Gold demand! Digital gold! My YouTube Channel "Gran magnate!"

in #gold4 years ago


The Royal Mint of Great Britain released official data on the sale of physical gold in the past 2020. It follows from them that sales of gold showed a significant increase in annual terms. Especially high demand for it was observed from the "millennials".

According to the official report of the UK Mint, the demand for gold from the so-called "millennials" increased by 32% in 2020 at the end of 2020 in annual terms.

The months of November and December stand out especially strongly against the general background. During these two months, sales of 1 gram and 5 gram gold bars increased by 53% in annual terms. The overall growth in gold sales in the last two months of 2020 was 510% compared to the same period in 2019.

A spokesman for the UK Mint said: “In the fourth quarter of 2020, gold has shown itself in all its glory again, as people began to view precious metals as a defensive asset in the long term. What's more, the lightweight gold bars are a great Christmas present. The number of customers who bought 1 and 5-gram bars increased by 53%. ”

The Mint has made it easier to buy precious metals online while expanding the range of products on offer. All over the world, we can observe the continuation of the soft monetary policy of some central banks, which provide the financial markets with unlimited liquidity. This means that investors will continue to be interested in investing gold to preserve their savings. Therefore, the representative of the mint expects that the demand for precious metals in the current year 2021 will continue to grow.


Digital gold

As you can imagine, the demand for gold from people around the world is very high. All this, of course, is associated with a terrible drop in the world economy. But this does not negate the fact that to save money today we need new tools for investing and protecting money. We have already given an example above: "The number of customers who bought 1 and 5-gram bars has grown by 53%." Such bars are usually bought by ordinary people without any large income.

There is a way to lower the value of the price of gold. Everything is very simple. It should be purchased from the cryptocurrency market. There are projects such as Digital Gold. They sell gold using cryptocurrency. Gold is stored in remote storage. One coin of this project costs 1 gram of physical gold. Now you can buy more than just 1 or 5 grams of gold. Let's say you can buy 0.5 grams of gold.

Do not forget that when buying gold, we pay a fairly high tax. Such gold is very difficult to sell after purchase. We will incur losses in the short term. Using cryptocurrency, we do not pay taxes and other fees! Consequently, 1 gram of gold will be 15-30% cheaper for us. Moreover, Digital Gold uses the average price of gold. This means that it will not be overpriced upon purchase.

Digital gold is a good way to invest in gold for people who do not have high incomes. The real benefit is visible to the naked eye. Even if the user wants to sell his coins, he can safely exchange them on the exchange and buy a more popular coin such as Bitcoin.


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"Digital?! Ne'er heards o' it. -Can ye be mair specific oan thes 'remote location' mucker? Ahh've got th' itch tae gang ashair..." 🤨 -Keptin

Thank you for supporting me!

I really like the look of those new bars!

Yes .. They are delicious!!