Gold, it is no longer a secret

in #gold8 years ago

Here are some questions I have for big banks and central banks:

  1. Why did JPM increase their commodity futures positions by $4 trillion in a single reporting cycle (March 2015)?

  2. If gold is merely a barbaric relic (note Keynes didn’t call gold itself a “barbaric relic.” He applied that term to the gold standard), or merely a modern day Pet Rock, or merely tradition rather than money (per Ben Bernanke), why did the new Basel III capital rules effective January 1st, 2015, make gold a Tier 1 regulatory capital asset with apparent supreme collateral status above foreign currencies?

  3. Why are Pet Rocks co-mingled with the multi-trillion dollar FX futures contracts for the first time in ten years on regulatory reports given the Bank of England maintains a separate reporting category for gold? Meanwhile, is it not discerning that gold has its own line item in England while not in the United States while both the US Regulators and Bank of England are under the same Basel Accord?

  4. Based on US regulatory reports, Pet Rocks are now a currency, or at least classified on the same line as foreign exchange transactions. Given need for transparency, why are Pet Rocks considered currency on par with foreign exchange transactions? I.e.RCR (m2b)- of the Call Report. Likewise, why is gold leased out reported on the same line item as gold on hand on Treasury and Fed financials, even if the Fed is merely a custodian? Accountants that classify cash and accounts receivable on the same line item risk being prosecuted, but apparently, carve out rules apply for certain private banks and government?

  5. Where in the Fed charter does it say destroying price discovery in the equity markets is a valid process for maintaining financial stability?

  6. Why did the Swiss Central Bank buy a $4 million equity stake in Apple in a six month period? Is this the new monetary policy?

  7. How can DollarTree and Wal-Mart on Main Street be downgraded while the banking industry has the largest profits on record?

  8. Are robo trades with algorithms rational for fair price discovery? If we replace the markets and workforce with robots….who buys the stuff robots make?

  9. Why can bullion banks dump large amounts of uncovered shorts in the gold futures market without any concern for position limits? Furthermore, why can bullion banks dump naked shorts when there is no delivery in a cash market? How can price in precious metals continually go down while demand increases building up to the the drop? Excessive demand drives prices to new lows. As one analyst writes, the best times to short gold is during:

· Political crises.

· Economic crises.

· All government data releases.

· Technical breakouts.· 1% rallies.

· Bullish gold news.

· Monetary easing.

· Terrorist events.

· War breaking out.

Why is this so? Are the markets rigged and why?

The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, as I, ask the following questions, 10 thru 13:

  1. Are Central Banks in the gold and commodity markets surreptitiously or not?

  2. If central banks are in the gold and commodity markets surreptitiously, is it just for fun – for example, to see which central bank’s trading desk can make the most money by cheating the most investors — or is it for policy purposes?

  3. If central banks are in the gold and commodity markets for policy purposes, are these the traditional purposes of defeating a potentially competitive world reserve currency and concealing inflation, or have these purposes expanded?

  4. If central banks, creators of infinite money, are surreptitiously trading a market, how can it be considered a market at all, and how can any country or the world ever enjoy a market economy again?

Our world is changing at unrepresented speed, yet where is the compass that is specified in the US Constitution? Where is inherent value? Bitcoin’s windfall as a competing currency is deemed perfectly legal (and maybe it should be), yet asking central bankers about gold and silver (which takes earned labor to derive), apparently is not?


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