Breaking the Illusion of Life: War is inevitable

in #gold8 months ago

Many have called me Doomer. I am usually called this from the most coddled, comfortable liberals who have no idea that the majority of this planet is in poverty. Third world countries have a myriad of issues they never seem to be able to break from. Being born in the "first world" has it's own challenges, but tose challenges are quickly approaching third world problems themselves. The number one challenge anyone in the first world must realize is what created 'prosperity' to begin with. At the end of this blog hopefully you will also see it is an illusion.

The first truth of a first world reality is that our prosperity was born out of breaking the rule of tyrants. Democracy, freedom of rights and of speech are all important to creating a free and prosperous reality. It is no wonder being from #Canada that I have seen an incredible descent in any kind of 'democracy' or freedom of rights. Although I was truly woke before #COVID, seeing how quickly first world countries stamped out all freedoms was incredible to witness.

What is the number one reason all of these first world concepts are being attacked? It is simply because the economy was fake to begin with. Going back to the civil war era in the United States; you had a British feudalistic system taxing a colony without representation. As the USA was born, you still did not have easily functional economies. Only after the first and second world war was the United States able to create 'prosperity'. I put prosperity in quotation because that 'prosperity' was born out of winning the second world war, and controlling a majority of the assets or spoils of war. Unfortunately, the economy set up from the Federal Reserve began a dark period of unsound money. Lending and debt is always easier to do when you have realized assets. Like all wars in the past, controlling and using other coutnries wealth creates your own prosperity. This prosperity was fed into an already provable fake economic system.

As the world progressed and government (banks) could lend from newly acquired assets, the ponzi could expand with new investors. Those investors were of course the losers of the previous war. Third world countries as always could be easily exploitable because of the lack of freedom and rights. Once something out of nothing can be created; you could create an incredible ponzi pyramid. A Ponzi scheme (/ˈpɒnzi/, Italian: [ˈpontsi]) is a form of fraud that lures investors and pays profits to earlier investors with funds from more recent investors.This eventually does break down because there is no Jubilee to wipe out debts which could never be paid back.

Imagine a biblical concept from 3500 years ago, and yet all nations of the earth ignore these natural proofs. The number one thing any political power is afraid of is social unrest. Social unrest is generally the result of the economy descending into bureaucratic socialism. We are at that point in history within a ponzi economy where creditors lose credit. This is also one of the reasons World War 2 began. human beings are always trying to outsmart the natural laws of this planet with artificial means to create prosperity. Debt can be artificial, especially with no collateral to back it up. We essentially have created 'wealth' out of nothing. Today we are seeing this debt coming to roost, and the economy can no longer sustain the illusion. Third world countries may always have a thumb on their populations, but what happens when the countries using those populations 'free' labor can no longer pay properly? The natural result is nobody can earn any wealth.

Fake currency units become too rare for those in other countries, and fake currency units used for wealth within first world economies become worthless from endless debt printing. In other words it's all a mess now. So what is the illusion? The illusion is that prosperity comes from the world ponzi economy. The truth is that it has always been about taking advantage of the poor, and creating the illusion that the poor in your own country are wealthy. Now obviously, everything has been built upon this illusion. All I do know is that in nature everything reverts back to the prime, and that prime is what has created wars in the past in order to create a new social order in order exploit the loser.

For those who say socialism is the answer, you need only to look to the third world to see how it functions. Only hard work and real wealth stand the test of time. Unfortunately, in the first world, there are so many synthetic, useless service jobs created out of money printing and bureaucracy that only a war can clear this out. There is an element of truth to Darwinism. Natural law does separate the wheat from the chaff. The natural law also includes instructions from G-d and that debts must eventually be reset. This blog isn't about how to survive the coming war however the first step to survival is realizing the illusion we live in.


Awareness is key and plays a huge part in understanding some of the aspects of what's really going on. The pendulum will eventually swing back in the opposite direction to balance things out, what's artificial hardly stands the test of time because it usually isn't align with natural laws.