February started off strong — I climbed back to Rank 12, though I think I just got lucky with a series of favorable matchups against Death.
I tweaked my old deck version that I used all last month (which had a 55% WR). Here’s the updated deck:
Deck Changes:
Sole Survivor (still underrated — opponents often leave one weak creature on the board, and a saved coin helps drop it at clutch moments).
Guild Enforcer over White Fur Guard (prefer the staying power in many matchups, and buffing armored creatures never gets old).
Skollkin Valkyrie removed. Either you play skeletals or you play them. Both of these creatures don't work well in the same deck. Skeletals are diamond, so the choice is obvious.
Added Cunning. It's a weak card, I don't recommend it, but I have him diamond, so... 😀
Another Round instead of Redfume Serum.
It’s still too early for final conclusions — I need to play at least as many games as before. But the trend looks positive so far.
gl 🍀