+45 years of garbage manipulation and vomiting diarrhoea from the Mainstream Narrative is set to be UNWOUND..!! GOLD = $ 1,324.48oz. SILVER = $17.57 oz. 2Hr Charts. STRONG BULLISH.

in #gold7 years ago

GOLD and SILVER - +45 years of garbage manipulation..!!


Vomiting diarrhoea from the Mainstream Narrative

+45 years of garbage manipulation and vomiting diarrhoea from the Mainstream Narrative is set to be UNWOUND..!!

GOLD = $ 1,324.48oz.

SILVER = $17.57 oz.

2Hr Charts.



Recently I published a Video Blog explaining what is about to happen and for the one's who missed it here is the link...

BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY: How the Global System is on the verge of a Technological Shock

In the video I explain how after +45 years of garbage manipulation and vomiting diarrhoea from the Mainstream Narrative things are set set to be UNWOUND..!!

Humanity is set to face one of its biggest challenges this Century, as Blockchain Technology becomes the beating heart of the New Global Financial, Trade and Media System.

Thanks for reading/watching.



It is true that the media and the governments have tried to manipulate metal prices but their garbage talk to help the fiat system didn't work. So much money is now being put into gold and silver as well as we have seen a huge rise of the total market cap of cryptocurrencies.

I could not agree more. If it was just a few years of garbage then it wouldn't have much of an impact but the reality is that since the early 1970's there has been so much manipulation that the impact of unwinding all this garbage is going to have a HUGE impact on humanity..!! Stephen

You're so right, there has really been a secret agenda to capture humanity. And it is the harbinger of the downfall of the West. No history text over the last 70 years even comes close to approaching the truth. There is such a veil of ignorance over the public mind -- but what can there be but another Age of Discovery of our true nature. It's a major transition.

Gold, Silver & Bitcoin are going to make fiat currency worthless piece of paper, as they cannot be redeemed for a tangible asset such as gold & silver . Every fiat currency ever created in the history of the world has collapsed in disaster.

Most people just assume that $100 will buy them the same today as it will tomorrow when in reality it ALWAYS buys you less. You simply don't see it. What has happened by using DERIVATIVES all this garbage manipulation has been masked. However the mask is about to come off..!! Stephen

Could just be down to possible war involving North Korea?

Like I said, +45 years of garbage manipulation..!! Stephen

Shared on twitter. Stephen

I've been talking about a technological shock for a couple of years in my innovation business. I notice that corporate managers are failing to respond to the opportunity / threat because they simply don't know how to respond or what to do. I think many large companies, particularly in financial services, will get a rude awakening as new entrants destroy their business models.
The gold price turn is just a leading indicator of the coming upheaval.

Real world inflation is finally setting in!
Click the banner below to enter the world of silver

Thank you for sharing :)

Indeed, humanity is expected to face one of the biggest challenges in this respect

Stackin that silver... waiting for that run again that we had in 2011 🙌🏼🙌🏼