A Most Important Metal

in #gold8 years ago

Hi, I am Priest Chris Therrien of the EOC. Today I want to talk about one of the most important metals known to man.

Gold has been considered one of the most valuable resources on the planet. People have mined for it for years all over the world. The rich wear it and the governments hoard it. Have you ever wondered why this is? Why has this one metal so much importance all over the world? The truth may shock you.  

In the ancient days on Nibiru, there came a point where their atmosphere was dwindling. They had then decided that the properties in gold could help rebuild their atmosphere. Anu had sent Enki and his men here to begin mining gold. After an amount of time, there began a workers revolt and Enki decided to bring an idea to the council. To create a being from the most intelligent species here on the planet to mine for them. It was granted with some persuading from Enki. That’s right, we were created to mine gold. This was our purpose. 

Before, I mentioned its importance. Going further into this, if you notice, people have killed for it. The Roman Catholic higher-ups demand that their tools of worship are made from this. Many ancient cultures built their statues and littered their tombs with them. Legends of gold hunters and the City of Gold that men would kill to attain. The Aztecs were tortured and killed because they would not reveal where they hid their gold. In Genesis, God created man and put them in Eden, why

Genesis 2:12
“The gold of that land is pure; bdellium and onyx are also found there.”  
Haggai 2:8
“The silver belongs to me, as does the gold," declares the LORD of the Heavenly Armies.”
Why would He care about gold? Because it will repair the dying planet. Man was created to SERVE God. In fact, Sumerian ancient texts TELL you we were made to mine gold. We continued to pay tribute to the Gods and lesser Gods after the mining by offering gold. It all leads up to the completion of The Great Work. The New Kingdom and the populace of righteous people. The governments are hoarding gold hoping to protect themselves. To buy good standings with the Lord.  

The poor would be sacrificed to the Lesser Gods in order to appease them. Their souls would become laborers for them. It is why the price of gold is so high. So the powerful can afford it and send people to war as a sacrifice.  

Ecclesiastes 10:19
“A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.”  

At this time, money is exchanged for gold, which is why money is an acceptable tribute for tithing. It is valuable to us, therefore valuable to the Lord. This is why the Elite want to collapse the market so only those with gold can thrive. They’re making us into sacrifices! But the Lord will not take this. This is a very disgusting act of violence. Human sacrifice is very displeasing to the Lord. 

What I’m trying to get at, is we have gone far past our main purpose of mining gold. We were kept alive out of love and spared by His great mercy. The Lord accepts our money as a tribute for the time being, the same way that a parent will hang their child’s first drawing on their fridge as horrid as it may look. Because it has importance to us, the thought is valued. We have evolved beyond mining and are now working to better ourselves for the Lord and entering His kingdom. Those who stay humble and loyal will achieve greatness in His presence. Always remember this great love of the Lord, and spread it amongst one another. Amen 

 Written by: Chris Therrien, Priest Ecumenical Order of Christ

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See also Torah Codes here and here



Verry interesting. I still wonder if these are the same entities who gave the arc of the covenent to the Egyptians... And later one Moses took it away, and I guess that shaped our history.

Yes, Christ has returned and brings this truth. He is saying that He is Anunnaki!

If you see into human history we can find the sumerian story as first document. Enki, the brother of Enlil known as Christ incarnated many times.

What happened in detail you can read here:


Thank you for your comment. If you want to discuss some points, you are welcome to join our facebook or vk group! Otherwise simply left a comment!

Have a blessed day !!!

Thank you for your opinion, sir.
From the Scripture, I read that the main purpose of man is not to mine gold but to,

From Ecc 12:13 “The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”
You can still have sound, honest money with gold, Bishop
What do you think?

Truly, that is right but was not the purpose of our creation. The Anunnaki have a very high moral codex, so they chose to let our souls on earth mature and be redeemed trought their worthyness to GOD.

Most Christians think Our Lord loves everyone unconditionally, but 2000 years ago, the Bible records that he was opposed to those who wished to do harm and practised evil, so one should try to love those who deserve to be loved, and offer correction to those who do not, for correction may save them, and the act of trying to save them is the greatest display of love one can provide. And this is a true origin teaching of the Torah, the essence my brother !!! To serve GOD means to LOVE GOD and LOVE EACH OTHER !!!

  1. God does love everyone unconditionally. If there are conditions then it is not _agape, _ the God kind of love.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.
Jn 3:16

Of course, we must love God & each other, @jeanviete

Do you really think GOD loves the people that tortured his beloved Son? It was Yeshua that fall in Love with Mankind after He needed to correct his brother Enki who created us(missing link).

It is Christ that have the trust we can change to LOVE GOD like he does and to LOVE EACH OTHER.

Of course, He loves the people that crucified His Son. Those people include you & me: He was crucified as the atonement for our sins.
This includes the ones who tortured His Son, the Romans & the Jewish Sanhedrin.
We are reading different texts, @jeanviete & drawing our conclusions accordingly.

We also have to see and to understand, that the 3 abrahamic religions talk about the same GOD. We are deceived by Satan to fight each other instead to see the similarities.

Jews and Muslims are deceived through their Talmud and the Hadith. Especially the Qur'an tells to you, that this book is fully detailed and you should seek no other book!(006:114)

But GOD also has made a covenant with the jewish people and chose them as his priest folk in case of their superior morality at this time. The "Laws of Moses" were given to the Jews as part of their covenant with God, so they could be as a nation of priests to him... The Gentiles were given no such covenant, and were never instructed by God to live under the Mosaic laws unless they were living with the Jews, and when Gentiles tried, they usually failed, so when Christ came 2000 years ago, he offered a path to salvation for the Gentiles (who eventually became known as "Christians") that they could adhere to... He boiled down Jewish law by saying: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

And the Qur'an is also telling you that when Isa returns He will make great corrections ( 043.061, 043.063)

The reason I bring this up is because many Muslims will say "Mahdi hasn't arrived yet", or "Dajjal hasn't arrived yet", followed by "because hadith says XXXXX about him", but THAT'S THE PROBLEM, neither Mahdi nor Dajjal are in the Qur'an, they are only found in hadiths, and the descriptions of them vary WILDLY, so obviously hadiths cannot be trusted as definitive truth about either person. Hadiths have revealed SOME correct facts about them, but they are not infallible descriptions, and should not be regarded as such.

Just to clarify, some Hadith is correct, but consider this, if the Mahdi and Dajjal were important players in the end-times, wouldn't they have been mentioned in the Qur'an as Isa (Christ-RayEl) is?

Mahdi and Dajjal play a role in all of this, but it is Isa (Christ-RayEl) that Allah has sent to establish paradise.


The three Abrahamic religions do not agree on who God is.

  For Muslims, Jesus is coming back as a Muslim
  For Jews, Jesus is at best a righteous Rabbi.
  For Christians, Jesus is Messiah, Saviour.


God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.'"
Ex 3:14


Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”
Jn 8:58


Sura 4:157 That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah";-but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.

Also see, Cherry picking the Bible, @jeanviete

Yes, they have all their own expectations which is not The Almightys standard, HE has his OWN!

The Jews say that He will be from the roots of David and this is true. The Holy Grail is the secret, that Christ had children and so his bloodline still existed. When He comes back, He incarnate in the most rightous man of his own bloodline.

But the point is, all 3 religions mention him in a very similar way! It is Satan that creates difference with small deceptions to let the people fight each other instead to worship together The Almighty and accept and LOVE EACH OTHER ;)

I will also post very soon an article about The Three Abrahamic Religions and the basic 3 deceptions...

... but thank you for your comments, its a pleasure to talk to you. If you want to, join our groupes ;)