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RE: As an American, I Think its High Time We Get a Real Fort Knox Gold Audit

in #gold8 years ago

I do agree it will lead to more lies but if they get a public non governmental audit done for the people then we might get close to an answer. My reasoning though is not about the wealth we house but the enlightened lack of it that we probably have, therefore we are officially at a stage to say openly yes citizens the central bank is not working and lets move on from that old way. Great video by the way, its so true that we do need to view money in a different way


What a great use for crypto .. I really like the approach

This could set off that push we need to reform to a system that actually works. I have this strange feeling if we opened those vaults the truth will set a lot of the system downwards. Not in a bad way just in a way we have transparency and we can build a real working system finally...maybe even then prove crypto is a great alternative and we can use the gold for circuit boards lol

Lol .. The banks will not go down without a fight .. But its going to be one hell of a show .... Hope we win 😈

I hope so too. I am here for the movement to create a better world, this is the next stage in doing that so we have to be vigilant in that fight against the corruption. They are getting scared though, I can see it in the media, they are starting to lash out with laws and trying to figure our movement out finally longer the joke they called crypto anymore, the numbers are just growing so much they should be worried lol