Scapegoat.. The global economy, including the US economy, has been in free-fall way before the virus.. The virus will be blamed for a market downturn and give The Fed. a GREEN LIGHT to issue more debt.. NO ONE should be so blind as to not see the set up here.. this over-hyped coronavirus will be used to blame the failed US and Global economy on. Moreover, give the central banks the GO! To more than hyper-inflate the debt market.. should be obvious. GM
B R E A K I N G.. World Health Organization says COVID-19 is not a pandemic
Published: Feb 24, 2020 10:19 a.m. ET
Thanks again, Gregory. If you can avoid this virus, do it. And BYOCB!
Greg nails it again!
We are suffering from the chicken little syndrome. We have had so many false pandemics and disinformation (lies) in the information age that when there really is a pandemic, we won't know for sure until it hits locally. That being said, the latest "pandemic" is a convenient scapegoat for the economy that has been on the edge of collapse for some time. Godspeed everyone.