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RE: A loser is now following me.

in #gofuckyourselfjack10 months ago (edited)

Even if I wanted to send her she wouldn't want to go because she loves me because I am more man than you are, and i am the one who does the ass kicking, so i wouldn't send my wife. If I needed to get violent I would come myself. if you sent yours she would want to stay here, she will see a difference between me and you. She will see the man in me while she see the woman in you. I actually have respect for your wife and wouldn't dare talk shit about her. Only thing I would talk shit to her about would be you and what wrong with her head in being with you. That's all. And the reason why I give her respect is because she can man handle you into submission as if you were her little bitch. I can only give women like that respect because she is more than her simp man.