Aztec gold! Hmmm

in #gold11 months ago

Well I'm actually related. The Aztecs are the Southern part of the family and I would be roughly the northern part. Then also you've got the command she that broke off after the Aztecs were knocked over.

In fact our entire nation stretched from Canada all the way to Mexico.

Anyway I'm going to check out this interesting treasure hunt! And I really think that after working all day today as well as going to the gold mining meeting... I'm tired.

Oh peakd isn't crashing.


I love gold! And silver. There my favorite. Have a good day

I want more gold!

Somebody promised to get back to me on trading some of my gear for silver and then I never heard back from him.

Nice seeing silver at 28 bucks an ounce! I've got one silver coin! Lol