Incrementum's 2017 Gold Report

in #gold8 years ago (edited)

Hi everybody,

Not sure if anyone posted this yet, but the 11th annual report by Incrementum on Gold is out. It is considered by many to be a very good and rational starting point when thinking about precious metals investing, especially Gold.

It is 170 pages long, so it is not a quick read. It does have some good graphs that easily summarize their points though, such as the one above. It shows the ratio of commodities compared to stocks, and it has now reached extreme levels indicating that is it likely that stocks crash, commodities surge, or a combination of both (my personal favourite outcome).

I myself am a precious metals investor and I have a large portion of my personal savings hedged into physical Gold and Silver that I keep in my home.

Based on a variety of factors, I think that Gold will continue to rise slow and steady from it's $12xx value til it is easily over $2000. While I think it is possible for Silver to hit $21 within a year, it seems like a pull back might happen towards $16 and that might be a buying opportunity. 

Keeping stacking my friends!