GodsUnchained - TOTG - Best Value Picks (Part 1)

in #godsunchained4 years ago (edited)


Hi everyone,

I've been scouting the market for the past few weeks. This will be a somewhat long post. So if you don't have time or if you are annoyed by long posts and you hate reading them, please stop here. This won't be as long as a short book, but it also won't be as short as some of the click bait articles you usually click on. How clickbait-ish is that? Anyways, I was looking for the best cards to invest in as LTI (Long Term Investment) with the highest ROI (Return On Investment). Long Term in my case is 12-18 months. I was looking for cards with low risk and high reward potential.
Considering the fact the the game was developing and rapidly growing it's players base over the past 6 months, I feel quite optimistic in regards of the future of the project and it's growth. The potential of Gods Unchained to become one of the most popular TCG's is undoubtedly there. The only question is - "How long will it take?". The team has been quiet for the past few weeks, but it feels like that there are a lot of things currently in the works for God's Unchained including the $GODS token, new season, the forge opening (expected early to mid October based on the latest hot rumors) and mobile version for this such amazing game is in the pipeline as well.

With #IMX rollout the game has become more affordable and trading the cards a breeze. The team has been quiet for few weeks, but this can mean only one thing. Whatever they are cooking in the background will be worth the wait. If you are a part of the discord channel there is a #status-updates room where you can count all the little updates and tweaks they are constantly working on and improving.

I don't just want to play the game to collect the rewards on weekend ranked. I am not only F2P player. I play the game because I like it. I get the free cards from playing, but the real prospect of the game is in the actual market. You can't make money without spending some. You can't take a shower without getting wet. After couple of years of playing I think i narrowed it down to what works best for me. I want to make wise investment decisions regardless if I am buying cards, stocks or crypto. I want to be able to grow my portfolio and in this particular case - collection value. Also, eventually so I can sell some cards for profit to either buy the cards I am missing or take out my wife out to dinner on a highborn knight's expense. You get the point.

For me personally, there is a certain criteria a card must fit in order for it to be valuable in the future. There are certain factors I take into consideration before going on a shopping spree in order to avoid purchases like this one:

salvaged_sentinel.png salvaged_sentinenl2.png

So let me ask you this - So which are the cards appreciating the most in the game and what is making them so valuable? - please share your thoughts in the comment section bellow*. I am open for other insights any day at any time.

This is my rating system:

1) Uniqueness - How many cards have similar effects in the game? Is the card one of a kind effect card? Is this the type of card people would like to have in their decks? Is it a must have card?

2) Rarity - Legendary? Epic? Rare? How many copies of it is in circulation? Is there only 3,000 cards or are there 20,000 of them. This will have an impact on price. The more cards in circulation the longer it takes for the price to make significant moves.

3) Can you build a deck around the specific card? Theme cards are usually always going up in price regardless of rarity and one card made the list bellow just because of that.

4) Is it a card which delves a creature or adds a card to your deck? Is it an immortal card? There's few cards of this type in the whole GU collection and these cards will be wanted! These cards are always a winning pick in the long run.

My picks bellow will be grouped by rarity. I will pick 3 of each type and explain why those are my winners. I know legendary cards cost more than any other type of card, they are always increasing in value, which makes them a safe bet.

On other hand, legendary cards are wanted but they do not always guarantee the best return on investment. They are safe cards to have, because they are always very low quantity, but they won't necessarily give you 20x on your investment. If the legendary card you bought as an investment is not that great and people don't really care to have it or want it as much, you won't make a lot of money on it. It's as simple as that. On other hand, we all have heard about Jason at $40 and now is hoovering around $800. This is 20x and probably one of the best picks from the genesis set. Bellow is my Legendary card example for not so great bet. Even so it looked like an awesome buy at the time:

arius_before.png arius.png

The price increased a little bit over 4X over two years. Is it still amazing gains? Yes, it is! I am not unhappy about it, but I could have make better choices and have more valuable cards and made more money.

Here is an epic card from the genesis set we are all familiar with - Highborn Knight. Very strong card and very important card for the God of Light. At the time I bought only two of them, but I wish I got more. Did I see the potential. I did not at the time. Whoever did and bought a lot of them is a lucky person, because a $200 investment could have bought you 25 Highborn Knight's just about a year ago which now would be worth $4,795. Not bad for a 1 year hold, right? I have only 2 on these cards and I regret not getting more... Will I ever sell any of them? Probably not!
Highborn Knight likes to find it's way in a lot of my Light decks and unless I really need the money, this card is not going back on the market. Highborn Knight is a high demand/high value pick and we will be looking for something similar in the latest Trial of The Gods set.

highborn_knight.png highborn_knight_today.png



1) Neferu, Champion of Death

Reasoning...Neferu,Champion of Death
This card is the most expensive legendary card from TOTG set on the market at the current time which makes it a winner. When the set was released on the market people were selling it for $40-$45. Whoever bought it in early is already 100%+ gains in the span of couple of months. The card is considerably the best Champion by many and found it's way in almost every Death deck. It doesn't matter if your style is aggressive or if you like control decks better - Neferu is a must. It's a strong card and wins games. I think 5x from here is possible within the next year, but it might go even higher. Only time will tell...neferu.png


2) Pallas, Champion of Magic

My thoughts...Pallas,Champion of Magic
My Second pick from the Legendary cards. Why Pallas, you may ask? - Why not? The card is what I consider a Jason for the Magic player. It's a low mana legendary with the unique option of delving spells or do damage based on the creatures in your opponents void to the enemy god. I think this card will be very desirable in the future. In my opinion the second best Champion in TOTG. I think this card will be in 5x+ from it's current price point within the next 12 months or so as well.palas.png


3) Selena, Champion of Nature

My brain...Selena,Champion of Nature
If we look in the past and see what happen with Avatar of Nature, we can surely expect something similar with Selena. "Avatar of Nature" was ranging between $20 - $40 less than a year ago and now is up close to 15X. Its a mid range card and sees a lot of play. It has special attributes and heals. Selena might not have the heal, but it's an also mid range Nature card. It also has special attributes and also very desired card with protection. I am not sure about 15x, but this card is definitely on my radar as one of the cards with the highest potential ROI from the current set.selena.png

Final Words on Legendary cards from this set:

There will be other cards from TOTG legendary set which will still perform very well. We can make a case for Dionysus, Chiron and Orfeo. Also for all of the legendary relics and specifically "Neferu Khopesh" which almost made my list as the third pick. The price will go up, but I think my 3 picks will perform better in the long run.

Regarding Dionysus, Valka and Eris. I think these finisher cards are pretty awesome, but with the current state of the meta I do not see these cards coming into play way too often. Less they are played, less people will want them in their decks. Why would you be holding a 9 mana liability card when your opponent is set up to end the game by 5 mana. Sure, they will pump, and sure they will be useful in some superb control decks, but I do not expect for them to see mass play which will lead to a crazy jump in value. Sure there will be some cool stories how one of them saved your game, but more often than not you will never get the chance to play them. Things might change as the game evolves.



1) Ghostly Charriot

This Card?Ghostly..............Chariot
This card is in my opinion your best bet to 10x+ your investment. Why this card in particular? This card is freaking immortal. Once you get 40 favor it just keeps on coming back on the board ant there is only few spells which can interact with it and remove it. It takes a creative play on the player to get rid of it. There is already theme based decks on this card and favor. This card is a sleeper in my book. I can see this card being one of the most undervalued cards in TOTG set. Does it has a unique skill? - Yes, there is no other card that can do this. Can this card be used as a theme for a whole deck? - The answer is yes again. Only 5,312 of it. It is rare. Once the market scoops it up there won't be that many circulating around. People will want to hold on to them and not sell it. That's why in my opinion this is the best value pick from the TOTG epics.ghostly_charriot.png



2) Pious Giant

Pious Giant is on top of the list. This card is a neutral card and can literally find it's way in any deck. You have more than 20 favor? Bam, extra +3/+3 and Ward. This card is super hard to beat when played right. And it wins games. Even at $25 now the card is easily going to make the jump into the $150+ category in the next 12-18 months. There's only 5,535 of them and every serious player want's two of them in their collection. This card makes the second spot on our list because it is already recognized on it's potential and a lot of players already bought it into it. As a 6x return this card holds, it's currently a great bet and something you can sell on at a later date to buy new chests or packs from the upcoming set.pious_giant.png


3) Caller of the Hunt

Read bellow, you beautiful human...Caller...Of...The...Hunt
People can disagree with me on this one, but this is a very unique card with unique attributes. Under the right circumstances can tilt the scales and win games. There's only 5,471 of it in the meteorite shine. There's not that many in the rest of it. Will this card see it's day? I believe so. You can use it in amazon decks. You can use it with "Trial of the Hydra" or "Arkmonian onslaught". This makes it a very synergetic card which will find it's way in a lot of connections. It can win games and it hits most of the checkmarks. At $6 this card has 10x+ potential in the next 12-18 months.caller_of_the_hunt.png


Final Thoughts on the Epic Set

The Epic set from TOTG is pretty great. There are few cards which will see a lot more attention at the rest. I know people will be asking about - " Return to the cave", "Aetheric alarm" and the rest of the epics. I think they will perform good, but not as good as the once mentioned above. A lot of them are God specific cards and already seem to be a bit overpriced. I know 10 HP is quite a lot for the god of death, but I think it's potential for gains are quite diminished compared to some of the other epics in the set. And I might be wrong here, but I would love to for you to share your thoughts bellow. If you think I am wrong, tell me why. What are your best bets?

Now is a perfect time to stop. This is getting way too long, so I will finish in part 2 with three picks from the rares and the common cards of TOTG.

Here is the disclaimer: I am NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISOR. I am not responsible in any way of your money management and take no responsibility the way you spend your money. This is your own decision. I am also not involved with immutable or gods unchained team. I lurk in the chat room and ask people stupid questions. Everything presented here is my own thoughts and conclusions based on my experience playing the game and observations of the market conditions. I only share what I do and what my thoughts on the matter are. Before you decide to make any purchases in the NFT world, you should invest a good amount of your time to research the project and make sure it fits you as a person. Don't buy anything or spend money on anything because someone online is telling you to. Think with your head and DYOR before you purchase anything!!!!! I do own Gods Unchained cards and I play the game a lot, so this by default makes me biased towards the project.

Regardless, I hope you had a great time reading this article and enjoyed me sharing my thoughts. If you want to discuss further, hit me in the comments. Stay awesome!!!


Wow some absolute killer insight shared on this article? is this wise? 😁

I agree with a lot of what i read, and in regards to the caller of the hunt i also feel the power and uniqueness of that card will allow it to become key in many synergies! This article is an absolute must read for anyone trying to keep current or buying for value may it be the imx airdrop or for future resale. Good work!

I am in old Gods Unchained player, I want to see if they give me some IMX tokens. In my opinion it would be a great thing if they distributed IMX tokens to old players.

We will have 2 airdrops one for genesis holders but if you are registered and linked to imx you will get also 12.36 IMX it seems, there are around 7200 eligible wallets.

do you know when this will happen?

not sure of dates all this is being delayed also by immutable due to the law regarding crypto in the USA we had a AMA yesterday regarding all this but to be honest i lost it stefano, when i tried to tune in was already gone. Wish we had a PM way of sending info but anyway i saw you are reading me and wasper i think we are bound to post about it when the time comes.

Anyway thanks for the answer, I continue to follow you

great article bro. I´ve had some experience on cardgame market with irl magic the gathering, as well online. But I´m new to this NFT stuff, crypto currency, as well with GU( been playing for 3 days now, and those articles will help me figure out a bunch of stuff moving on with the game.

thx, and keep up the good work.

Im glad you find the info useful. GU is my first TCG I am playing seriously. I will keep updates of the market once a week or so. Prices are climbing up, but it might be because of $gods/$imx air drop. Enjoy playing the game and thanks for the comment!