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  • Tartessian Improviser
    • Add faction Olympian
  • Belligerent Warlock
    • Added faction Olympian
  • Tavern Brawler
    • Added faction Viking
  • Warmonger Smith
    • Add faction Olympian
  • Trojan Battlemage
    • Changed name from Trojan Battlemage to Tartessian Battlemage. Add faction Olympian.



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  • Writhing Spirit
    • Change text from "Creatures damaged by this creature get burn +1. Roar: Obliterate a card in your hand." to "Roar: Obliterate a card in your hand."
  • Raving Necromancer
    • Change faction from mystic to Anubian. Change stats from 2 mana 3/2 to 1 mana 2/2. Changed text from "Whenever a creature dies, heal its god for 2." To "When an anubian dies, steal 1 health from your opponents god."
  • Runed Asp
    • Changed strength from 2 to 1. Changed text from "Roar: Pick one - Gain "Afterlife: Both gods unlock a mana lock." or "Afterlife: Both gods draw a card"." To "Deadly. Afterlife: Both players unlock a mana lock."
  • Void Banshee
    • Changed text from "Afterlife: Deal 4 damage to your god and pull the top card of your deck into your void." To "Roar: Deal 4 damage to your god."
  • Fickle Cambion
    • Changed text from "Whenever your god gains health, this creature gets +1 health. Whenever your god loses health, this creature gets +1 strength." To "After your god takes damage, this creature gains +1/+1."
  • Thanakris Spell-Locusts
    • Add faction Nether. Change stats to 1/1. Changed text from "Deadly. Afterlife: At the start of your next turn, choose and obliterate a card in your hand, then summon this creature from the void. " To "Afterlife: Obliterate a random spell in your void, if you do, pull this creature to the board."
  • Famished Ghoul
    • Change stats from 4/4 to 3/2. Change text from "Whenever a creature dies, its owner draws a card." to "Whenever a friendly creature dies, you draw a card."
  • Sand Scorpion
    • Change stats from 1/4 to 2/5. Change text from "Deadly. Roar: Select a creature from your void and trigger its afterlife." to "Deadly. Roar: Select an anubian from your void and trigger its afterlife."
  • Cerberus, Styx Hound
    • Add faction nether. Change states from 5/6 to 6/7. Change text from "At the end of each turn, destroy three other random creatures with health 3 or less." to "At the end of each turn, destroy an enemy creature with 3 health or less."


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  • The Old Ritual
    • Changed text from "Transform a friendly creature into a 6/6 Netherspawn." To "Destroy a creature, if you do, summon a 6/6 Netherspawn for its controller."
  • Ray of Disintegration
    • Changed text from "Destroy a creature. Deal 2 damage to your god." To "Destroy a creature. Deal 2 damage to each god."
  • Raise Dead
    • Change text from "Summon a creature from any void. Give it soulless." to "Pull a creature from your void to the board."
  • End Times
    • Changed text from "Destroy all creatures. Summon a 9/9 Demonic Skull with -1/-1 for each enemy creature destroyed and +1/+1 for each friendly." To "Destroy each creature. Then Summon a 6/6 Demonic Skull."
  • Demonic Skull
    • Changed stats from 10 mana 9/9 to 7 mana 6/6


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  • Dreaming Sceptre
    • Change durability from 4 to 2. Change text from "At the start of your turn, remove 1 durability from this relic, destroy the enemy creature with the lowest health, and deal that much damage to your god." to "Ability: Destroy a creature with 3 or less health, then remove 1 durability from this relic."
  • Phylactery
    • Changed from 5 mana 0/3 to 6 mana 0/2. Changed text from "At the start of your turn, pull the creature with the lowest health from your void onto the board, and this relic loses 1 durability." To "Ability: Pull a creature from your void to the board, then this relic loses 1 durability."

Minor Changes

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  • Bombfly
    • Change faction from Wild to Nether
  • Living Container
    • Changed text from "Soulless. Roar: Destroy a friendly creature. Afterlife: If the creature is in a void, give it +2/+2, and pull it onto the board." To "Soulless. Roar: Destroy one of your creatures. Afterlife: Pull that creature from the void to the board, give it +2/+2."
  • Dust to Dust
    • Text Cleanup



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  • Assistant Alchemist
    • Added faction Mystic. Changed text from "Roar: Select a card that costs no more than your total unlocked mana gems. Reduce its cost by 1." To "Roar: Reduce by 1 the mana cost of a spell in your hand that costs 3 or less mana."
  • Time-Bomb
    • Changed text from "Roar: If your god is protected, Time-Bomb gets +1 strength and protected. Otherwise, your god gains protected." To "Afterlife: Deal 2 damage to the weakest enemy creature."
  • Choralis Rune Moth
    • Add faction Wild. Change health from 1 to 3. Change text from "Backline. At the end of your turn, add a random rune to your hand and reduce its cost to 0." to "Backline. At the end of each turn, add a random rune to your hand and reduce its cost to 1."
  • Oni Spellsword
    • Add faction Nether. Change text from "Ward. After you play a card, this creature gets +1 strength, and the friendly creature with lowest health gains ward." to "Ward. After you play a spell, this creature gets +1/+1 and ward."
  • Prescient Spellbinder
    • Changed text from "Roar: Pick one Look at the top three cards of your deck, or Look at the top three cards of your opponent's deck." To "Roar: Foresee 2."
  • Manathirst Golem
    • Changed stats from 4/4 to 5/5. Changed text from "After you cast a spell, this creature gains +2/+1." To "After you cast a spell, this creature gains +1/+1."
  • Leyhoard Hatchling
    • Change stats from 10 mana 2/1 to 8 mana 3/3. Change text from "At the start of your turn, set this creature's mana cost to 10 minus the number of cards in your hand. Roar: Deal 4 damage." to "Each turn, set this creature's mana cost to 8 minus the number of cards in your hand. Roar: Deal 4 damage."


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  • Metamorphosis
    • Changed mana cost from 2 to 1. Changed text from "Transform a friendly creature into a random creature that costs 1 more mana." To "Target a creature. Delve a creature that costs 1 more mana and transform the target into that creature."
  • Wyrmbreath
    • Changed text from "Deal 5 damage." To "Deal 6 damage."
  • Crystal Rain
    • Changed mana cost from 5 to 4. Changed text from "Deal 2 damage to each enemy creature. Foresee 1." To "Deal 2 damage to each enemy creature."


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  • Morgana's Grimoire
    • Change durability from 3 to 1. Changed text from "Ability: Reduce by 1, but not to 0, the cost of each spell in your hand that costs no more than your total unlocked mana gems. This relic loses 1 durability." To "Ability: Reduce by 1 the mana cost of a spell in your hand that costs 3 or less mana."
  • Staff of Shards
    • Change durability from 3 to 4. Change text from "Ability: Deal 1 damage, then deal 1 damage to your opponent's god, and remove 1 durability from this relic." to "Ability: Deal 1 damage to an enemy, then remove 1 durability from this relic."

Minor Changes

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  • Frey, Archmage of Selene
    • Add faction Mystic



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  • Switch Duelist
    • Changed text from "Hidden for 1 turn. At the end of each player's turn, swap this creature's strength and health." To "Hidden. At the end of each turn, swap this creature's strength and health."
  • Dionysian Drunk
    • Changed health from 2 to 3
  • Jinxblade Duelist
    • Changed stats from 2 to 3. Changed text from "At the end of each turn, give this creature +1 health if your opponent controls a creature." To "At the end of each turn, set this creatures health to 3 if your opponent controls a creature."
  • Vault Vagabond
    • Change strength from 1 to 3. Changed text from "Hidden. Flank. Whenever this creature attacks a god, copy the top card of your opponent's deck and add it to your hand." to "After this creature attacks a god, gain a copy the top card of your opponent's deck."
  • Inconspicuous Carriage
    • Changed stats from 2/6 to 3/5. Changed text from "Frontline. Afterlife: Add a Bomb to your opponent's deck for each of their unused mana gems. (Bombs deal 3 damage to their god when drawn.)" To "Frontline. Roar: Add two Bombs to your opponents deck. (Bombs deal 3 damage to their god when drawn.)"
  • Thalia, Charite Temptress
    • Change stats from 4/3 to 2/2. Change text from "Roar: Pull any cards in your opponent's hand that cost 2 or less onto the bottom of their deck" to "Roar: gain control of an enemy creature with sleep."
  • Double Dealer
    • Changed mana cost from 7 to 6
  • Lokian Disciple
    • Add faction Guild. Change stats from 7 mana 6/8 to 4 mana 4/4. Change text from "Hidden. Flank. Whenever this creature attacks a god, a random enemy creature is put to sleep." to "Hidden. Characters damaged by this creature gain sleep."
  • Anti-Magic Expert
    • Change stats from 3/10 to 7/6. Change text from "Roar: Gain control of an enemy creature until the end of turn. Give it godblitz. It goes to sleep at the end of turn." to "Roar: Gain control of an enemy creature until the end of turn."


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  • Dark Knives
    • Change text from "Give a friendly creature +3 strength. If it is hidden, give it flank." To "Give a friendly creature +3 strength."
  • Reconnaissance
    • Changed text from "Target creature goes to sleep. Add a copy of the top card of your opponent's deck to your hand." To "Target creature goes to sleep. Gain a copy of a random card in your opponent's hand."
  • Umber Arrow
    • Changed text from "Gain control of an enemy creature with strength 2 or less until the end of turn. Give it godblitz." To "Gain control of an enemy creature with 2 or less strength until the end of turn."
  • Exorcise
    • Changed text from "All enemy creatures go to sleep. Draw a card." to "Target two creatures. If they are sleeping, destroy them. Otherwise, they go to sleep."
  • A Toast To Peace
    • Change mana cost form 6 to 5. Changed text from "Pull each creature from the board into their owner's hand. Your creatures returned this way have their cost reduced by 2." To "Give -3 strength to each creature."
  • Rapture Dance
    • Change text from "Deal damage to each enemy creature equal to the number of enemy creatures on the board." to "Target an enemy creature, deal its strength in damage to each other creature."

Minor Changes

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  • Darkdream Hex
    • Text Cleanup



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  • Illuminated Warrior
    • Add faction Mystic. Change creature health from 2 to 1. Change text from "Roar: Move the Chosen One three cards closer to the top of your deck." to "Roar: Give the chosen one to the top creature in your deck, give it +1/+1."
  • Chalice Priest
    • Change strength from 2 to 1. Add backline.
  • Devoted Follower
    • Changed stats from 3/2 to 2/3. Changed text from "Ward. Creatures damaged by this creature get -2 strength." To "Ward. Creatures damaged by this creature get -1 strength."
  • Bright Mage
    • Change stats from 3/3 to 2/4. Change text from "Ward. Roar: Heal a friendly character for 2." to "Ward. Roar: Heal a friendly creature for 2."
  • Triumvirate Prophet
    • Added faction Mystic. Changed health from 3 to 2. Changed text from "Roar: Give the Chosen One +1/+1, frontline, and ward. Move it to the top of your deck." To "Roar: Give the chosen one "Afterlife: Add this creatures stats to the new chosen one's.""
  • Helios Guardian
    • Add faction Aether. Change text from "Frontline. Afterlife: Give +2 health to a random creature with strength 2 or less." to "Frontline. Afterlife: Give +2 health to your weakest creature."
  • Patience Priestess
    • Change health from 3 to 4
  • Radiant Embalmer
    • Add faction Mystic. Change health from 2 to 4.
  • Battle Cleric
    • Add faction Mystic. Change text from "Backline. At the end of your turn, summon a 2/2 Acolyte." to " Backline. Ward. At the end of your turn, summon a 2/2 Acolyte."
  • Asterius, Glittering One
    • Add faction Aether. Change text from "Frontline. Roar: Friendly creatures with strength 2 or less get +2/+2." to "Frontline. Roar: Give +2/+2 to your creatures with a base strength of 2 or less strength."


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  • Hallowing Light
    • Change text from "Set a creature's health to 2. If you choose a friendly creature, give it +2/+2 instead." to "Set a creature's health to 2. If you choose a friendly creature, give it +1/+2 instead."
  • Pacifism
    • Changed text from "Remove sleep from all friendly creatures. Each creature with strength 4 or more has their strength set to 2." To "Give an enemy creature -4 strength."
  • Recovering Sigil
    • Changed from 2 mana to 1. Changed text from "Heal all friendly creatures for 4. Draw a card." To "Heal 3 to each friendly creature. Draw a card."
  • Imperious Smite
    • Change text from "Destroy a random creature with the highest strength." to "Destroy the strongest creature."
  • Born Again
    • Changed text from" Pull a random 1-cost creature from your void into your hand. Repeat this for each other mana cost up to 9." To" Pull a creature from your void to your hand, give +5/+5 and ward."
  • Penitence
    • Change from 7 to 6 mana. Change text from "Transform an enemy creature with 4 or more attack into a 2/2 Acolyte. Gain control of the Acolyte. It gains frontline, protected and ward." to "Transform an enemy creature into a 2/2 Acolyte. Gain control of the Acolyte."
  • Zealous March
    • Change mana cost from 8 to 7. Change text from "Summon up to six 2/2 Acolytes and give them protected. For each Acolyte not summoned, heal your god for 4." to "Fill your board with 2/2 Acolytes. Each of your creatures gain protected."


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  • Serene Blade
    • Changed stats from 4 mana 0/4 to 3 mana 0/3. Changed text from "At the end of your turn, friendly creatures with both strength 2 or less and health 2 or less get +1/+1, and this relic loses 1 durability." To "When you summon a creature, give it +1/+1 and ward, then remove 1 durability from this relic."

Minor Changes

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  • Blind Martyr
    • Add faction Olympian



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  • Amazon Spearsoul
    • Changed strength from 4 to 3. Added text "Roar: Gain +1 health if you control another amazon."
  • Balthazar, Blood Magus
    • Add faction Mystic. Change stats from 3/2 to 1/3. Change text from "At the start of your turn, deal 1 damage to your god and reduce the cost of your god power by 1 until the end of the turn." to "At the start of your turn, reduce the cost of your god power by 1 until the end of the turn."
  • Bronze Servant
    • Change stats from 2/4 to 3/3
  • Spartan (Tartessian Talionis)
    • Changed name from Spartan to Tartessian Talionis. Changed health from 3 to 4. Changed text from "Roar: This creature gets +1 strength for every two Olympians in your void." To "Roar: This creature gains +1 strength for every two Olympians in your void."
  • The Nemean Lion
    • Added faction Wild. Changed health from 2 to 3. Removed frontline from the text.
  • Pyrrhic Adolescent
    • Change strength from 4 to 5
  • Svart Basilisk
    • Add faction Wild. Change text from "Roar: Remove sleep from target friendly creature. Remove 2 durability from your opponent's relic." to "Roar: Remove sleep from each friendly creature."
  • Thebian Brawler
    • Changed stats from 2/6 to 3/5
  • Tomb Priest
    • Change stats from 4/4 to 3/3. Change text from "Afterlife: Pull a random Anubian of 3 mana or less from your void into your hand." to "Afterlife: Pull the strongest anubian from your void to your hand."
  • Feral Shapeshifter
    • Added faction wild. Changed attack from 3 to 4. Changed text from "Hidden for 1 turn. Roar: Deal 2 damage to an enemy creature." To "Hidden for 1 turn. Roar: Deal 1 damage to an enemy creature."
  • Ogre Archer
    • Added the faction Guild. Changed health from 3 to 4. Changed text from "Roar: Deal 3 damage to an enemy creature." To "Roar: Deal 2 damage to an enemy creature."
  • Zaxiom, Cryptic Panther
    • Added faction Wild. Changed attack from 4 to 5. Changed text from "Roar: If any creatures in your hand have deadly, flank, frontline, hidden, protected, twin strike, or ward, this creature gains those abilities." To "Roar: If any creatures in your hand have deadly, hidden, ward, this creature gains those abilities."
  • Porphyrion, Dread Cyclops
    • Changed stats from 7 mana 7/8 to 5 mana 5/5
  • Ladon, Uclid Dragon
    • Changed text from "Roar: Give burn +3 to each enemy creature. If you have at least six cards in hand, deal 2 damage to each enemy creature." to "Frontline. Roar: If you have at least seven cards in hand, give each dragon in your hand and deck +5/+5."

Minor Changes

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  • Wiccan Warrior (Nightleaf Warrior)
    • Changed name from Wiccan Warrior to Nightleaf Warrior
  • Tough Townsfolk
    • Added faction Guild
  • Eager Nobleborn
    • Added faction Olympian
  • Battle Aurochs
    • Added faction Wild
  • Dune Cavalry
    • Add faction Anubian
  • Harvest Arachne
    • Added faction Amazon
  • Strix Hunter
    • Added faction Wild
  • Hardened Channeler
    • Added faction Mystic
  • Aether Vanguard
    • Changed text from "Roar: Deal 2 damage to two enemy creatures. You may select the same creature twice." To "Roar: Deal 2 damage to two enemy creatures. (You may select the same creature twice.)"
  • Helian Elite
    • Add faction Aether

Domain Changes


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  • Arkmonian Anteater
    • Add faction wild. Change domain from Neutral to Nature. Change text from "Roar: Give +1 strength to one of your wild or amazon creatures." to "Roar: Give +1 strength to one of your creatures."
  • Pyreshell Beetle
    • Changed domain from Neutral to Nature. Changed text from "Creatures damaged by this creature get burn +1." To "Regen 1. Creatures damaged by this creature get burn +1."
  • Tribal Orc (Nightleaf Hunter)
    • Change name from Tribal Orc to Nightleaf Hunter. Change faction from Wild to Amazon. Change domain from Neutral to Nature. Change text from "Roar: If you control two other creatures, this creature gets +1 strength." to "Roar: If you control an other creatures, this creature gets +1 strength."
  • Beastfury Shaman
    • Changed domain from Neutral to Nature. Changed health from 3 to 2. Changed text from "Roar: Summon a 1/1 Spirit Beast." To "Roar: Summon a 2/2 Spirit Beast."
  • Spirit Beast
    • Change Stats From 1/1 to 2/2
  • Singsong Satyr
    • Changed faction from Mystic to Wild. Changed domain from Neutral to Nature. Change stats from 2/2 to 3/3. Change text from "Roar: Give +2 strength to each of your other wild or amazon creatures." To "Roar: Give +1 strength to each of your other creatures."
  • Vanir Lion
    • Add faction Wild. Change domain from Neutral to Nature. Change stats from 5/3 to 4/4. Change text from "Roar: Give a friendly creature +2 strength until end of turn." to "Roar: Give a friendly creature +2 strength."
  • Jungle Princess
    • Changed domain from Neutral to Nature. Changed stats from 4/3 to 3/5.
  • Penthesilean Warrior
    • Changed domain from Neutral to Nature. Changed stats from 5 mana 6/3 to 2 mana 2/3. Changed text from "Roar: Give each other friendly Amazon +2/+2." To "Roar: Give +1/+1 to the strongest other friendly amazon."
  • Amazon Flanker (Nightleaf Prowler)
    • Changed name from Amazon Flanker to Nightleaf Prowler. Changed domain from Neutral to Nature. Changed strength from 2 to 3. Changed text from "Flank. Roar: Summon two Amazon Flankers." to "Hidden for one turn. Roar: Summon two Nightleaf Prowlers."
  • Frost Giant Deadshot
    • Added faction Wild. Changed domain from Neutral to Nature. Changed stats from 4/5 to 6/6. Changed text from "Roar: Deal 3 damage to an enemy creature." to "Roar: Deal 3 damage to the strongest enemy creature."


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  • Battlebard
    • Change domain from Neutral to War. Change health from 1 to 2.
  • Trial Spirit
    • Change domain from Neutral to War. Change stats from 1/3 to 2/2.
  • Inspirator
    • Changed domain from Neutral to War. Added faction Olympian. Changed stats from 1/1 to 3/2
  • Viking Warmaiden
    • Changed domain from Neutral to War. Changed health from 1 to 2.
  • Viking Bloodguard
    • Changed name from Viking Bloodguard to Bloodguard. Change domain from Neutral to War. Changed strength from 2 to 3.
  • Viking Outrider (Valknir Outrider)
    • Change name from Viking Outrider to Valknir Outrider. Change domain from Neutral to War. Change attack from 4 to 5.
  • Highland Defender
    • Changed domain from Neutral to War. Changed attack from 4 to 5.
  • Traveling Bard
    • Changed domain from Neutral to War. Changed health from 2 to 3. Changed text from "Roar: Give another random friendly creature +2/+1." To "Roar: Give +2/+1 to one of your creatures."
  • Helian Blademaster
    • Changed faction from Guild to Aether. Changed domain from Neutral to War.
  • Minotaur Phalanx
    • Change faction from Wild to Olympian. Change domain from Neutral to War. Change stats from 4/8 to 6/7.
  • Veteran Cataphract
    • Added faction Olympian. Changed domain from Neutral to War. Changed stats from 7 mana 6/6 to 5 mana 3/3. Changed text from "Roar: Give a friendly creature +3/+3." To "Roar: Give +3/+2 to a friendly creature."


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  • Ghost Marauder
    • Changed domain from Neutral to Death
  • Pyrrhic Hatchling
    • Change domain from Neutral to Death. Change text from "Creatures damaged by this creature get burn +1." to "Creatures damaged by this creature get burn +2."
  • Infernal Footsoldier
    • Changed domain from Natural to Death. Changed stats from 1/1 to 3/2. Changed text from "Creatures damaged by this creature get burn +1. Roar: Summon an Infernal Footsoldier." To "Roar: Give +1 burn to an enemy creature."
  • Skeleton Heavy
    • Change domain from neutral to Death. Change mana cost from 2 to 3. Add text "Afterlife: Destroy the strongest enemy creature with 1 health."
  • Wicked Fae
    • Changed domain from Neutral to Death. Changed stats from 1/1 to 2/2. Changed text from "Roar: Deal 1 damage to a creature, and summon a 1/1 Impling." To "Roar: Destroy a creature with 1 health. Summon a 1/1 Impling."
  • Mire Bloodworm
    • Changed domain from Neutral to Death. Changed text from "Frontline. Creatures damaged by this creature get burn +1." To" Frontline. Heal this creature for the damage it deals."
  • Eldritch Demonologist
    • Change domain from Neutral to Death. Change text from "Roar: Pull the highest-cost Nether from your deck to your hand. (Ties decided randomly.)" to "Roar: Pull the strongest Nether from your deck to your hand."
  • Mammon's Stalwart
    • Changed domain from Neutral to Death. Changed stats from 3/6 to 5/7. Changed text from "Frontline. Roar: Summon a 2/2 Netherling." To "When a god takes damage, summon a 1/1 Impling."
  • Tomb Blademaster
    • Changed domain from Neutral to Death. Changed stats from 3/4 to 4/5. Changed text from "Frontline. Afterlife: Summon two 3/2 Ancient Executioners with frontline." To "Frontline. Soulless. Afterlife: Pull the strongest Anubian from your void to the board, give it frontline."
  • Void Drake
    • Change domain from neutral to Death. Change stats from 7/5 to 7/7. Change text from "Roar: Deal 2 damage to an enemy creature, and 1 damage to each other enemy creature." to "Roar: Destroy each creature with 3 or less health."


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  • Rampart
    • Change domain from Neutral to Magic. Change stats from 0/6 to 1/4. Change text from "Frontline. Can't attack. At the end of each turn, set this creature's strength to 0." to "Frontline. Can't attack."
  • The Portable Fortress
    • Changed domain from Neutral to Magic. Changed stats from 0/8 to 1/5. Changed text from "Frontline. Can't attack. At the end of each turn, set Portable Fortress' strength to 0." To "Frontline. Can't attack."
  • Sentry Post
    • Changed domain from Neutral to Magic. Changes health from 2 to 3.
  • Ballista
    • Changed domain from Neutral to Magic. Changed stats from 0/3 to 1/4.
  • Catapult
    • Change domain from Neutral to Magic. Change strength from 0 to 2
  • Ambitious Adventurer
    • Changed domain from Neutral to Magic. Changed health from 1 to 2
  • Dwarf Atlant
    • Change domain from Neutral to Magic. Change stats from 1/5 to 2/4.
  • Phase Touched Golem
    • Change domain from Neutral to Magic
  • Stormstress
    • Change domain from Neutral to Magic. Change stats from 4/5 to 3/6. Change text from "Roar: Deal 1 damage to each enemy creature." to "Frontline. Roar: Deal 1 damage to each enemy creature."
  • Planetar Centurion
    • Change domain from Neutral to Magic. Change stats from 7/7 to 6/8. Change text from "Frontline. Roar: If you have another Aether in hand, delve an Aether and put it into your hand." to "Frontline. Roar: Add a random aether to your hand for each aether in your hand."


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  • Wiccan Trapper (Nightleaf Trapper)
    • Changed name from Wiccan Trapper to Nightleaf Trapper. Change faction from Mystic to Guild. Change domain from Neutral to Deception. Changed stats from 3/1 to 2/2. Changed text from "Flank. Roar: Remove 1 durability from your opponent's relic." to "At the end of your turn, remove 1 durability from your opponents relic."
  • Dart Maniac
    • Added faction Guild. Changed domain from Neutral to Deception. Changed text from "At the end of your turn, deal 1 damage to a random enemy character." To "At the end of your turn, deal 1 damage to the weakest enemy creature."
  • Sentient Amphora
    • Change domain from Neutral to Deception. Change text from "Frontline. Cannot attack. Afterlife: Draw a card." to "Frontline. Afterlife: Draw a card."
  • Shadow Paladin
    • Added faction Guild. Changed domain from Neutral to Deception. Changed text from "Hidden for 1 turn." To "Hidden."
  • Carthaginian Marine (Mercantile Marine)
    • Changed name from Carthaginian Marine to Mercantile Marine. Added faction Guild. Changed domain from Neutral to Deception.
  • Solemn Lecturer
    • Add faction Mystic. Change domain from Neutral to Deception. Change attack from 2 to 4.
  • Veteran Archer
    • Added faction Guild. Changed domain from Neutral to Deception. Changed text from "Roar: Deal 1 damage to two enemy creatures. You may select the same creature twice." To "Roar: Deal 1 damage to two enemy creatures. (You may select the same creature twice.)"
  • Cyclops Marksman (Cyclops Marksogre)
    • Changed name from Cyclops Marksman to Cyclops Marksogre. Added faction Guild. Changed Domain from Neutral to Deception. Changed health from 7 to 4. Changed text from "Twin strike." to "Hidden. Twin strike."
  • Thaumnetic Golem
    • Changed domain from Neutral to Deception. Changed health from 7 to 6. Changed text from "At the end of your turn, give each other friendly Atlantean +1 strength." To "Hidden. At the end of your turn, give +1 strength each friendly Atlantean."
  • Blackguard
    • Add faction Guild. Change domain from Neutral to Deception. Change stats from 8 mana 12/10 to 5 mana 3/4. Change text from "Roar: Give +2 health to each other friendly creature. If they have frontline, give them +4 health instead." to "Frontline. Roar: Give +2/+2 to each other friendly creature with backline."


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  • Dryder Sailweaver
    • Changed domain from Neutral to Light
  • Shieldbearer
    • Change domain from Neutral to Light
  • Aging Veteran
    • Added faction Olympian. Changed domain from Neutral to Light. Changed strength from 1 to 2. Changed text from "Roar: Give a friendly creature +2 health." To" Roar: Give +1/+1 to a friendly creature with a base strength of 2 or less."
  • Duergar Priest
    • Change domain from Neutral to Light. Change text from "Roar: Heal your god for 4." to "When a character is healed, this creature gains +1 Health."
  • Felid Janissary
    • Added faction Olympian. Changed domain from Neutral to Light. Changed health from 1 to 2. Changed text from "Roar: Give +1/+1 to a friendly creature." To "Roar: Give +1/+1 a friendly creature with a base strength of 2 or less."
  • Town Guardian
    • Changed strength from 3 to 2. Changed domain from Neutral to Light. Changed text from "Roar: Give a friendly creature +1/+1." To "Roar: Give a friendly creature +1/+2."
  • Helios Battlesworn
    • Change faction from Mystic to Aether. Change domain from Neutral to Light.
  • Athena's Conjurer
    • Changed domain from Neutral to Light. Changed health from 4 to 5. Changed text from "Frontline. Roar: Summon a 4/2 Propyrean Owl with frontline." To "Frontline. Roar: Summon a 2/5 Propyrean Owl with frontline."
  • Propyrean Owl
    • Changed stats from 3 mana 4/2 to 4 mana 2/5
  • Judge Envoy
    • Changed domain from Neutral to Light. Changed stats from 7 mana 6/7 to 6 mana 6/6. Changed text from "Whenever you summon a creature, give it +1/+2." To "Whenever you summon a creature, give it +1/+1."

This is an unreal amount of work and deserves a pin! @acidyo

Well done, now I can finally read the Core Set Refresh balance changes!

I would have if it was posted inside the community. 😅

Maybe you can use the cross-post feature on @peakd so I can pin it, @meltysquid?

wait it wasn't in community...

excellent work putting this together! it's easier to read rather than the block of text in GU's reddit post. :)

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This is awesome!
Better than the official GU format, haha!

Thanks a lot for this, original reddit post was kinda hard to read without picutures since I dont know all the cards!

I got to Grendel becoming a 6 mana 4/4 before I had to come and comment what!?!! That sounds like insanity. Grendel is a nightmare on the field. On of my favorites to play. And now hes a 6?? This is gonna be fun. What a change! Revivacation also got rightfully nerfed, along with guerilla training. Man, I cant wait to finish this article lol

Okay, Ive now finished. Portible fortress and the other frontline being able to get strength put onto them is really cool. Light didnt get as buffed as it needed, but Athenas Conjurer needed a huge upgrade and definitely got it!!! Thank you so much for this post, it made the refresh so digestable, I cannot wait to try these cards out!!!!

These Changes are old right?

Exactly the list I was looking for. Thank you!!