Have you ever seen Mad Money? It is a movie about three janitors at the Federal Reserve who plot to steal money that is scheduled for destruction. Based off a true story. I don't recall EXACTLY why the money was scheduled for destruction - but i think it had some flaws on the printed currency. But would still pass as real money. You have to wonder how often this sort of think is probably happening. I think there is still gold at ft Knox but i do not think there's enough for the current printed currency therefore, no our money is not backed by gold. Id be super surpised if it has even the entirety of my life (29 years). No telling when our money was truly still backed by gold IMO
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Biggest concern, the fact some of that gold is from other nations, that could start a huge world war like we never seen before. You know how pissed you get at the bank when they pop a fee on you, imagine a whole nation has no gold in our reserve they trusted us to keep? that is scary. I agree though I doubt its all gone but the value is hyped up way higher than it really is I bet, which is just as bad. I have not sure if I seen Mad Money, I watch a lot of movies but its not ringing a bell. You remember who was in it?
Diane keaton, Katie Holmes, queen latifah played the janitors.
I agree this sort of thing could start a war
Okay now I remember it, for some reason I thought Micheal Keaton was in it lol...now I get why it was Diane Keaton lol. I seen it, great film actually.
Haha. Yeah it is a good one. Very fascinating. So do you think people are still siphoning off the money intended for destruction? At this time security would be much more advanced to prevent this but i bet it still happens
I believe they are taking money and putting it in places yet to be seen. The black projects stuff for the military is a huge sucker of funds and probably more personal elite powers getting a mass majority of what should be ours
No doubt about it. We are slaves to the government afterall....
sucks doesn't it lol...but hey we have the power to change that, just takes all of us wanting change