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RE: As an American, I Think its High Time We Get a Real Fort Knox Gold Audit

in #gold8 years ago

We're off the gold standard, right? The question "what gives this piece of paper any value?" is one of those things no one regularly thinks about. The government shouldn't be transparent for everything due to national security issues, but we sure as hell deserve to know what our money is really worth.


Gold still rules the land as far as a world economy goes. So the impact will actually turn us into an instant third world country if Russia and China found out our gold was gone, they along with many others kind of hope for such a screw up lol. I get national security but that gold has always been a we the people situation they house in case we need it in emergencies. We also house other nations funds there but they even deny them audits so something feels pretty criminal to me here lol

We called it the "petrodollar" when Kissinger made deals with oil producing nations to trade oil in USD. BRICS nations are storing up gold and working their way around trading the USD lately.