Investors value digital gold investment as much as the older one

in #gold5 years ago

How to invest in digital gold

Over the centuries, expert investors have realized how important it is to include gold in their portfolios. In addition to offering diversified heritage, gold is recognized throughout the world as a safe investment to protect your funds in times of economic crisis.

History has taught us that gold is an almost eternal resource that helps preserve inheritance. In addition, high demand and high value make it preferred among other forms of investment. According to the World Gold Council, the level of gold buying by the Central Bank reached its peak in 50 years in 2018, while the financial crisis was still the main concern of experts in the financial sector. Gold purchases were so successful that prices broke records in most currencies and 72 countries confirmed historical highs.

Demand for digital gold is increasing from year to year

Demand for digital gold investment rose 4% last year. Despite China's economic slowdown due to export pressures to the United States, demand for digital gold in China has remained stable even in previous years, while demand in other regions such as the United Kingdom and Southeast Asia increased by 12%

With the entry of 2019, the price of digital gold has risen regularly: $ 99 in the past 6 months. High demand and investor interest in digital gold mining companies remain strong, taking into account that several company mergers are ongoing. As we have mentioned in the section

Our Annual Prediction about the Digital Gold Price, the hope is that digital gold will continue to make a profit this year. Digital gold demand last year was based on an economic slowdown and trade restrictions, which together with its conception as a stable and safe investment make it a very attractive resource for diversifying portfolios securities and pillows risk of loss.

Consider the uncertainty arising from Brexit, the low economic performance in the euro zone and the ongoing trade conflict between the US. Law and China, many have wondered: will this be the right time to invest in digital gold?

I want to buy digital gold

This guide covers important information for all types of investors, whether it is your first investment or if you have experience in this market. Here you will find advice

about buying digital gold based on the ethereum blockchain, reasons for investing, information about where to buy and how to store digital gold.

In addition, in this guide we mention topics such as:

  • - Value of par excellence protection.
  • - rare metal. That makes it valuable.
  • - Physical investment in gold.
  • - Can be used in jewelry and electronics.
  • - Cannot be produced.
  • - Safe gold investment returns.
  • - This is a durable metal that is not damaged. Fireproof.
  • - It's hard to fake.

Where to buy digital gold?

Before taking the step of buying gold online, it is very important for you to tell yourself fully and independently about the distributor to be purchased. The best tool to turn to this is the internet, because you will find impartial information about the experiences, opinions and recommendations of millions of people around the world. This might sound obvious, but why not start by doing a simple Google search using the distributor's name? The internet is the largest open forum in the world where companies have no control. If the distributor does not have a good online reputation, this will be quickly reflected on the web and therefore the company must be avoided at all costs.

Here are some lists for buying Gold tokens on the cryptocurrency exchange.

But what do banks say about that?

This blockchain, through which the computer functions as a "miner" and is responsible for verifying all transactions, some banks may be interested in eliminating intermediaries and reducing costs. In fact, several banks such as BBVA, Bankinter oranco Santander are working on it and utilizing the technology. In Russia and several other countries there is great interest in this technology and its potential. However, there are other countries like China or South Korea that have decided to ban them from accusing the pyramid of fraud. Also, the European Central Bank, decided on this aspect of opposing payments with cryptocurrency and did not trust it.

It must be considered that the banking system is always very conservative and always rejects structural changes in the economy that are not understood or that threaten its financial stability and its supremacy in the investment market. Lack of knowledge about the technology and its possible consequences, which may arise from betting on new models of digital transactions, with decentralized and public block technology, hinders progress in a safe and consensual way of implementation that in the future could be the solution of several operational problems.

However, this digital currency, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, etc., has been born with stigma and suspicion from many sectors, as mere speculative bubbles. The blockchain system, by itself, can be a technology that is able to function and provide solutions in several public sectors.

Is it safe to invest in digital gold?

So, we are wondering if it is safe to invest in digital gold?

The markets and news that we find in the media are different. On one hand, they promised us that investing in digital gold could provide us with large dividends in a short amount of time. On the other hand, the volatility of the value of this currency warns us that what we produce quickly can be lost in the same way. Special investors tell us that we are careful and we first tell ourselves about it. There are also various dangers that tell us about the vulnerability of this digital currency.

Digital gold investment investors have an alternative, but is it completely safe? To compare the two Gold vs. investment systems Bitcoin, we will make a list of qualities that characterize each:


- Value of par excellence protection.
- rare metal. That makes it valuable.
- Physical investment in gold.
- Can be used in jewelry and electronics.
- Cannot be produced.
- Safe gold investment returns.
- This is a durable metal that is not damaged. Fireproof.
- It's hard to fake.

- digital currency.
- It can be made, but it is very expensive. This requires a lot of energy consumption.
- Blockchain technology that can be hacked.
- Investment that is easy to change. You can make a lot of money and lose everything in a short amount of time.
- Brittle to an unexpected solar catastrophe (Carrington Event).
- Many governments see it as a threat to the current financial system.
- There is a virus that attacks computers to "damage" foreign currencies with new energy.
- Charged with speculative bubbles similar to "" of the 90s which made investors lose a lot of money in 2001 with crack (Terra, AOL, Yahoo).


What is better, investing in gold is good?

Experts say that diversification is the key. However, based on the reason that no one gave 4 pesetas hard, we must use logic. If you decide to invest in bitcoin, the advice of professionals and experts in this field is to invest with money that you don't need, because you are very aware that you can lose it in a second. In addition, it is recommended to have certain technological knowledge. All this means that investing in digital currency is, at present, a high-risk and highly speculative investment. People want to earn lots of money in a short amount of time, without knowing how the value of cryptocurrency will develop. Cryptocurrency is used, on many occasions, by criminals on the "deep web."

Although the truth is not entirely unique, it is also said that flat prices will never go down and we live, some time ago, in an explosion of real estate bubbles: "cash" ceases to be a sanctuary and speculative value falls. Even now, banks are trying to get rid of thousands of properties that were abandoned and occupied. Therefore, it is up to you to decide what and how to invest your money. Time will give or receive a reason. Although time, to date, has shown that gold has survived as a physical currency for thousands of years between several civilizations (the first transaction in gold more than 6,000 years ago) and during the second millennium before JC became a hedge in Assyria. Therefore, as a protection value, digital gold investment remains the most recommended.

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Author; ninkdwi

ETH: 0xe0f06724D3705d90087Ca1931B2f5D9e21298157