Zoowar 63% WR

in #godsunchainedlast month (edited)



February started off strong — I climbed back to Rank 12, though I think I just got lucky with a series of favorable matchups against Death.


I tweaked my old deck version that I used all last month (which had a 55% WR). Here’s the updated deck:


screenshot from gudecks.com


Deck Changes:

  • Sole Survivor (still underrated — opponents often leave one weak creature on the board, and a saved coin helps drop it at clutch moments).

  • Guild Enforcer over White Fur Guard (prefer the staying power in many matchups, and buffing armored creatures never gets old).

  • Skollkin Valkyrie removed. Either you play skeletals or you play them. Both of these creatures don't work well in the same deck. Skeletals are diamond, so the choice is obvious.

  • Added Cunning. It's a weak card, I don't recommend it, but I have him diamond, so... 😀

  • Another Round instead of Redfume Serum.

It’s still too early for final conclusions — I need to play at least as many games as before. But the trend looks positive so far.

gl 🍀