5 Golden Words We Must Say To Our Parents

in #golden7 years ago

We always try to teach the golden words to our children. The golden words of being polite: Thank you, Sorry, May I, Please, Excuse me. The golden words which bring a smile on every face. Have we ever said them to our parents? There must be many times when we were unreasonable with them throughout our growing up years which we never really think about. Now when we have become parents ourselves we realise how right their advises were. Before it gets too late we must say these golden words to our parents which we keep teaching our children. Here are those five golden words which before teaching our children we must say to our parents before it is too late.

  1. Thank you

Thank you mom and dad for raising me to the best of your abilities. You guys have done a great job for now I know how difficult it is to raise a child. Thank you for all the sacrifices you made for me ‘cause I know how difficult it is to make one now. I can't thank you enough for being so very patient and so very loving with me for now I know how it irks when a child throws a tantrum. Thank you for always bringing me the gifts for which I never thanked you then.

  1. Sorry

I am really sorry for not being a perfect child to you. I want to say sorry for those times when you brought food for me in a plate and I told you to wait as I was talking to a friend of mine. I really am sorry for all those moments when I made comparisons with my sister for now I know how difficult it is to create a balance and accept and appreciate individual differences in children. I want to say sorry for all those moments and occasions when I gave importance to other people in my life and made you stand back in the crowd when you should have been standing there by my side.

  1. May I

I know that you will always say no but I want to say, “ May I be the one to take care of you in your old age and sit by your side when you are unwell? May I give you a hand when feel tired and allow you to take rest? May I wake up for you at night the way you woke up for me when I used to be sick or when I had an exam the next day?”

  1. Please

Please be my side like this always. Please tolerate my being unreasonable with you which I know I sometimes am. Please always be my rock solid support the way you have always been. Please never get old for I would not be able to do so much for you as you have done for me. Please be my parent in every birth I may have. Please help me in being a parent as good as you have always been to me.

  1. Excuse me

Excuse me for my ignorance for maturity came to me only when I faced the world on my own. Excuse me for my impatience for patience came to me after being a parent to my kids. Excuse me for all those times when I interrupted you while having a conversation with your friends. Excuse me for all those days when I rashly entered the room and interrupted you while sleeping. Excuse me for being unmindful and disturbing you in your prayers.

There must be a thousand words and a thousand other things which are there in our hearts, a thousand words of gratitude for our wonderful parents which we never said to them. Before teaching our kids we must say it to our parents before it's too late.img-20161123-5835348dab80d.png