
When the currency reset happens what will happen to my personal debt, mortgage, auto and credit card debts? Is it forgiven, repriced, or what?

Prepare - as a general rule - that debts (at least those of individuals - unlike those of governments or states) will not dissapear and you will remain liable on them.

Best advice is for you to use this window we still have to repay as much debt as possible, as in the coming reset (or alternatively, a slow "burn", i.e., depreciation in your fiat currency du jour, through inflation in the coming months and years - especially given the fact that central banks such as the Fed have reversed course and for sure will go in the direction of more QE, a.k.a, money printing) any savings you have will have become so diluted and hence not worth much to repay your real obligations. Good luck my friend. Prepare now.

That's what I figured, one set of rules for them and a different set of rules for us.

Hey guys, THANK YOU for the up-votes, I really appreciate the support from my Steemit friends.

Highly rEsteemed!

Nice of you to engage ; )

Same here. Quality interview.

Great show 👏 👍

Indeed. Great guest.


Great guest with extremely valuabel "cold-hard-facts", especially regarding the upcoming changes with Basel III come April 1 and the global-financial "Eastern" shift and winds of change in full sail.

Pls get this guy back on again soon!

And keep up the great work.

Precious Information ;)
Thank you!