You're a stupid moron. So what if he sold his business. He sold it and someone else bought it. You are the biggest idiot on hive. No one said anything negative about your wife, I just said things along the line of what the hell does she see in this simp, it must be his simping that she likes. You talked negative about my queen about me send her to you, for what? What was your idea shit fur brain. I would never talk about anybody wife like that even if she was like that. And my answer to you on that was even if I did send her, she wouldn't go because your masculinity is filled with estrogen, with tits. She loves her king, which I oozzz masculinity, that masculinity you think that is toxic. Fuck head go fuck yourself. What I am noticing is your on your exit, everything is falling apart, you're losing you're friends, only because you're a stupid stubborn simp of a man. You can never win with this king of of a man. I'm going to get my wife to take a picture of me, so you can see what a real masculine man looks like.
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